...and I know I should be enjoying it, but I do feel like I'm fighting a loosing battle here. A battle against these words.
"I'm bored!"
I am enjoying the freedom, the time with the kids (when they're not bickering), not having to be up and out of the house at a certain time. But I browse other blogs, and as well as feeling inspired, I also do feel an air of inadequacy. Why aren't my children happy skipping through fields, chasing butterflies and picking the odd wild flower? Part of the reason why, isn't down to them though, it's because, here in the UK, a) the weather is rubbish, we've had rain most days for the last few weeks and there's only so many times that getting wet is fun, and b) for health and safety issues, you're not allowed in the field for fear of someone tripping, hurting themselves and suing either the local farmer or the council!
We've done stuff, cinema, swimming, visited friends, playdates, made
playdoh, and other crafty activities, and yet, they still say they're bored. I've come to the conclusion, that although I'm exhausted attempting to keep them entertained, the thing they are happiest doing, is whining! My only hope is that, rather than being inadequate, we're actually, dare I even say it...,
In a weekend bid for some happy children, we did set to a crafty playdate. I was contacted by a UK
craft supplier a week or so ago and asked if I would like some craft items to have a go with and review. While I don't normally go in for advertising on my blog, summer holidays, children and the offer of free supplies was too good to turn down! So, armed with a pack of
plain tote bags, fabric
paint and
pens, and also some
spinning tops, I went into battle with the boredom.
The girls eagerly decorated t-shirts and bags, Lucy's very happy with hers and the paint dried pretty quickly too.
(Design wise, we've gone through the High School Musical phase and have now entered Hannah Montana zone) 
While the boys tinkered around with the spinning tops. These were great fun actually, very effective. Cheap too, and there's 12 in each pack.
(Alternative uses for spinning tops!)
I think I may have won. Slightly. OK, just a little!
The war rages on, next round is paper mache, what fun!