...he's for life!, and this little guy could be YOURS!. He doesn't have a name yet, he (or she, as some bloggers have pointed out!), needs a new owner to choose one for him. You have until midnight (gmt) on Friday 23rd November to leave a comment and then I will get one of my little helpers to draw a name out of a hat. So, ready, steady, ...go!
...I'm really in love with this last lovely owl...simply beautiful, I'd be so proud to have him here with me...!!! :o***
Oh he is gorgeous! I have really enjoyed seeing all the owls popping up lately! I think he should be called Henry - don't know why, but it sounds such an earnest, intelligent, owl kind of name! Lucy x
Hi! I just ran across your blog and I have to comment. Your little felt animals are too cute. Love them! I'm adding you to my blogroll, I'll be back...I promise.
I think he should be called 'raspberr'. Seems to suit him. Dior
Oops 'raspberry'!
whoooo, i love him, i just asked my daughter what she would call hinm and she said pinky pinky doo.
Sarah x
ps do you sell these?
I love your owls! So pretty!
I've got a blog where people looks for information about crafts.
Do you think it was posible to post some or your works and your link??
(that's our favourite owl name in this house - being the little owl in "Owl Babies" who wants his mummy)
OOOh, we'd love to have him!!!
He's a wee darling ;0) Raspberry is a good name Dior, or how about cranberry since it's coming up to Christmas?
Shirley x
Thanks for comment! Ok, you guessed it!!! I had to take the kitchen picture today =
and very judiciously edited it to exclude the grot! It is a bit bigger
in real life! Lucy x
Your owl is ADORABLE! Love him!!
He's a lovely owl.
I only found your blog a few days ago but I've been reading old post and I'm loving the stuff you make.
Georrrrrrrrgeous !
Fab colours, very festive.
My five sweeties think he is actually a she. They would take very good care of her! Beautiful work.
Lady Strix is te suggestion of my husband, he of the Latin degree... I love the mix of fabrics, patterns and colors! And, of course, the hand sewing rocks :-)
i can't pass up leaving a comment....to have a chance to win something of yours, that would be awesome!!!
I like "cranberry" it suits him!!..he is adorable...would look darling with my new shoes with owls on it..lol
He is very cute and I think he should be called Hootie !
i think i'm in love with that owl!
Oh he is gorgeous!
I think the name Hoot is a good one ;-)
He's gorgeous! Grace has an obsession with owls and we went to a Barn Owl Centre for her birthday. She flew 3 owls - Paddy, Froggy and Merlin, so one of those names would be what he'd get in our house!
Cathy X
What a cutie! I think she looks like an Esmerelda.
He's lovely, that christmas fabric is GORGEOUS!
Love your owls, dolls, cats, dogs... you name it. Thanks for the chance to win one and take him home!
OMGosh! How cute! I'm so excited... I love giveways :)
Wow what adorable creatures you make! The owl is just so full of personality and my daughter and I think Florence is a nice name for her.
Thanks for dropping by my blog - you're on my bloglines as well - I just love your work!
ah ah ah i am in love. i am in such an owl groove at the moment and he hits the spot x
Oh my goodness I LOVE him! Please include me, I would call him Ollie Owl after my own little Ollie!
Too Cute! I would name him - Adorable the Owl. My son is flipping over him. Great work.
I think he is just the cutest and would join a very large family of owls here I have in my collection - all shapes, sizes, some furry and some china. When I looked at him, I thought he looked like a Hugo!
You have such a great style. I love all your work.
I love your work. Very cute. How about "Owl Be Home For Christmas", Owlbie for short.
i just found your blog and am enjoying it. love the owl!
Hoot Hoot! I love your owl, I really think Harold is a fitting name for an owl.. I think Harold on Neighbours looks a bit owlish myself...
I love your Jess too, so cute with the little snuggly pillow, very very gorgeous!
The thought of a chance to win one of your masterpieces has just gotten me so excited!! I think he looks like a "Hubert" or a "Percival" Another to die for critter that makes me wish I had time to sew!!! Maybe next week - I hope!!!
Ho! So cute! & Precious, promise i'll love him for life if he comes & lives with us :) Blessings!
He's absolutely gorgeous! Just found your blog (via Dotty Cookie) and it's amazing! I love all the fabrics you use and can't get over how neat your stitching is :) If I was lucky enough to win this little owl he'd be well-travelled (I have to spend this year living abroad) and could make friends with my crocheted birds.
Keep up the good work x
He is so cute I had to leave a comment!
He needs to live with me.
Thank you for stopping by at Gigibird.
I hadn't considered a fabric swap but now I am! so thank you.
Owl is a real cutie. Love her chunky shape.
Ooh ooh, please include me in your draw - what a hoot!!
you are a hoot! He is too cute!
Mr. P. Green
As in the Owl and the Pussycat went to sea on a beautiful pea green boat!
I'd call this little one 'Robyn'
I know its an owl (and not a robin) but i love the name robyn and of course it could be a boy or a girl owl with this name.
I have an owl box in my garden, so he will have a good home!
Please enter me in to win!
I love this owl, he's so cute!
She is adorable. I would name her Holly!
He is just too cute! You just want to give him a big squeeze
I love him! Such cuteness...make more!!! :o)
He's great! I found your picture on Flickr and stopped by to say hi :)
This little owl is so stinking cute!!! My 3 1/2 year old daughter loves owls and would flip over this one. She spent the today doing owl calls. That's a lot of hooting! So Hoot would probably be a good name for him.
What beautiful fabric...thank you for the inspiration!
Hi, thanks for leaving a comment in my blog. First thing I see when I come and visit is this cute owl - I loooove owls! :-)
I think that she should be called Angelica. She's a bit like her sister Agnes, but also a bit more showy. I think the pretty longer name fits her well.
I stopped by because I found you on ravelry (I said Hi there too!) and I think your crafts are just so cute.
what a cutie!
I found your blog through another blog...love the owls! So cute! thanks for sharing.
lisa quick
What a handsome little owl!
Hi: I saw the picture on Flickr and I just love him...he is sooo cute, good work!!!
He's so demure, I love owls, I hope I'm the lucky one!
Cute! I saw your owl on "feeling stitchy."
Can you believe the hoopla this little owl has created! I saw him on flickr through someone else's blog and had to track him down. He just may be the next "pound puppy!" You do very cool little projects. I will visit often!
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