Thank you all for humoring me with my soppy previous post!, the exhibition opening went well, as did his speech. As a way of saying thank you, I spent yesterday evening working on a new tutorial, and here it is..., a wrist watch pin cushion!.
To make one, you will need...,
2 circles, measuring 8cm across of coloured felt (I've used a felted jumper)
1 circle, measuring 5.5cm of cream felt
1 strip of fabric, 3cm wide and long enough to wrap round your wrist with a 3cm overlap
1 strip of felt, same size as fabric strip
selection of small buttons
embroidery thread (I've used pearl cotton 8)
small amount of stuffing
1 snap fastener
pins, sewing needle, scissors, sewing machine (optional)

First, take the strips of fabric and felt, place them wrong sides together, pin and stitch all the way round the edge in blanket stitch.

Take one of the circles of coloured felt, and cut two, 3cm long slits. Thread the strap through, making sure the felt circle is right side up, and the strap has the fabric side facing down. Secure the strap in place with a few stitches. Put this to one side while you work on the watch face.

Next, embroider the watch face numbers, either by hand, or you can do this by free machining on a sewing machine. If you are a bit unsure how to do machine embroidery, I have a video tutorial posted on You Tube which explains how to do it! It will help, to get the spacing right, to do the 12, 3, 6 and 9 first, then fill in the gaps with the other numbers.

Now, going back to the strap piece and holding it fabric side up, take the other circle of coloured felt, and place this, right side up, on top of the first felt circle. Stitch blanket stitch all round the edge to join the two together, stop when you just have 5 cm left to sew, and stuff the watch face via this gap. Once you are happy with the shape, continue sewing to close. Attach the watch face with a few random straight stitches (I always prefer to do this part after it has been stuffed so I can get the positioning right, as stuffing it quite often changes the shape). Add a winder to the right hand side, I did this by attaching two small buttons, one on top of the other. Sew on another button centrally on the watch face, and embroider on the clock hands.
I made mine to say, 8 o'clock, my favorite time. If it's 8am and we're still in bed, it means we've had a lie in, and 8pm, is when the kids are tucked up in bed, and I start sewing!

Test the strap round your wrist, and mark with a pin whereabouts the snap fastener needs to go. Sew on the fastener, then add a button on the outside of the strap, although this is purely for decoration.

and there you go!. It looks big on me, but I have ridiculously tiny wrists. Just adjust the sizes of the circles if you want to make yours smaller.
As always, if you make one, I love to see your creations, please join the 'Lucykate Crafts... pattern pieces' group on Flickr and post your work there!
Happy stitching!
it is very original! i like very much!
I love your new pin cushion, so creative! thank you for sharing.
I really like this! Such a good idea. I have large wrists so I would be ok I think ;)
Cool idea,i love it!
OH WOW! I am pincushion crazy right now! I can't wait to make one! THANK YOU for sharing! How precious!
So funny!!
that is a cool idea - great tutorial - i may well give this a try as i have a huge blanket i felted & dyed and still only made one little thing from it!
Thanks for the gorgeous tutorial - I love it. I'm going to add it to my growing list of things to do when I have the time!
This is adorable. Thanks for posting it.
That's a wonderful idea!
I'll make one for my husband, he is connecting watches.
Thanks for sharing-that is so neat:)
I like this very much; I don't wear a watch but I could set the time on this one to my best one and live in the moment!
that is gorgeous. thanks for the tute!
that is gorgeous. thanks for the tute!
That is the cutest thing ever!
This is a really sweet idea, I'll have to try it! Thanks Laura
Oh fabulous!! I love it :)
Wow! This is fantastic, I love it! I'll be linking.
I hope you don't mind but I have put up your tutorial on Cuteable tonight :)
Nice , thank you !
Gr. Ingrid.
This is really cute! Great tutorial. This is something I would really use myself and it would also make a great gift for any sewing enthusiast
This is awesome --- and also perfect for a child's "watch" -- My grandchildren LOVE their new watches. Thanks so much for the tutorial! Also, I'm gonna be putting it on our blog. SUPER idea you had!!!
Sarah J Doyle blog
"Time will Tell" when I will make this adorable pin cushion!
That is so sweet!!
This is probably the cutest pin cushion I've ever seen!! What a treat to find it today.
That is the cutest thing I have ever seem. and what a great idea!
Absolutely ! So sweet.
Loved the pin cushion so very clever.
Thank you for sharing it with all of us,
I love it, how original.
It will make a great idea for gift giving.
c'est chouette !!!!!!!!!!!!
Too cute!! So fun.
Wonderful, beautiful idea! :)
This is such a cute idea. Thank you for the great tutorial! I made one last night and it was fun and only took a few hours.
The watch pin cushion is such a kewl idea!! You are sew crafty and enjoy your site very much, spend alot of time there.
Linda J
Va Bch VA
very nice idea))
Amy, you are just toooooooooo cute! Thanks for sharing another awesome tutorial :)
Great ! I have to make one quick !
Thanks for sharing!
Muito fofo seu blog,amei.
Edil Pontes
Hola Lucy:
Siguiendo tu tutorial he hecho el reloj, con variaciones pero con tu idea. Me gustaría ponerlo en mi blog con un enlace al tuyo, si me das permiso.
Espero tu respuesta.
Besos desde Madrid, España,
Ana del Badulake.
Quelle belle idée ! merci pour le tuto ! dès que je l'aurai réalisée je t'enverrai une photo. Tout ton blog est génial et tes créations sont superbes !
Beautiful !
Muriel(France, Vosges)
Dear Lucykate,
Thank you very much for your amazing and gorgeous tutorial!!!
Best Regards
Oh man,if it wasn't for people like you!Thank you sooooooo much for this GORGEOUS and AWESOME tutorial!and also for making me aware of the freestyle button on my machine!!!Wahoooo!I am freestyling like a madwoman and laughing out loud while doing it!!
Dear Kate you are a true jem!I am so happy to have found your lovely blog!many warm dutch thank you hugs!Dees
Olá Lucy,
Adorei o alfineteiro relógio muito original.
Obrigado pelo tutorial.
Vânia G
Olá Lucy
Adorei o teu blog!!!
Este alfineteiro está fantástico,obrigada pela partilhe um destes dias vou experimentar:)
Congratulations I loved this watch, I made a adaptção to apply in a case of watches, but I posted to your group on flikr and also given the credit on my blog. Thanks for sharing kisses Mirian
very lovely idea you have here, why dont you try some innovations to your work? i suggest you try placing a real watch mechanism to your work.. i think it would be a better hit for your fabulous work.
Buy Watch Online
This is adorable! I'm including it in my Friday Favorites this week!
I use a wrist pin cushion for sewing but this one you made is awesome. What a great idea!!! I have also had the opportunity to visit your beautiful country & the people & country won my heart. I visited Manchester & York ":) I don't blog but like to visit sites to get ideas for gifts. Thanks for sharing!!!
Susan of California U.S.A
Ciao Lucy...anch'io ho creato un orologio in feltro.Se passi dal mio blog, mi piacerebbe sapere che ne pensi.Il tuo è originalissimo, simpatico e utile!Brava!Mi sono unita ai tuoi sostenitori con vero piacere!Un saluto " a tutto cuore " Patry
This is great...cant wait to have a go, thank you
Its realy interesting watch. kids like to wear this watches. Now the watches are discovered that is Hijri Calendar Watches. I suggest you to visit it and see how the beautifull watches they are.
This is the cutest pin cushion I've ever seen! So adorable!
Very unique pin cushion! I am so glad I found this, thank you for sharing your tutorial. haberdashery
fantastic i just made 1 for myself now my 3 year old son wants a soft watch great tutorial!
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