'Hey, little egg, why so sad?' (notice, it's a stunt egg, not a real one!),
'What's that?, you'd like a little jacket to keep you cosy, well, look no further, how about an owl egg cosy?...'
You will need felt (various colours), patterned fabric, 2 buttons, embroidery thread, pins, needle, paper, pencil and scissors. First, print out the templates below so the owl body is 10cm wide at the bottom.

Using the templates, you will need to cut, 2 body, outer eye, and eye shapes in felt, 1 beak shape also in felt, 1 tummy shape in patterned fabric, and for the wings, cut 1 in felt and 1 in patterned fabric, then flip the template and cut the same again.

Position the tummy fabric on the bottom edge of the front of the owl and applique on using random straight stitches,

place one button in the centre of the smaller felt eye shape, with the outer eye shape underneath. Sew on the button and then fix the eye, again using random straight stitches.

Repeat for the other eye, and then attach the beak between the 2, by firstly folding it in half, then sewing 2 or 3 tacking stitches.

Pin each of the wings together, patterned fabric facing front, felt to the back, and sew around the edge in blanket stitch.

Once both wings are complete, sandwich them, at either side of the body, between the front and back of the egg cosy and join everything together with a running stitch, through both layers, all the way round.

When you get to the bottom edge, stitch the running stitch so it only goes through the top layer which will help to anchor the fabric appliqued tummy.

And there you go, one owl egg cosy!

(Smallprint, as always, please remember any tutorials I offer are for personal use only, and are not to be used commercially, thank you)
If you make something from one of my tutorials please do join the Flickr group, Lucykate Crafts... pattern pieces, to show off your creations.
What a hoot! (sorry bad pun I know). Seriously sweet and thanks for the heads up.
amy this is just gorgeous - you are most prolific at the moment!!!
Oh my goodness! I just found your blog and it is so lovely!!! I love this tutorial! So creative!
Thank you for the tutorial - that is so cute! I've not long found you (just missed out on the toadstool swap) and really love your work. Beautiful!
oh how sweet! I love the quizzical expression on its face.
lovely turtorial for a very cute owl egg cozy. Love the fabric and his little expression.
lovely - great tutorial too - thanks!
Thank you so much for this gorgeous tutorial! I've always loved your owls!!! Lucy x
hahaha!! Stunt egg!! Very good.
So busy Mrs LK are you looking at setting up another swap?... Another fab tutorial. How long before owl egg cosies are 'winging' their way around the country, indeed the world?!
awwww! this is so gorgeous! almost as sweet as lucy's two birds!
oh wow - I love it...and yes, owl egg cosy swap next purlease!!!
Oh this is just too cute. I think this is something for the girls to do during the upcoming school holidays! Adorable!
Lol, this is brilliant!
The kids will absolutely love it and make a boiled egg a more exciting meal!
Thanks for sharing.
One bookmarked tutorial! That's fabulous - thank you so much for sharing it with us. x
what an adorable owl, thanks for sharing the pattern.
So sweet!
oh this is so sweet, thanks for sharing.
So adorable - thanks for sharing!
too cute and THANKS for the tutorial!
Fabulous tutorial Amy - such a cute little owl! I have half a dozen cold eggs that may need an owl cozy all of a sudden......
I love your handsewing ideas - they are a perfect way to fill in any little crafty moments :)
wow, this is lovely, i want to make on right now !! Can someone explain to me how i print the template, i keep getting it to big or to small and im just dying to make one. Thank you!!
Sarah x
What a grat owl and wonderful idea!
Thanks! :)
A really sweet (or can I say tweet?) tutorial ... sorry that joke was awful ;-)
What an adorable Owl! Can you tell me who manufactures the fabric with the toadstools? I love that!
Brilliant, thank you! :)
I love those sweet little owl egg covers.Your so clever! Thank you for sharing bless you for your giving spirit.
I hope the stunt egg remembered to say thanks!
You are so amazingly clever and talented! How sweet of you to share your gifts by teaching others!
Happy crafting weekend!
OMG...these are absolutely stunning...a friend sent me your link as I am an owl fanatic ...your work is absolutely amazing ...I am in awe
That is so unbelievably cute! If only the time for Easter gift giving was not so far away... Thanks for the tutorial :)
This little guy is adorable - adorable, I tell ya! I don't believe that I would ever have use for an egg cozy, but I'm sure I can find somewhere to display him!
Now I'm off to explore some more on this site... what a wonderful new find this morning!
Adorable!! I am definately going to be making these for some christmas gifts (can you believe it is only 6 months away?!?).
Wow this is too cute !
Thanks a bunch for sharing, I have to try it asap.
Just found your blog through the forum. You have some beautiful designs on here. I love them. Are the fabrics your designs too, they're fantastic
I just can't compliment you enough for your wonderful blog, and all those cute cute softies...I have your link on my desktop and visit ea and every day and sometimes more than that...I love the little owl and sent for a kit from your site to make my own with the finger puppet...he is adorable..I especially love your pink kittie..any pattern for that?
If you go to my blog, I have the owl on the header pic...lol
Char from Indiana USA
Oh my! This is so cute! I love it!
Cute - as always :).
I will sure try to make at least 2 of them :)
Thank you so much...they are adorable!
I've just been alerted to this tutorial by Whip up, and I just wanted to quickly say how lovely this little owl is. Thanks so much for taking the time to share him with us, and I'll be sure to have a go at making one or two myself :-)
Oooh--so cute! I'm putting owlie eggs on my to-do soon list!
Hello! I just came across your blog and I squeaked with delight at EVERYTHING I saw! I think your blog has to be bookmarked! You things are just so sweet and the detail you put into them is gorgeous. It makes me want to get out the needle and thread! I love owls and when I saw this it made me happy!
Wow - these owls are adorable, I think I may attach one to the bag I am making, it will be so cute - thank you for posting this fab tute you are incredibly kind.
Thank you for sharing!
Thanks, your blog is so beautifull!!!
seguendo il tuo tutorial ho fatto un gufo molto carino per mia figlia Sara.
Vieni a vederlo http://monicc.wordpress.com/2009/03/29/gufetto-dei-sogni-doro/
ciao ciao
ooooo i love him
how adorable !!!!
thanks so much !!!!
It was very interesting for me to read this article. Thanks for it. I like such themes and anything that is connected to this matter. I would like to read more on that blog soon.
I think my little cousins might love one of these guys for Christmas! But, can you tell me how to print the templates? I can't find the file!
oh what a wonderful website! I am a teacher and some of my little ones will love to make some of your patterns! thank you for sharing your fabulous ideas!
Jane (Ely, Cambs, UK)
Found you through My Owl Barn blog -- lucky me! You've got some darling creations. Looking forward to keeping up with you! :)
Awesome and cute ! I'm so trying this soon !
Great tutorial ! I tried making same owl using your given tutorial and made similar one . It is all only because of you. Thank You Very much !
vintage ring
great tutorial wonderful post you doing good work i like this - thanks
This is a fantastic project to make, especially with your kids around, they'll definitely gonna love it. Felt fabric is one of the best and fun materials to work with. I love the finished product, so cute and adorable. 'So glad to have found this tutorial here, thanks a lot. Anna@girls jewelry boxes
Thank you very much for this, you are really georgous! I love doing some handicraft and you tutorial is brilliant. I was looking for cosies for a few months and finally I found the perfect ones. Thank you! The only problem is that I can't see the pictures anymore? Lovely greetings from Austria, Ingrid
Featured this tutorial on my blog today as I think this is one of the cutest little owls to make I have seen! Very adorable and a great tutorial! Thank you for creating it. Sara♥
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