As crafting has been a bit thin on the ground for the last couple of weeks, I decided for this post I would talk about other bloggers for a change. In addition to the links in my sidebar, I also have over 100 blogs on Bloglines, a list which seems to grow daily. There are so many colourful, inspiring, creative blogs out there, I love seeing them all, but there are 3 in particular which are favourites of mine, here's who and why.
Molly Chicken. Needs no introduction, I love Lyn's work, the characterisation her soft toys have, and the little background stories that accompany them. I also like the honesty that shines through in Lyn's amusing and witty posts, I often laugh out loud when reading her blog.
Prairie Mouse. Now, I can't remember how I came across this blog, but I'm so glad I did. The quality of Louise's stitching is amazing (and I should know, I've seen it in the
flesh!) All her creations have the sweetest faces, since I already have one of her dolls, my next plan is to get one of the adorable rabbits for my daughter.
Last, but not least,
Dottie Angel. Tif's words will not only make you laugh, you will belly laugh! She adds such humour into each post, it is well worth reading all the archives if you haven't already. Then, there is all her embroidered slips and other goodies to marvel at too.
So, there you go, 3 fabulous blogs in a little nutshell. Leave a comment and tell me your favourites. To finish off, Bella the cat has defied all odds and made it to her destination despite the postal strikes. Here she is in her new home, with the original Bella.

See, they even have a matching single black spot on one of their front paws!.