I'm sure I'm not alone in feeling a state of panic coming over me. School finishes on Tuesday for the summer, 6 weeks of attempting to keep everyone happy, entertained, and fed on a very tight budget, what fun! So, what better way to start the summer fun, than with a giveaway!
Come September, things are going to change for me. Luke is starting pre-school, which will give me 3 whole days a week to work, and chance to begin putting all my plans for this little business into action. Every move forward means leaving some things behind, this is a philosophy I often apply to my work. I'm an ideas person, hence all the tutorials popping up, and after posting a while back about me not being a sketch book person, I actually realised I use my blog kind of like a sketch book, a place to note things down, try things out, some I use again, some I will go back to in the future, and some I wish I'd never posted!.
So, moving on from some of my older work, leaves space for the new to flourish, and means I'm going to give away my tutorial toadstool...

leave a comment by midnight, Sunday 20th July (tell me your tips for a tantrum free summer!), and I'll do the draw for a winner on Monday morning. This is also a way to say thank you, I've had so many visitors and inspirational comments left recently, I'm struggling to find the time to visit everyones blogs to comment back, and keep sewing!. I might have to throw in a few left over birthday chocolates too, I'm starting to feel ill, I think I've eaten too many!
I'm going to have to leave this running for a couple more days, we have had a bit of a disaster this weekend, involving our kitchen floor, damp, what looks like could be a leaking pipe and worst of all, ants nests, so it's all hands on deck in the Lucykate household!
Is there such a thing as a tantrum free holiday? Make sidewalk chalk (as you would call it) and if you have a big enough drive way, let them draw car lanes, and parking lots, shops, whatever... and then let them ride around it for HOURS. Make sure you have a 'drivethrough' for refreshments on a very hot day. And even a car wash (garden sprinkler) to cool them down. My lot also had fun with making a track out of wooden fence poles, with complicated interchanges and tunnels... just pick it all up before dad gets home and drives over it!
Whoops! You would not call it sidewalk chalk at all! Sorry, pavement chalk...Must switch myself back to English mode...
Hmmmmm a tantrum free summer? Not sure if such a thing exists (not watching my little cousins anyway!) I know the local council near me is doing tons of activities over the summer for little ones so it might be worth checking your own council's website out.... I remember when I was little I used to love crafty activities (still do!) and they could keep me quiet for hours!
Indeed Help! How will I manage to go trought those 6 weeks without too much tv, yelling and sweets??? I'm starting to pack a little 'holiday' bag for each boy with some new toys...hope that will keep them busy for the first days..uhh did I say days? I ment hours of course!!
I love the toadstool! I am so glad to find your blog! I have started posting things to do in the summer on my blog for a couple of ideas. One of my best was an accident. Our thrift store had a bunch of puzzles and board games for super cheap. I pull out a new one every now and then. I am thinking of letting them make puppets next week...
Tantrum free! Wow...that is a tough one. Library time works well for us, but then our little one LOVES books more than any of her toys. Projects work for me too. Cutting, pasting, painting, sidewalk chalk has been mentioned, but you could also make sidewalk paint! Totally made my 3 yr old happy for at least an hour. You could bake together. One ongoing project of ours is finding the alphabet in nature.... You know find the letter "B" in the leaves of a flower, or the letter "J" out of a twig. Take a picture and see if you can collect them all! We are still working ont his, but hope to one day have them all. Hope you find a solution to your summer!
well, i don't have any kids but i would do theme days... little things like having picnic lunches outside or breakfast for dinner makes it way less monotonous. and stuff to stay cool :)
Argh, I am 3 weeks into a 7 week holiday with four children around my feet ... it's not pretty! My best tip - get out every day, even if it's just to walk to the corner shop or post a letter. Don't plan to do any crafting during the day (then if you do get the chance it's a nice surprise!). And make use of your local library - they often do crafting events and reading schemes (this year it's Team Read).
Thanks for offering your toadstool!
It's a long time since I've had to entertain little ones during the holidays but as much stuff outside as you can! Impromptu picnics - even in the garden, were always popular and washing up plastic kitchenwear (again better outside) or dolls clothes were favourites too. Hope you have a lovely summer.
I think the best thing to do is keeps kids super busy especially with crafty projects and outside activities.
Let the kids pick 2 or 3 things to do each week and keep them involved in activities. Have a happy summer!
Oh I wish I had a tip for avoiding tantrums - one thing I CAN tell you - don't hide - they ALWAYS find you.
Awww, don't worry. I'm sure you'll do just fine with the kiddies! I have faith in you!
Happy belated birthday, by the way!!! I hope it was a great one!
I wish I could give you some tips on a tantrum free holiday but since I have no children, my only tip would probably be followed by a visit from social services!! Thanks for doing the giveaway!
Well, firstly thanks for the tutorial, I've made several and am pretty chuffed with results- pebble weight was a great tip.
As for the summer I'm allways up for park, picnics and the beach but as we are in the rather unpredictable uk clime back up rainy day activities are a must. My faves are: simple puppets- glove, finger etc use up some craft scraps and then there's the play that follows, baking- nice to plan a bake for friends or relatives then you can make the box/bag for them too and of course the ultimate for little ones is transforming a corner of the house into a den- a couple of sheets and a clothes airer and you're away!
I am sure you're all going to hate me but I just love summer with my monkeys. We've got quite a few things planned (I find that makes it a lot easier), we'll be going to various museum, parks, do lots of crafting and baking and I find making theme days an easy way to fill a day. Choose a French, Chinese or Mexican day, eat a local dish, dress up, make funny hats, find appropriate books, it can be fun and educational. On a hot day just put some brushes and a bowl of water outside, mine can 'paint' for hours and when an area is dry they'll start again. Indoor picnics are great on a rainy day and did I mention the cinema? Create your own at home for an easy, lazy day. Make your own popcorn, close the curtains, have little bottles with juice ready and have an ice cream break as they do on the continent. Success and peace assured! Good luck with the sewing, I'm in the same boat... Petra
I t is a long time since I had to entertain my children for the holidays,I thought Fi`s chalk idea was brilliant,I remember picnics hours fossiling up the hill and painting in the garden with feet & hands & bottoms.It went by so quickly, so enjoy.
Love your mushroom tutorial, thanks! I would say, just keeping busy.... time will go by so fast!
Being a SAHM, I am all about a tight budget. Over here a bunch of us did a 'summer carnival' post on our blogs. It sort of geared us up for summer. Plus we got to steal ideas from one another. Most were posted in late May or early June.
I put a long table up in my sewing room and made it into a craft table for my daughter (curly girl), we cleared an area for board games and puzzles, we had no tv days where we read listened to music, etc. we had chalk drawings and water balloons outside. we had water wars with hoses and water guns.
for a treat, we did ice cream once a week on Friday and we went to the library once a week on Tuesday.
We ran errands on Thursday.
We are in a club like the YMCA and went swimming because it was cheap and once a week we stayed late. When my kids were REALLY little, they had swim lessons...well worth the cost. We went to a free museum exhibit and went to the local farmer's markets. WHEW!
School starts back up in 3 weeks and my kids have had a BLAST all summer. We did spend some money on summer golf lessons for our son and summer art lessons for our daughter. I also worked with her on sewing....check out her blog...curly girls arts...on my site! OK...there you have my SUCCESSFUL SUMMER!
oops....I forgot....I also cut up tons of good snack foods so the kids could help themselves easily. And we had cooking day once a week!
Hmmm my baby is 20 years old!
I do have my 4 year old grand daughter here and she seems pretty happy playin in the swimming pool and sand pile!
Plus tea parties and a trip to the park helped pass the time and keep us from getting bored!
Love the mushroom!
Tantrum free? Oh, my!
It helps break up our day when we make lunchtime into funtime. The kids help prepare it then we: eat on the living room floor (indoor picnic), read new library books at the table, play at a park then picnic in the car, take our lunch to a playground and dine on the play structure of our choice.
Oh! We also do odd/even walks. At each intersection we hold up fingers ... if the number is odd we go left, even we go right. It's a great way to get non-whiny walks.
I am planning to do some of the brilliant craft activites from The Crafty Crow with my two and also to keep some wine in the fridge for when they have gone to bed!
We'll have our Summer Funm Jar again like we did last year which is handy for those ' I'm bored' moments which usually mean they can't think what to do. The jar is full of slips of paper with suggestions on - go to the park, feed the ducks, make a peg doll etc etc.
I'm sure the summer hols would be more fun if only it would stop raining.....!
I love give away's and esspecially yours!
And well today the holiday started here in The Netherlands, and I am so glad!
I love it, to have the children around me...
Well for us this is the first proper year that school holidays will effect us as M has spent the last year having everyday at preschool. So her being at home for 6 weeks solid should be interesting.
But because I'm new to all this my only tip (and I'm not sure if its a tip as such) is to make a plan of inside activites.
This is what I will be doing. It may involve lots of googling but I think it will be worth it as I reckon the weather is going to be RUBBISH!
Happy birthday too!
I would second the chalk - mine play outside for hours with it! Also if it's not raining (hahahahahaha) then you can 'paint' with water. It's fab and it dries quickly in the sun so they have an endless supply of painting surfaces
I sat down with my daughter as soon as school was out and we made a schedule. (little kids love schedules.) Different things on different days, like going to the library or doing a yoga video. Now if I say it's time to do something she will always ask, "is it on the schedule?" It seems to be working.
Oh yeah one of the times on there is free play and that actually works too because it's on the schedule!
Oh yes, we also plan a picnic for Fridays and in the afternoons when the little one takes a nap I try to do something special with my 5 year old. Paint nails, bake, glitter paint, observational drawing, something we wouldn't be able to do with the baby.
A nice new sprinkler, lots of art projects, swimming & karate and cook outs every night. So far, only one tantrum and that was on vacation! Of course, I don't have any time for projects, but it has been fun so far!
I wish I can help you out with a tantrum free summer, but I don't have kids. Sorry, I'm no help there. I love your blog and all of your tutorial that you post. Thanks! Your work wonderful and beautiful.
belated happy birthday - hope you had a fabulous day!
Our summers are usually far from tantrum free! Previously my mind has drawn a blank when faced with two bored and argumentative tiddlers.
I'm changing tack this year and we have drawn up some ideas lists to make sure we can always think of something to do even on the rainiest or most cash strapped days.
I'll report back on how it goes!
I think the tip to a tantrum free summer is variety - trip to the park, the library, indoor picnic (if the weather is rubbish), crafting afternoon, exploring afternoon (go to a nearby village), treasure hunt (works indoors or out) - also have a couple of treats in the house that you can bring out if you need some time to yourself (a small toy or sticker book for example)
Have a good summer!
Natalie x
P.S - please enter me in your giveaway!
My tips for summer are- Lots of crafty items- painting, sticking, gluing etc.
Make a big batch of playdough, using dofferent colours and smells and add glitter!! Goes down a storm! We have picnics in the garden if sunny or on the living room floor if wet!
Get a paddling pool and fill it with water and let them free with tubs, cups, boats, anything!
Have fun!!
my tips for you are excercise, a walk to the park each day, a reward chart for doing holiday chores, cooking, especially baking,Make dough ornaments, 2 cups of plain (all purpose) flour, 1 cup salt, 1 cup water, food colouring. mix together till it forms a dough, roll out and cut out shapes (cookie cutters) and bakes for two hours in a low heat oven. let them cool down, paint them and a little varnish. endless possibilties!
The time will fly, you'll see!
I'm wondering if there is such a thing as a tantrum free "week", let alone a "summer". My daughter has 2 1/2 year old quads and an almost 4 older brother, so having a day or week without squabbles would almost be like being on vacation. When the "babies" are at our house we have 2 little plastic pools in the back yard that they dearly love to play in. They're SOOO much easier to handle outside - which also wears them out so they sleep much better for a little "quiet" baby time. Anybody up for a chuckle can read her blog at http://MultipleMayhem.com. After reading a few of her posts, you can settle back and say "wow! my day wasn't really so bad after all!"
Good luck on getting your work done over the summer.
waw your mushroom is sooo adorbable!
great blog :)
hope to hear from you,
take care,
Monika ♥
well, i just had to comment as I think it was meant to be...my name is Lucy, my mum is called Kate, my sister is Amy and my son is Luke!!!! Tips for a stress free summer...mine like to make stuff..I am sure you already tdo that but we have themes sometimes as well. Last year was knights and pirates and then just twist everything around that. Pirate cooking (shiver me timber sausages!), knight adventures to the park to rescue the maiden, knight training at the swimming pool, a BBQ pirate fest. they like to make costumes, particularly weapons.
Hope you have a good summer
Def can't offer any advice how to stop the tantrums but a G&T anytime after 11 in the morn always help take the edge off them!!!
trail the internet for free events happening locally, take picnics to local parks and places of interest pack a footy and a bat and ball and orgainise rounders etc.
allow a pound budget and go thrift shopping my cousin really enjoys this as he gets a new toy or video every week
also as every body is supposed to recycle now use up some old cardboard and plastic by building things using blue peters website and other cbbc websites for insiration
on a nother note my lo who is nearly two likes baking mess plus choclate and eating = happy little girl
phew, made it just in time!!!!
um...tantrum free summer? Go on holiday and leave the kids at home with grandparents mhah ha hahahahahahahahahahahaha (evil cackle)
I just love your post, will try it during my holidays. Too I have planning for a vacation trip.
oh no about the damp and ants and floor...hope you get it sorted soon :D
This is my first visit to your blog! I love it! My favorite way to keep my three children busy in the Summer is a slip-n-slide. They will play for hours outside sliding away! And just to mix things up every now and then I squirt it with some dish soap and make it really slippery!
Ohhh, I hope I'm not too late for the mushroom entry -- I love your work!
My bambino is only 6 mths so no tantrum summers as yet... But my thoughts would be to get to a big fridge box and make it into a boat -- nothing too elaborate: maybe get Luke to decorate it with paint? Then maybe make some eye patches or some accessories on another day. Then do up a secret treasure map and spend time hunting for the treasure. Maybe on another day you can be the "baddie" and have heaps of fun trying to steal each others loot...
hmmm, am beginning to think that there will be no such thing as a tantrum free summer... :)
Hope you have a great summer and I hope you find the leaky pipe and the ants nests!! *eek*
All the best,
Missed your giveaway...boo hoo....how I love your little toadstools, they remind me of the lamps you get when your little, I would lie and look at mine and imagine I was a little fairy playing under it...Anyway tips for stress free summers...MMMMMMM thats a heard one!!!I think for me the problems start if I allow the telly on or allow computer time, once they have had some they just want it all the time...easier to not have any and let them play, yer the house is a mess and toys are everywhere...but we have no blobed out tants caused by the artificial enviroment the computer games cause...if in doubt stick them in the garden with a spade...but only if your not precious about your plants!!!!
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