Mr LK has returned from Chicago, once through the front door he was brutally pushed aside and his bag ransacked by two small children who had heard a rumour he was in possession of new pairs of crocs. Unfortunately for them, their mother beat them to it, the call of Orla goodies being stronger...!

He was promptly given a hug as the good man had also picked up the latest copy of 'Mothering' magazine, which contains a rather lovely and beautifully written article called 'Crafty Mama's'.

I am doubly pleased to have a copy of this as it also led me to the blog of the writer, The Artful Parent, which is well worth a visit.
In other news, the mobile for the mobile swap is complete and on its way across the pond to it's recipient.

I am embarrassed it is so late, but better late than never.

And finally, after Trashalou's raffle to raise money for the Bushfire Appeal, the winner of Marmalade requested that she be sent off to the Toy Society, who are collecting donations to be passed on to children who lost everything in the fires.

That means Rusty is all alone and in need of a home. So begins the 'find Rusty a home' appeal. By way of apologising for completely forgetting it was my two year blogiversary last week (oops!), who would like to offer this poor, lonely pup a home?

In the meantime, if you are in the UK and a mum, Happy Mother's Day for Sunday!
Very cool stuff! My favorite craft book right now is anything with baby stuff in it since I have a 5 month old. I don't have a specific one though! :)
Oh yes, I do love that bowl. Gorgeous.
My favourite craft book would probably have to be softies because it has a real mix of projects, the instructions are clear and its suitable for different levels of experience.
This wpuld have to be closely followed by a crochet book I have because I am learning to crochet and trying to grasp the lingo!
My favorite book would be Crafting Springtime Gifts by Tone Finnanger. All her books are beautiful and genious but I just can't resist the sheeps and bunnies from that book. I'd love to have your puppy. I'd give it lots of love and hug it tight each night before I go to sleep :) (I'm dying to get a real puppy but my boyfriend doesn't want to have one until we move to a home with a garden (we're renting an appartment right now))
Thanks for the giveaway and your lovely blog,
I'm just learning to sew - so right now I am buying beginning sewing craft books. My favorites have easy to follow instructions and lots of pictures - I don't have a favorite so far. I'd love to give Rusty a home, though! He's adorable!
I'm also a fan of Tone Finnanger's books, such simple projects but easy for the novice or the more experienced sewer. Very adorable dog.
My fave book this week (!) is Ray Slater's Doll Making for Textile Artists. Next week it could be something totally different. :O)
Nice Orla goodies btw. What colour Crocs did the kidlets get?
Shame you couldn't make it yesterday. Maybe will see you at the end of April.
Wonderful mobile, I'm sure the recipient won't mind the wait! Hmmm. My favorite craft book? That's a real tough one, since I have crochet, knit, sewing, quilting, embroidery, softies *and* papercrafts books. But if I had to pick one, I suppose I'd say Stray Sock Sewing, by Daniel, since that book inspired me to make something within an hour of opening its pages.
oh rusty is so cute, he would sure be welcome here (take a peek at my latest post to see who he would be sharing his home with).
i dont have much money to spare so the only mag i get to buy is the HANDMADE mag which is local to australia but is filled with wonderful crafting ideas and interviews with people, some of whom comment on my blog.
Rusty is adorable and I would love to welcome him to my home, if he doesn't mind our cold canadian winters! My favorite craft book these days is Doodle Stitching by Aimee Ray as I am trying to learn the basis of embroidery, but I also enjoy books with easy and fun sewing projects like Stitched in Time by Alicia Paulson.
My favorite book is without doubt Sew Pretty Homestyle" by Tone Finnanger. It's full of inspiring project for home, I just love it!
Thanks for the giveaway and your lovely blog, I always follow your throught feeds.
I am mostly a quilter but I like to try my hand at other fabric related projects. I just got a book in the mail called Fresh Vintage Sewing by Joanna Figueroa.
The puppy dog is so cute and I love the bowl. It reminds of some fabric that designed.
I don't have a fav mag or book. I love to surf the internet for free patterns and ideas. I do a little of this and that, to many hobbies to list. i just finished my first monster / alien.....
I love your mobile. I'm making one right now using the bird pattern in one of my favorite craft books "patchwork + quilted gifts." The cover is beautiful and it's contents simply lovely. Thanks for the chance to win you cute little dog. I love your blog and look at it daily.
Love the doggie! I do love looking at the craft books when I go to a bookstore, but end up not buying many because it is easier to search the internet! Your mobile turned out so nice!
Just waving hi from Chicagoland! Hope your husband enjoyed it. I think he might have caught good warm weather.
Hope you have a wonderful Mother's Day!
My favourite book is a magazine published in Australia called Homespun. It's filled with a variety of projects including, bags, quilts, stitcheries, softies and the occasional cross stitch. I can guarantee each month I'll find something to make!
PS I'm sure your doggie would love to come in Tasmania, Australia!!
I thought I heard Rusty say he would like to come live at my house with my lil Emily Jean! LoL she would love him! I don't have a favorite book at this second but there is one I would like to own Martha Stewarts excyclopedia of crafting! It is so nice and thick-I just know it will be full of some fantastical stuff! Hope you have a wonderful weekend~Smiles~Tam!
Mooi 1
My favourite at the moment is Rowan new childrens book, The knitted pig and chickens are ace.
Rusty is adorable and he looks like he needs a home! I enjoy reading your blog a lot!
During my recent book cull there were some that went in the keep pile without a second thought. I love Kumiko Sudo's books-such lovely pattern andcolour and all the projects I've made have turned out loverly!
Your new treasure loks brill, and I'd love a chance to give a dog a home!
How cute this dog is - my favorite craft book is any craft book!! Every book seems to have something appealing in it - so love them all!1
We'd love for Rusty to come and live with us! :0)
My favorite craft book right now is Warm Fuzzies by Betz White. It's all about soft crafts made with felted sweaters which I'm just getting into. The cupcake pin cushions are adorable! Thanks for the giveaway!
When I was a kid in the 60's, I had this blue craft book that I LOVED! I so badly wish I could remember the name of it because, over the years, I have searched for it at yard sales and flea markets to no avail. It was a thick book filled with awesome craft projects for kids. Whenever I think of that book, I wish that my mom had been one of those "savers." Maybe that's why I STILL have every single book my three daughters loved as children.
My two pugs and my min pin all say that they'd love to chew on, I mean HUG, that pooch. Thanks for the chance to bring him home here to Florida.
Right now my favorite craft book is "Making Fabulous Pincushions" by Jo Packham. I like this book because most of the pincushions are made from felt and I love working with felt. When you stitch on felt it looks so neat and clean and I just love the way the finished product looks.
I'm afraid I have so many craft books it's difficult to choose my most favourite one...but I do love Mandy Shaw's "Quilt Yourself Gorgeous." She has a lovely style of quilting,practical projects as well as just ones you want to make because they look so pretty...I also have quite a few of er the book was a real bargain as it has so many patterns for a meagre price. Just lovely.
Hello there, what a lucky lady you are- that husband of yours is a star! The mobile looks great and as for that wonderful pup i know two little girls who would love to squabble over him!
My favorite craft book is The Apron Book by EllynAnne Geisel. It brings back fond memories of my Mom who always had an apron on when I was growing up. I love aprons now, too. There are so many cute ideas in this book and pictures of retro ones.
love him and all japanese pattern books. don't make me choose a favorite!
My favorite craft book right now is "sew darn cute." I want to do all the projects in that book! thanks for the giveaway!
I don't actually have a favorite craft book, so I'm very interested to see what everyone says. I DO want to get "Weekend Sewing", though.
All time favorite: Bend the rules sewing. It has been my first purchase in the crafty world of books (but not the last one, I'm sure...)
Rusty wants to come to Barcelona! He just told me...
My favorite craft book is Seams to Me by Anna Maria Horner. Lots of great projects and full size patterns. Thanks for the giveaway!
Lovely blog you have here. Great mobile!
My favorite craft book is called "Snips & Snails & Walnut Whales" Nature crafts for children by Phyllis Fiarotta circa 1975. My Mom got it at a thrift shop when I was a kid and it's full of silly and imaginative crafts to make with kids out of all sorts of windfall and such. The great black and white hippie photos are fab too.
He is just toooo cute. My favourite book is Sew Pretty Homestyle - Lots of great inspiration and such prety fabrics.
Reading these comments is dangerous - now I've got even more books on my wish list! My favourite at the moment is "Plush-O-Rama - Curious creatures for immature adults!" I haven't made that many of the projects but it has inspired me to come up with lots of my own crazy creatures.
Love your blog and would love to win Rusty - he's so cute!
The Orla goodies are lovely, wish my husband cam home with gifts like that! My favourite book at the moment has to be Anna Maria Horner's Sew Easy. There is so much help at the beginning of the book, the photography is lovely and having the patterns in an envelope at the back is such a fab idea. Ooops! I almost forgot to say that it is a ring binder type book, so it can be folded over and therefore easier to keep open at the page you want to use. Enough said I think. Dev X
Love the mobile and as for Rusty he's adorable. My favourite craft book at the moment is Alabama stitch book. I love the embroidery, the fabric painting, the beading the reverse applique. It's quite liberated (in a craft sense) and thought provoking. I take it with me to read in the car when collecting the children from school. I also like the sentiments that go with her descriptions. It's quite a personal journey she describes not just a set of how-to's.
Congrats on your blogaversary!!!
Gosh, I woudl LOVE to give this wee fella a home!
My favourite craft so hard to choose... I would say it was Art Journals And Creative Healing by Sharon Soneff. My partner bought me this for Xmas. It has examples from different people's art journals, all shapes and sizes. I love it because each artist has a few pages each so you end up with an anthology of so many different styles. And you read their stories, too, as in a few paragraphs they sum up why they make journals or little books. I don't keep a journal, except for my blog, which I suppose is like one. But I would LOVE to be a journaller. I always stop after a few weeks though. I do love to flick through this book and be inspired by the styles... and one story in particular is so close to one of my own it's spooky!
Aww Rusty is so cute!! Would love to have him live with me!! My fave craft book at the moment is Donna Kato's new polymer clay book on millefiori canes.
love the orlas, and your mobile, and that puppy. My daughter is puppy mad so would love him.
fav craft book...hmmm...good question...I think I have to say "making stuff : an alternative craft book", fingers crossed
fab blog,
Great question, My fav book is my vintage lace knitting book. I love history and it give you the history of the patterns plus you can make something lovely. i just look at the pictures though LOL Zoe
Oh, he is just lovely! I actually have the Trading Spaces Color! book and, while it is not really a 'craft' book, it has been such an inspiration for my crafty projects! Great color combos and pattern ideas, too!
I love Cath Kidston's Make, I go back to it time and again for new ideas and remember the first tote I made using one of her templates of lovely Staney dog!
Congrats on the anniversary! I really enjoy The Creative Family by Amanada Soule. So much to think about and so much to do.
my newest favorite craft book is Sweet Needle Felts by Jenn Docherty. I am being inspired to try this new craft.
ooh, can he come and live with me?
My fave book? Ooh that is a tough one, as it seems every new book i buy is my favourite. My latest fave book (although not a craft book, more and inspiration book) is a childrens book called 'the cow that laid an egg'. It has fantastic illustrations by Russell Ayto.
I love the puppy too!
My favourite books at present are about felt making, and Fabulous Felt by Gillian Harris is an excellent, all round one with great pictures to inspire. But, I have great difficulty resisting most craft books.
I've yet to find my favourite book - it would be one that successfully manages to teach me to crochet!! I still love all books with beads in them of course & am just about to get my hands on some Silver Art Clay. I guess I just can't sit still!
No sure what happened there - It's Whizzz that wrote the above re: crochet - not Anonymous!
Hi, my fav book at the moment is anything by Tone Finnangar. And non crafty fav book is the book my children gave me for mothers day - Rachel Allen's Bake!.
I think my favourite craft book right now is one called Fleece Dogs. It's all patterns on felting different brands of dogs. There's another great book I have right now (that I can't remember the name of) that has lots of other felted animals in it.
Hi. My Fav book is "Pretty little patchwork". Been a fan of your blog for a while. First time blog poster! Kimbo
I'm really enjoying Softies by Therese Laskey. I'm spending many happy hours working my way through the book!
Congratulations on 2 years of blogging! Please keep it up!
My favorite craft book is a beautiful one by Kumiko Sudo. It is so beautifully photographed and the things she makes are so adorable.
I will happily give Rusty a home . I'm not much good to re craft book recommendations , I love them all .
clares craftroom
my favorite craft book is warm fuzzies by betz white!
elkesten at yahoo dot com
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