December 17, 2016

Carrots and sprouts are not just for Christmas...!

I have a couple of new free patterns, but have decided to go about putting these online in a slightly different way.  I have been an absent blogger this year, a few reasons, work, real life and health have had other plans.  More on that another time, but for now, better late than never, but as the title says, carrots and sprouts are not just for Christmas!

If you fancy squeezing in making some new Christmas tree ornaments in between online shopping and wrapping presents, these are very quick and easy and will look rather cute on the tree (and also hanging in the kitchen till next Christmas!)

The free PDF patterns for these are available via a website called Craftsy.  The reason I've uploaded them this way is to conduct a little market research, as I can access information as to how many times each pattern has been downloaded. 

The Carrot is available here, you will have to register or sign in to Craftsy, to gain full access but both patterns are totally free to download.

The Brussel Sprouts are available here.

As with all my sewing and craft patterns, these are small projects that only need a small amount of materials, everything I used for my Carrots was up-cycled.

I've not used Craftsy before, so this is a bit of an experiment, any problems with the downloads, leave a comment or email, and I'll help all I can.


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