Ideas of things to make for girls come to me very easily, things for boys however, is something I tend to get stumped on!. I have this fabric with the cars and trucks on, some other fabrics which sit well alongside it, and also, the cute little transport buttons which are all ideal to make something for Luke with, but what?!
What should I make?, any ideas??, my mind has gone blank!
I love those buttons. The trains are brilliant. The only thing I can think of is a pencil case,or a bag or maybe a room tidy of some sort.
What about a car? Te wheels could be modifications of the top of a toadstool or part of your vintage cotton reels.
Lovely boyish things there
How much is there ? Enough for a throwover for the end of his bed, cushions maybe ?
What about a wall hanging with pockets to put toys or other things in?
Good luck with it :)
I like silverpebble's idea :)
Those are gorgeous fabrics. How about a messenger bag or a book bag for library visits?
Monster has some knight fabric that I am having a similar dilemma with so I'll be watching eagerly to see what you come up with!!
I also struggle with things for boys. I did see some cute plush diggers somewhere on etsy a while ago - you could try something like that.
Good luck with it - will be interesting to see what you came up with.
Here is one I am looking at trying out, but maybe not right for cars and trucks. I am searching for boy stuff too!
Well, I know you make beautiful dolls, etc.. but at the moment I can only think about back to school so I would make a backpack with them all!!! Hope it helps!
Pencil case?
Cushions for his bed? Using the buttons to close the openings?
I have two boys and also wonder what sort of things I could make for them. I like the wallhanging pocket idea, but also cushions or blankets would go down well too I think.
Such wonderful fabrics - I always struggle with boys things too (despite having four of them!)
What about a wall hanging? You could make it with lots of
pockets and little nooks and crannies for the never-ending amount of "treasures" little boys collect. You could even make a growth chart on one side!
I am currently making this notebook pencil holder for my nephew. http://oneredrobin.com/2006/11/30/how-to-make-a-notebook-pencil-holder/
I hope it inspires you. I can't wait to see what you come up with as it seems we all have the same trouble with boys and fabric
Depending on how old your son is, my first thought was a hanging growth chart. You could use the buttons for markers.
Rachel from NZ
Boys are tough! My first and third are girls, and it's just so easy to whip up a cute skirt, a little pink doll quilt...boys are a challenge. I'll be checking back to see the rest of the comments!
p.s. For more boy ideas, I was planning to designate September 'BoyCraft month' on my blog, if only so I can come up with some good ideas to keep my boy crafty!
What about an "I spy bag". You could use the buttons as little "spy" items and the fabric for the bag itself. If you don't know what an "I spy bag" is, just google for it.
Boys are tricky! I like the idea of a pencil case or backpack.
By the way, I've given you an award over on my blog! Stop by and check it out! :)
Cool fabric! How old is he? Doesn't little boys like dolls and teddy bears and such too? Though that fabric should become a treasure bag for marbles or toys for sure! Or shorts!? :-)
Have fun!
What lovely fabrics. I have trouble makeing boy presents aswell. It depends on the age of the boy. They tent to like something that has a purpose though, I think that fabric speaks for its self, so I would cover a toy box type thing with it. Very simple I know, but in a young boy it would get used alot.
oh that fabric is way too cute to make anything with...can't you just keep it to look at?
What about these?
(Scroll down to space boy and robot near the bottom)
or a tool belt/toy belt?
How about taking a plain dry erase/magnetic board and decorating the edges with the fabric and making a wall hanging with pouches for dry erase markers, eraser, and fun magnets. You can even make those buttons into magnets. He can draw his own race track.
Hi,,how about real small drawstring bags for the boys to hold their little trucks and toys and marbles in.....Maybe a bug or two??????????? lol
The first thing that popped into my head was how boys like to collect stuff and they never have enough pockets for all their stuff...rocks, cars, tid bits that we would call trash but they claim are their treasured collection pieces. I had an idea a while back that it would been neat to create a pocketed piece that can have a flap that tucks under their bed mattress. You could actually make several and it could serve as a makeshift bed skirt, but just think of all the junk they could organize in there. I guess you could put buttons at the top so things wouldn't fall out when they took the whole section with them for mobile collecting. You know what it would kind of look like? Sort of like those remote/magazine/tissue organizers that they make for adults on the side of their bed.
Oh my OH my...a call for boys things... it drives me mad that there is NOTHING out there for boys... my boys love the stuff I make them, marble bags, lego mats, stuffed toys in the shape of cars and planes... the planes fly from their ceiling painted blue with white fluffly clouds... craft bags with pockets in for writing and drawing stuff and of course a pocket for a car.. should I go on...and on...and on????
Boys are EASY!!! You just need to think differently...
Elsie Marley makes fab digger softies to inspire you, a backpack is always handy, especially when filled with softie tools (hammer, screw driver, spanner), a playmat/quilt is useful (Ginge has an I-spy and loves it), Hillary/Wee Wonderfuls made an amazing quilt using that wee play or look and learn fabric, but quilted a road into it. It's on her flickr page, robots are always a hit (with Ginge anyway). Or a massive big sqauishy floor cushion for him to sit on and watch the telly, with pockets in (secret ones) so he can hide things in it (like mouldy apple cores and the like), a fabric covered notice board for him to stick his pics on, aprons (with handy pockets in - with those aforementioned tools) I could probably go on for hours.....but I'll shut up now. ;)
I just posted a tutorial on how to make a fabric dollhouse on my blog, and one of the commenters said that it would make a good garage for toy cars. I thought that would be perfect for my son. I'm always making things, especially clothes, for his sister, so I'm glad to finally have something to make for him.
How cute! I'm sorry that I don't know how old Luke is. How about a carpenter apron or tool belt (apron)? Even an artist smock, if he likes to finger paint etc.
I'm excited to see what you end up making!
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