I bought a copy of this book last weekend, and I love it. It's a collection of official Second World War advice leaflets with instructions on darning, patching, letting out clothes so they last just that bit longer and even how to cook and use the gas more economically. Little did I know that these skills were going to be called upon so soon. Lucy had a bit of a mishap in her bedroom which resulted in her duvet cover sporting a hole. So rather than a trip to Ikea for a replacement (as much as I would love a trip to Ikea), out came the fabrics and thread...,

and voila, a patch. I think she's a bit disappointed that there's only one, and is threatening to make more holes.
I've hidden the scissors!
What a great idea. I love that things can last a little bit longer with a little love.
Love the patch. Good move in hiding the scissors! Is the subtle embroidery in the centre, part of the fabric or did you add that too? It looks quite special.
My thinking was with Lucy's, I think. From "this is way better than Ikea" to ... did she only make one flower? :)
Bye, Kitty
Lovely! If it were mine I'd like more too.
what a fab idea and great patch. we have a few duvet covers that the cats have had a fight or two with that could use a patch or two :)
i have a sneaking suspicion ther will be more holes appearing!
I've had a similar idea for the whole in the knee of my daughter's jeans. I just have to make sure it is hard wearing though, otherwise the patch will end up holey too!
The idea of patching a pair of knickers is somehow taking things a little far don't you think ...
Very, very beautiful !! (mon anglais est très limité)
Nice work! The only problem is that it is not mine:)))
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