I think it's time to round up the toadstool swap. Here is just a small selection of the lovely things that were made...

(can you spot the tiny mouse?!)
I wish I could show more, but it's taken forever and a day just to build that mosaic, you can see more in the Flickr toadstool swap group pool. If you are still to receive your swap toadstool, you are in good company, mine hasn't arrived yet either, but I did get this in the post...

(look at that amazing stitching, it's so neat)
It's from Louise at Prairie Mouse, and it's beautiful!
Thank you for all the lovely comments for the cotton reels, I won't be posting a tutorial for those just yet, I have other plans for them. But don't worry, there will be plenty more tutorials coming up, I'm certain, one day, there is a craft book inside me just bursting to come out!
Well, I'm going to take a couple of days off, it's my birthday tomorrow and I will be...
a 38 year old, shopping, eating take away and in denial that I'm one step closer to the big 4 0!
Happy birthday for tomorrow! I am really enjoying reading your blog -but would encourage you not to worry about getting nearer 40.I moved to the East Midlands just after MY 40th birthday, and the 13 years I have been here have been among the happiest and most creative of my life! love and blessings
- Angela
they all look so beautiful - I'm still sad I missed out on the swap! I nominated you for a little bloggie award - I hope you don't mind ;-) I hope you have a wonderful birthday too! Cupcakes perhaps?
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Hope you have a lovely day :)
All the toadstools look great - Really love the house/mouse ones ;D
It was a brilliant swap. Thanks LK.
Happy Birthday. The mushrooms all look terrific and the stitching is just amazing!
I am so sad I missed this swap, but so happy I have found your blog!
Well happy birthday soul sister....i turn the fabulour 40 tomorrow ....I am a little dissappointed that you won't be sharing a tutorial on the cotton reels, but i do hope you reveal something special with them...and hope that that book bursts forth soon....i think it would be great.
HOPE you celebrate the day tomorrow in style i know i will be.
Happy birthday! Here another big fan of your blog. Love it!
Have a Happy Birthday!
Looking forward to the book....:)
love all the toadstools - happy birthday, hope you have a wondeful day
lisa x
Thanks for hosting this swap! it has been great fun! And I received the most lovely toadstool and that framed garden girl..how sweet is that!? I couldn't be more happier! Thanks again! I'll be making more toadstools!
I love the leaves on the top of Prairie Mouse's toadstool - so pretty.
Hope you have a fantastic birthday, and here's to another year of wonderful blogging. Take care. x
Hope you have a very VERY happy birthday! You certainly deserve it! By the way, the mushrooms are adorable! Twyla
I hope you are having a lovely (birth)day, and that you get spoilt with a take away and pressies :o)
I loved this swap and the photos of the other toadstolls are gorgeous! Sorry to say I gave up trying to get mine onto flickr as it wasn't playing nice!
Happy Birthday and just rejoice in the fact that you're still the right side of 40!!
oh i missed your birthday - sorry.
happy belated birthday !!!!
pleased to see you did get a toadstool for yourself, it's gorgeous too.
wow - i'm so proud to see my toadstools on your flicker mosaic!
i'm sure there will be queue's at the book-shop when you publish a craft book.
I spotted the little mouse lol to cute outstanding toadstools so cute! Love the fish too awesome!
hugs ginger
Wow! Those turned so cute. Now I'm off to check out the rest in the pool.
Gosh, I'm late to this as usual. But couldn't not leave a comment. The toadstools are lovely. Some very nice designs. Well done everyone.
Steve :-)
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