February 10, 2009

Love letter for a valentine, tutorial and a giveaway all in one!

Are you guys ready for a little Valentines Day crafty tutorial?  Would you like to make a cute little love letter for your loved one?  Right, let's begin, you will need...,

a square of felt or felted wool (mine is from a felted sweater), 16 x 16 cm
a square of fabric in a print of your choice, 18 x 18 cm
a square of bondaweb, 18 x 18 cm
extra bit of fabric for making a stamp and decorating the love letter
one snap fastener
a button
embroidery thread
pins, sewing needle, scissors
steam iron
sewing machine (optional!)
piece of card, 10 x 7 cm

Print out the above template so that it is 11cm across where marked, cut out and pin to the felt and trim to match.  Sew a running stitch along the marked 'fold' lines.  This will be removed later as it is just a guide for the lettering position.

Place a small stamp shaped piece of fabric in the top right hand corner of the envelope front and stitch.  I've done this using my sewing machine, only because I feel guilty I've not used it much since I bought it, but you can easily do this by hand.  I also added an embroidered postmark for extra cuteness!

(edit - you can do free machine embroidery on pretty much any sewing machine, all you need to do is drop the feed-dog and use a darning foot, it's just like drawing with thread!)

Next, embroider a name and address.  It is obvious who mine is for, I couldn't do anything suspicious, he reads my blog!  Once the address is complete, you can pull out the running stitch marker.

The next stage is to add the bondaweb, place your envelope on top of the sticky side of the bondaweb, turn both over, so the paper side is facing up and press with the steam iron.  Trim away the excess bondaweb and then peel off the backing paper.  Turn the envelope over again, face down, place the fabric right side up on top, and again, press with the steam iron to fix the two together.

Trim away the excess fabric, fold the envelope as indicated on the template, and once again, press with the steam iron.

To assemble the envelope, stitch a running stitch around all of the edges making sure to stitch through both layers where it overlaps, adding the button,

and snap fastener as you go.

Now you are ready to make something to go inside.  All I've done is given the card a torn edge, and stuck on a fabric heart.  I'll write the message later, ...it's private!

And voila, it's done!.  Don't forget to pinch it back after Valentines Day, you can use the envelope again next year!

Now it's time for a little Valentine giveaway, but this one is with a difference.

I would like you to nominate someone, be it family, friend, person in need or just because!

Leave a comment saying who you would like a cotton reel pincushion to go to and why.  I will choose a winner on Valentine's day itself.  They won't get this for the 14th, but if they are reachable by email, I will send a message to tell them of their gift and who has won it for them.

(ps, if you do make one of these love letters, please do join the Lucykate Crafts... pattern pieces group on Flickr and post what you've made so I can see, thank you!)

Edited to add - the giveaway is now closed, thank you.


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She Draws said...

I would like to nominate my sister Katie, because she is great with textiles and should be encouraged to do much much more with it! (I'm the drawer and she the sewer). She is just 16 and I wish that she would be encouraged to make nice things with her talent. I think a nice pin cushion would get the ball rolling. xx

Anonymous said...

I don't sew, but now I've gotta learn! I *have* to make this for my fiance.
He's in the army overseas and I think he'd really like this, it's so adorable! Sometimes love letters need a little extra pizazz and cuteness. :D

Sam Gillespie said...

Beautiful Love letter! Your machine embroidery has come out lovely. :)

Valentine giveaway - I'd like to nominate pennydog/kerry, because she's put so much effort into the crafteroo Comic Relief shop and she deserves a treat.

Unknown said...

VERY cute, what a great idea!

I have to second incywincy and nominate Kerry. I think she's had a fair bit to deal with lately, hasn't she?, and the girl never stops working!

ps - I also think you need to come and visit and help me grasp that bloody free motion foot!

saraeden said...

Ooooh i may have to make himself one of those cute love letters !!

I would like to nominate my very good friend Vanessa from just original for the giveaway ! Just because she is such a good friend to me !!

Sara x

Cassie said...

I would like to nominate my littlest adopted sister, Dani Lyn, because she is newly venturing into the world of sewing and I love her oh so much...

Jingle said...

I would love to nominate my friend, Harley! She would LOVE to put this in her craft room and she is such a sweet soul she deserves it! This is her adorable blog:

French Knots said...

What an amazing Love Letter! I think I'll make one, but with hand enbroidery as I can't make my machine do fancy freemotion writing!
Thanks for sharing the tutorial.

annemarie said...

I would love to nominate my daughter-in-law, Nicole. She is just learning to sew and I think this would really inspire her to keep going and not give up!! a.haun@sbcglobal.net

Carrie P. said...

I would like to nominate my mom to receive one of those little spools because she is the one who got me into quilting and I love it.

Harley Dee said...

I would like to nominate my good friend Jing because she is super creative, and I know she would love to have this in her craft room! :)


Anonymous said...

great tutorial as always. this one i especially like.
i wonder what he's making you?

Doda said...

I would like to nominate my childhood friend, Helen. We are back in touch after many years, and I have discovered that she is a true creative. I am sure she would just love this reel. She sews quite a bit.

Locket Pocket said...

Ooooh that's a lovely idea and not just for valentines day!

As for the lovely giveaway I have to nominate Moogsmum because she is such a fab friend and I'm very lucky to have met her through good old blogland!

Lucy x

Laura said...

You are so creative - what a beautiful love letter!

Natalie said...

I would like to nominate my BFF Carla who moved on her own to Houston this past October to make a better life for herself. She is brave and crafty and so much fun. I miss her presence daily. She is the type of gal to appreciate a fine pincushion everyday and to know that someone was thinking about her.

Rachel@oneprettything.com said...

That is SO adorable! Really something that will be treasured for years, I just love this! Thanks so much for sharing, I'll be linking.

x vInTaGe VioLeT x said...

that is a great idea - love the colours on the envelope too.

to win the spool pincushion giveawy i'd like to nominate AnnieB as it is her birthday today :0)

Gina said...

Thank you for such a lovely tutorial - might have to try that one!
Could I nominate Dottycookie to win your pincushion because she has become a real friend as well as a bloggy friend!

willywagtail said...

I would like to nominate the bushfire appeal at handmadehelpsout.blogspot.com where donated goods are sold to raise money for those who have lost homes, communities and even loved ones and friends. What a show of love that would be. Cherrie

Nicole McNeil said...

How fun! I adore the envelope. I wish I was your Valentine! My mom would love the pincushion. She just changed around a large closet to be her sewing room and I think it'd be a fun "room-warming" gift for her! Plus, she's not going to be getting any gifts from any other valentines this year so it'd make her day.

Christy said...

I would like to nominate my friend Cathy! She is my sweetest, craftiest friend!

Anonymous said...

I'd like to nominate my boyfriend. We're getting engaged in a couple of weeks (waiting for the ring to come in!), though we can't get married for a few more years (long story). I'd like for the giveaway to go to his house, as a little reminder that I'll eventually be moving into his house with him.

That Girl Ang said...

Too cute! simply Adorable.

Sherry Goodloe of http://gotart4u.blogspot.com/ because she is so friendly, creative, informative & very giving!


greetingarts said...

What a fabulous love letter, felt and stitches, what could possibly be better? What a lucky Mister.

Would you consider putting the wonderful pincushion up for auction to benefit the people who have suffered because of the Australian fires? I live in Southern California, and that sort of thing happens here almost every year. The devastation is just so far reaching. And this way there would be no winners or losers, just goodness all around.

Sara said...

I would like to nominate my mother. She is an incredible mother and quilter. She taught me how to sew when I was old enough to hold a needle and she has happily kept me in used sewing machines each time she upgrades to a new one. She is also undertaking the making of two quilts before May. One for a gift for my upcoming wedding and one as a gift for my brother's high school graduation. She deserves the pin cushion so she has somewhere to keep her pins while doing all of that quilting.

Nesa said...

I would love to nominate my boyfriend as he is always complaining about my pincushion. It would be great as a gift to him since he sew me a shopping bag with my imperfect design with Ikea curtain fabric :)

Jessica Rodarte said...

The envelope is darling. I so want to make one... but I'm intimidated! You make it look easy, but I know it's not! lol.
I nominate my friend Kerri. She is a crafty lady, and has been sewing for a little while now. I know this pretty pincushion will motivate her to keep crafting it up with the sewing machine. :D

tam said...

Darling Valentine-thanks for the instructions! And what a cool give away! And look at all the wonderful people getting nominated!

Alejandra said...

Oh, I want to nominate my mom! She's the seamstress of the whole family, whenever they want to "enchiquiteser"(small-ize! :-p ) something, she's the one to go to... She performs miracles, really! She would sooooo love it! Her pincushion is a boring old tomato she bought somewhere ages ago, she needs something pretty and useful to look at when she's working...

Serena said...

I would like to nominate my friend Mary. She's learned to sew in the past two years and is so good at it. She's so generous, too--always making gifts for others!

Dolci Fusa said...

Lovely idea.
Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for this brilliant tutorial, it's so sweet! Whenever I come over here I always wish that I enjoyed sewing more!

I'd love to enter your giveaway and would like to nominate my big Sis to win. Just cos I love her!


Anonymous said...

It's adorable! Fantastic idea!

sara said...

I would like my Mom to win. She has spent her whole life knitting toys for tombolas to raise money for many good causes including scouts,schools,Childline and may others. She now lives in Portugal and sits in the sunshine knitting for the local orphanage and for the tombola to raise funds for the local fire brigade as they receive no government funding. I know I am biased but she is a superstar.
Lovely valentines letter.

Lindsey said...

Love the envelope Amy. May have to squeeze one in before Friday :O)

I would like to nominate my lovely mum for a pincushion. I think she's the one that gave me the stitching bug when I was younger. BUT she had one terrible habit - we were ALWAYS finding pins and needle in the arms of chairs. Painful when, unsuspectingly, you sit on the arm of a chair!!
A pincushion would go down really well and save lots more punctured bottoms!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the tutorial!

I would like to nominate my mother-in-law. it's her 65th birthday this weekend and she loves sewing - mainly quilting! And always buys my pretty pieces of fabric for my own sewing when we go and visit.

Just Original said...

Love the turorial, I now need more than ever to get myself a Free motion foot thingy!

It seems like Sara form All about Eden got in there before me. I would like to nominate Sara as she is at last getting herself a little craft room sorted and this would be a great addition!

Vanessa x

Anonymous said...

Questo lavoro è davvero molto bello ne ho fatto un post sul mio blog.

Anonymous said...

What a lovely idea.
I'd like to nominate my mom. My dad passed away recently after an 8month battle with pancreatic cancer, and she nursed him until the end.
She now has to face life alone after 56 years of marriage.

ittybittyandpretty said...

wowzer that is toot sweet!! clever mama. one day when i feel clever enough i might just try it. i would like to nominate a lovely lady by the name of gail. i only know her through my husband and at christmas she hand made for each of my girls a teddy, a bed doll and she gave me a crocheted penguin. she had even offered to teach me how to crochet. she doesnt have a blog but i could give her email if i win. thanks for the lovely giveaway.

Anonymous said...

I'm not asking to be nominated since I actually don't know many people who would like it. But I had to comment because it's a fantastic idea. And great job overall! It's so cute, I just want to grab it and take it :D And love the pincushion too! <3 way too adorable.

tracylee said...

That is very sweet!

I nominate my mom - she is the one who has inspired me with sewing and being creative and has just ventured into her own creative business making quilting patterns and children's fabric toys. Thanks for the opportunity to win the cute pincushion for someone special!

Suzanne said...

I love the letter and LOOOVE the spool pincushion too. I'd like to nominate my friend Holly because she just made a huge life change and is starting her own crafting biz. Some cute little inspiration would do her good right now. PLus, it was her birthday yesterday and I forgot!

Unknown said...

These are adorable! I wish I had time before Vday to make one.

I want to nominate my coworker, Sara. She's just got into making stuffies but works too much and so hasn't had much time. I think the pincushion would really inspire her in her new crafting!

sarah k. said...

I love the letter! What a fantastic idea, and so well executed. I was going to nominate my mother in law for the spool, but then I read the above comments and especially liked the one about the charity that sells handmade stuff to help people get back on their feet, so I second their nomination.

Anja said...

I love the letter!!! Sooo cute.
And spool pincushion is so special.
I would like to nominate my husband. No, he doesn't sew, nor do any kind of fabric craft. But he does take the kids out so I can sew. He is really supportive and he loves everything I made even when I don't.

Vickie E said...

I am so happy to find your blog. Your work is fabulous...just adorable. I wish I could make that cute of stuffed toys and pincushions!! Um for the giveaway...I would like my dear friend Carol to have it...because she's a lover of all things crafy and quilting...she would cherish it.

♥ Nia said...

So so soooooooooo lovely =)
I don't have an embroidery machine but i'll try make something similiar ;)
Thank you for the ideia!!! :)

Karen from Sew Many Ways... said...

I would love to nominate my very best blogging friend Jodi at Simply This That and The Other. She did a feature of your blog on hers today. She features people all the time, especially when they are having a giveaway. She does this out of the goodness of her heart to spread the bloggy love!!. The thing is, she NEVER enters the give aways of all the blogs she features...so there's never a chance for her to win anything. She is so deserving of this, so I hope you pick her.
Thanks so much for the chance,

Rita Silva said...

Big idea, congratulations!
Beautiful blog.
Rita SIlva/São Paulo-Brazil

Mindy and Lola said...

I love it... and the letter idea!
I would give it to my sister... shes going thru some stuff and i think that it may make her happy to receive it. it really if cute!
thank you,

Carrie ~ Cricketwood Prims said...

I Love your valentine envelope tutorial/idea. Thank you for the inspiration.
I would like to nominate my DIL Krista, she gives of herself all day to her triplet sons and my son. She is a blessing.

Doris said...

My mother, she taught me to sew and craft, just as her mother taught her. She has been without her Valentine (my Dad) for eleven years now, and she lost her mother just two months ago.

This would make her day!


My Mom, Elaine

Thimbleanna said...

Soooo Cute! I'd have to nominate Jodi from This That and the Other 'cause she sent me over here!

Needled Mom said...

How adorable! I love the Valentine's envelope and may have to give that a try this week.

I nominate my mom who has always loved to sew, is my inspiration and was my sewing teacher. Since she became a paraplegic 13 years ago she has rigged up her sewing machine to use her elbow to run her foot pedal and, thus is still able to sew.

monda-loves said...

I wasn't really going to bother with valentines this year, but I just love your envelope so maybe I should make one for my man (I'll send you pictures if I manage it in time).

There are very many people I could nominate for your giveaway, but I'd like to nominate Emma Lamb as she has been a lovely bloggy friend to me of late and it would be a very nice way to repay her kindness and nice friendly nature.


Sheri said...

Jodi at Simply This That and The Other is my nomination. She is the best and gives much help when I need it.

Little Lady Patchwork said...

Thanks for sharing with us! I think that I am going to make one for my DH.

Love your work!

Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

I would like to nominate my Mom for the cotton reel pincushion. She is dealing with and adjusting to a daily decline in my Dad's memory. She is so patient with him and has a lot of stress. I think she is a saint. I hope I can learn from her.

Jenny Hansen said...

I'd like to nominate my mother. She is always the caretaker, never does or asks for anything for herself. She's been taking care of my sick step-father, and I am trying to help her find outlets to release some stress. I think this would be the perfect way to get her going on new projects. A mother/daughter sewing project is in our future!

Anonymous said...

My mother-in-law would adore this pin cushion. She's an amazing seamstress/quilter. I've only made one quilt and helped me every step of the way. I don't think I'll every have her patience or precision, but I'm inspired to try.

Anonymous said...

What a lovely little love letter!

I'd like to nominate my great-aunt Emilia. She's taught me so many wonderful handicrafts over the years, beginning with sewing clothes for my dolls as a little girl. At age 88, she's not slowed down much. Right now, she's crocheting matching doilies to make into a ring pillow for my upcoming wedding. I think a little spool-shaped pincushion would be a sweet token of appreciation for her.

Thanks so much, Amy! :o)

Tacha said...

I would like to nominate Celestina Carmen because without her I would never have ventured into screen printing. She is thinking about starting her first quilt and this would be a great incentive to get going.

Great idea by the way. :)

joanna wilde said...

So darling! I would like to nominate my mother for the giveaway. She taught me how to sew!
I think she would really enjoy it. (Because I sure would!) ;-)
Happy Valentine's Day!!!

joanna wilde said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
V and Co. said...

oh i love your stuff! and would love to be entered in you give away

V and Co. said...

oh jeez i was suppose to nominate someone other than myself to win...okay jodi from this that and the other cause that's how i found you!

PonyBoy Press said...

So sweet! I want to nominate my mother who is an amazing crafter and has been quilting like crazy lately.

Anonymous said...

I would give this to my sister-in-law...she keeps wanting to start to sew...this is too cute and would give her good reason!

Unknown said...

I'd like to nominate my friend Kim. I think she'd love this for a VDay surprise! :)

the monkeys' mama said...

I nominate my twin sister, Ashley. We were born on the 10th of February so always had Valentine's Day themed parties. She just started crafting and the pin cushion would be so perfect for her!

Happy VDay!

Anonymous said...

The love letter is adorable, I will have to try and make one for my lovely husband. We've only been married a few months so it would be a memorable if I could make it!

I would nominate my mum who isn't very well at the moment. She inspired my love of craft and she deserves a treat.

Carli said...

I wish this for my sister Toni. She is a pattern designer of Make it Perfect, a very cool Australian company. She sews all day long! She is busy running this with three young kids and she won't be with her husband for Valentines Day this year :(

Why? Because she sent him 1000 miles away to be with me in Sydney. I have a flower shop and we will deliver roses to 400 customers this weekend and Toni knew how much I needed help so she sent her Jaron to deliver and serve in my flower shop.

Isn't that what you call love??

Carli said...

I wish this for my sister Toni. She is a pattern designer of Make it Perfect, a very cool Australian company. She sews all day long! She is busy running this with three young kids and she won't be with her husband for Valentines Day this year :(

Why? Because she sent him 1000 miles away to be with me in Sydney. I have a flower shop and we will deliver roses to 400 customers this weekend and Toni knew how much I needed help so she sent her Jaron to deliver and serve in my flower shop.

Isn't that what you call love??

Anonymous said...

This is so adorable! Thanks for sharing!

Joyful Weddings and Events said...

So cute!

I would like to nominate my mom because she badly needs a new pincushion! Hers is from the early 70's and it pretty terrible :) She is a great seamstress and hems all of my pants and sews whatever I scheme up in my head. It would be a great little thank you gift!

Lisa Boyer said...

Oooooh! It's so pretty! I would like to nominate Sharon of Red Geranium Cottage for a few reasons: 1. She's a great motivator for her weight loss group and she's lost weight this week! 2. She'll think it's adorable 3. She made me a cute little red purse last year and so far, I'm stuck as to what to give her in return! She makes so many things for other people--I would love for her to have something hand made and original like this. Thanks for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

This is the cutest giveaway I have ever entered.
I absolutely winning/giving.
I want to nominate the most inspiring and most giving woman I know... my Mom. This treat would just make her day and I would score some huge brownie points.
She always helps me with anything I need help in. And at this exact moment it just happens to be my birthday celebration. She has made all the decorations and has put up with all my insane requests. She is the best. :D

Regena@QuiltnQuiltthings said...

You have some fun cute things. Love the kitty and the spool pin cushion.
I would like to nominate Sheri at http://thisoldbatt.blogspot.com
She just had a B-day and I think it would be fun for her to get one.

carlygarza said...

Love this blog!
the felt letter idea is genius.

I'd like to nominate my mom, who has been crafting for as long as I can remember. We recently played a live acoustic show together as a mother-daugher duo, and this was our first time on stage together ever! She was so proud that night and I can't wait to make her proud again.


Beth said...

What a cute idea for a VDay gift for your sweetie!

For the giveaway, I would nominate my aunt. She is a constant inspiration to me. chickenfoot dot typepad

Pat said...

I would like to nominate my friend Debbie. She has been through so much in the last year. She is very deserving of something nice to happen to her for a change. What a great idea!! Thanks.


Pamela said...

i want to nominate my friend ella, she just had a baby, in her late 30's and jsut needs some major love. her blog is www.ellastudio.blogspot.com say it is from pamela thanks

Núria said...

Pretty blog and lovely tutorial!!, are a great source of inspiration. I also finish to open my store http://a-ma-shop.blogspot.com/, you do not doubt in visiting me to say to me “Hi”.
Greetings from Spain.

Anonymous said...

hi! lovely, lovely, lovely! what a gorgeous valentine- and so different.
I'd like to nominate my sister-in-law Lindy, she lives in Sydney, Australia and spent the christmas here with us in the uk. We discovered we have a mutual love of fabric and buttons and all things crafty and have both pledged to make more handmade stuff. Don't know when we'll get together again but we do email and phone eachother for updates. I'd like her to have it as a little reminder to make time for herself and her sewing machine and also as a reminder of her UK family who miss her x x x

Sujomi said...

I'd like to nominate my sister, Cathy. I was the youngest in our family until she was born, 9 years after me. I must admit, the green eyed jealous monster rose his head quite a few times during my teen years. But now, she is my best friend. During my mom's 3 year fight with cancer and her passing 4 years ago, we have become to rely on each other for comfort and support. We are each other's best sounding board, cheerleader and babysitter! I'd really like to have this small token of my love for her. Thanks for the opportunity!

Sujomi said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Holly S said...

I'd love to nominate my daughter, Christina who is a freshman away at college...I miss her terribly and would love to send her this ultra adorable pin cushion-I sent her to school with a mini sewing kit and a little lame-0 pin cushion that came in the kit...I know this would be fantastic for her and look ultra-adorable in her dorm room on her desk!
Thanks for the giveaway and the fabulous tutorial! Off to make an envelope for a special love letter for my darling husband...and maybe one to send to Christina at school!

Anna/Augusti_73 said...

I just found your lovely blog through Bling on my sewing machine.
This pin cushion is adorable and I'd very much love to give it to my bff Malin. She had a baby girl 4 months ago and now she wants to start sewing baby clothes for her -I know she'd love to have this pin cushion while sewing!

Happy Valentine's Day!

P.S. LOVE the envelope too!!

Anonymous said...

Hi....well I'd like to nominate my friend Colette....she's a new friend which is rather exciting. She's enormously creative and lovely....she needs a confidence boost and I know she reads your blog.
I'd love to be picked so that she gets this....she does a lot of sewing/crochet/crafty stuff and would LOVE this!

Nicki said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I would like to nominate my friend, Kristin, who just began a blog and who loves to sew.

Brin said...

What a wonderful giveaway! Thanks for the opportunity to enter.

I'd like to nominate my incredible friend Lisa. When I was recently laid off my job, Lisa called and offered her spare room until I could find another job and get back on my feet. Did I mention I my big chocolate lab came, too? :) I don't know where I'd be without her kindness! We've had a blast watching movies and learning new things together... Lisa's learning to sew and knit, adding to the list of all her other talents, and I'm thrilled to see her enter the crafting world!

I'm sure you'll have dozens of worthy recipients, but please add Lisa to your consideration list. She's just one of those people whose kindness makes this world a better place...

My best!

libertythreads said...

I would like to nominate my dear quilty friend, Vickie E. She collects pincushions just like I do!

Anonymous said...

I would like to nominate my friend Eva. She has been making precious pincushions for everyone else and I would like for her to have one for herself.
Nikki Gould

Sarah Doyle said...

I would like to nominate my daughter, Denise. She has 3 year old quadruplets and a 4 1/2 year old "big brother" to the quads (5 under the age of 4 1/2). She LOVES to sew and make patterns, and I'm amazed that she has any time at all to sew while taking care of those little ones! She would love to have this special pincushion.

Sarah J Doyle
http://SewingBusiness.com Blog

Anonymous said...

Oh what a pretty envelope you've made, husband is sorted for this year, but I know a not so little girl who'd love to receive something similar, if only I could get over my fear on lowering those feed dogs!!

Christy said...

Just found your very creative blog from Bling in my machine's Rachel. I love the cute postcard. I will enjoying looking at the rest of your blog! Happy Heart Day! christyennis95@aol.com

divadoin's said...

I would like to nominate the blogger known as "cats a rockin". She lives in Australia and is an avid crocheter. She is making face clothes for the burn victims. She has gotten personal items donated to go with them. She also is donating items that she usually sells to the victims. Please consider her for the giveaway.

thebedroomcrafter said...

I found your blog through CraftzineI don't have a sweetheart to give it to but I love this project! Thank you for the tutorial! I can't wait to try it!

Heather said...

I would like to nominate my mom! She taught me how to sew and crochet a couple of years ago. It has opened new doors for me. When I count my blessings, I count her twice!

OKGIRO said...

Hello! I'm from Portugal and I love your blog.
It's so wonderfull. Congratulations!

Mel G said...

I nominate my sister Jessica. She is so busy these days doing things for everyone, I'd love for her to get a beautiful surprise in the mail!

Carm said...

I'd like to nominate my friend Marci because she's all about the sewing lately and I think she'd really enjoy the treat. It's adorable!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your cool ideas - I frequent your site and thank you for sharing.

For the pin cushion, I would like to nominate my kids' wonderful sitter (Chrissy) and her 90 year old grandmother, Dixie. These 2 women effortlessly warm the hearts of my 2 children, along with the others in their care. They are stand out women who work countless hours for kids who don't know well enough to thank them themselves. I really don't know how my life would run smoothly without Chrissy's presence in our lives. Although Chrissy is the primary sitter, her grandmother helps her at least 3 days a week. My 2 year old daughter loves her simply for her old fashioned style of life. She'll rock her if she's sleepy, she'll read her a book if she gets it off the shelf, or she'll give her some of her sweet tea if the look in my daughter's eyes is just right. She is a widow who lives alone and spends all of her free time quilting. She turns out some of the most beautiful work that I've seen. Adding this pin cushion to her sewing area would help to remind her that she is thought of often by people who span all ages. So, here's to 2 of my favorite women in hopes that this reaches them on Valentine's Day.

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Mandy Weaver said...

I would like to nominate my quilt quild, the Greenville Cotton Patch. We are having a retreat in March and this would be a lovely door prize. Thanks, Mandy

Katherine said...

I would love for my Mom to receive the pincushion love you are giving away. She has been pretty overwhelmed with losing both parents & my Dad's Mom in the last 3 years and the realization that my Dad has Alzheimers didn't help. She lives in a different state and, after the decline in home sales, I don't think they are going to be moving closer any time soon, even though that would be the best way for me to help take care of Dad. We have a farm so it is impossible for us to move to her town.(As much as I would like to.)

I think this little extra bit of love and the resulting 'you are not alone there' are just what she needs right now.

Thank you for the opportunity to add some Sun to her day.

jamjar said...

That is such a sweet valentine idea, thank you for shareing.
Joy : )

Anonymous said...

I nominate my awesome wife Anne Molino. She is a hard working mother of two boys (1 and 3), both of whom don't give her any rest. But somehow she finds time to create things such as quite books, blankets, applique'd shirts, and related items for friends and family. She is an awesome mother and an awesome friend who really likes to help other people by using her wonderful talents. You can look at her feats and creations at www.molinofamilys.blogspot.com

ps. I love her to death and want her to know that in my eyes she is irreplaceable.

Karin said...

I would like to nominate my mother, Gunilla. I think a little gift like this cute pincushion might inspire her to do more sewing, because she really is very talented! I'm sure she would love some encouragement :) Thanks for hosting such a great giveaway! /Karin

Anonymous said...

I wish to nominate Ursila. I've been attending sewing classes for a couple of months and she's my teacher. She's very helpful and caring. But she's got health worries and needs something to cheer her up !
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Anonymous said...

I don't know if it's too late to nominate anyone for the giveaway, but I'd love to nominate my friend Julee who discovered this blog and sent me the link. She loves to sew and any fun thing I could win to send her way would be lovely!

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Oh how I wish I had've stopped by here before Valentine's Day I would have loved to make this for my husband ... and my kids too. It would have been perfect to go in the little mailboxes I decorated for them. I've saved it for next year.

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the shoppe owner said...

This is my first visit to your blog, but I am so happy to have found it via an email this morning - I can't wait to look into it more thoroughly.

I most definitely need to nominate my dear friend Colleen.

She is one of the most giving people I have ever met. Of her time. Of her resources. Of her love. Of herself. Even if she might think it, she never has anything harsh to say about anyone, and she has a very positive outlook that is inspiring. She always says things like, "Not to worry" and "We'll figure it out" and "We can make it work" when things are looking bleak.

She used to be super crafty when she was younger. Lots of little felted ornaments and pretty clothing and in more recent years some amazing scrapbooks. Those little felted ornaments have me in awe every year when I get to see them again.

Over the past few years life hasn't been too easy on her. Work and other things have sort of taken over and her craftier side has taken a backseat. Lately she has been commenting about how she'd love to get back into doing those sorts of lovely things. I think winning this precious thimble would be a great nudge in the right direction. And if anybody deserves a nudge in the right direction and to win that pincushion, without a doubt, it is Colleen.

Thank you for the chance to share about someone who has been a bright spot in my life!

the shoppe owner said...

Oops! I just realized that this was a giveaway from LAST YEAR!!! Oh, well! I think that I will share my comment with my friend Colleen. Too often in life we don't share with one another the way that we feel, and that is so sad, isn't it? I love your blog!

ClassiclyAmber said...

Ah! If only my machine could do embroidery like that! This is the most adorable thing I've seen all day! <3

Nihal said...

I think I would like to nominate 'myself'. Its fun to enjoy with patchwork as long as my busy work allows me to do. Unfortunately I do not have a hand-made pincushion and I like to have one:)
Btw, your letter is so sweet! Loved your creativity and idea behind the words. Bravissima sei:)

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I would love for my niece to get this sweet little pincushion. She just got bit by the quilting bug and is so excited about sewing.
Thank You

maddy said...
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Tanya Batrak said...
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Tanya Batrak said...

This is so amazing idea!! Love it! I will certainly make something like that next year! 8)

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I'd like to nominate my daughter Christina because she's finally going to learn how to sew!

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What a neat idea for this giveaway. I would like to nominate my best friend and sister by choice, Capi. A better friend in this world does not exist and even though she lives far away from me we are always close in spirit.

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