If you would like to read the article in full, here is the web site. You would need to register in order to download the latest issue, number 45, but it is a very interesting read, covering latest developments and news in the craft industry and is available online bi-monthly.

Edit to post - I've realised, that if you click on the above page images, they should pop up large enough to read, thus avoiding registering on the Craft Business web site. That makes it easier!
Wow, I didn't know about that magazine. Thanks for the info.
Hey, that's really cool :O)
I love all your creations here too, you are very clever.
Thankyou also for stopping by my blog,
(Tasmania, Australia)
You wrote that, it was about the most interesting article in the who thing. We get at work...but your right too much emphasis on papercraft..and not enough on everything else.
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