
June 20, 2009

Has anyone seen my crafting mojo?

...because it seems to have gone missing this week!

I've tried, and tried and tried, but production has slipped to an all time low.  It's been very disheartening after being on a bit of a roll the week before with my attempt at a stork for a mobile (of sorts!) amongst other projects.

But this week, nothing.  I've tried tidying up my craft room, but it ended up in a bigger mess than before.  I've tried moving the furniture round in there too, only to end up moving it back to where it was before.

I suppose the way forward is to start with something simple.  Unfortunately, my peacock, as much as I love it as it is, just will not stand up.  What I need to do is re-make the tail in lighter weight fabrics, and weight the base more to balance it out.  If I get that right, maybe the rest will start to follow.

Ok, that's enough of me moaning!  Tell me, what do you do to combat the crafting doldrums?!


  1. Have a head clear...get out of your sewing room!
    Put some music on...get out into the sunshine :D
    Go visit a real stork and a real peacock and know this...
    Whether you're having crafting dolrums or not... I still think what you do is so awesome and you might be a bit tough on yourself!!
    Thanks for all your little bits of inspiration...if you have deadlines... push through... you'll get to the other side.
    enough said...blah blah
    Robyn xx

  2. I love your stork! I say don't worry - my creative juice comes and goes all the time. It's summer and I am always less creative in the summer because there are so many other things to do! My favorite thing to get me back in the groove is to go craft store and pick up some new goodies!

  3. I like to mix things a book, take some photos, write and especially look at books that inspire me! I can't stay at any one project too long or I get burned out! Hope you figure things are SO talented!

  4. idea/starbucks... new crafty storage to sort out your craft room and neaten it .. and caffiene to get your brain going!

    some sunshine and a walk about wouldn't go amiss either.. but not sure its given it to be a crappy week.

  5. Sorry... I don't get the doldrums. Ever since we "retired" and I don't HAVE to do anything, life is smoother!
    I wouldn't have commented on this topic...BUT I wanted to say how much I LOVE your creations! They sure tickle me!!

  6. Just found you via Flickr, and I love your work! As for the creative doldrums, I have recently been hit hard too... you are not alone! Hoping that it all soon passes for the both of us!

  7. Oh no :-(

    I usually swap crafts if I am not getting ideas for one. When card-making went stale, I took up cross-stitch again. That gave me the incentive to start beading. I know you design cross-stitch patterns - maybe you could do a peacock one or something similar?

  8. I normally walk away from the sewing side of things and turn to something else like knitting or gardening. Failing that I find an unfinished project and do that instead.
    Hope you find it soon. It is annoying though isn't it?

  9. I also struggle with my crafting mojo (usually due to lack of energy - working full time doesn't leave me feeling full of crafty beans) but I try to 'craft' through it, even if it's making something simple and small. Failing that, I look on blogs and flickr to see what others are making.

    Your stork is very cute, but I love your peacock too.

  10. Your stork is adorable! I've been in the doldrums lately, too. It would be nice to get going, again, but I think I just need to take a little break :)

  11. hmm..maybe try stepping away for a day (or two!). try reading or browsing some craft books or flickr? check out soem blogs to see what everyone else is up to? I usually try and straighten up my stash, and I find fabric with projects I had inteded them for that i start up. Good luck, and dont be so hard on yourself!

  12. I think sometimes you should just let yourself take a break for however long your mojo has gone for, it will come back when you're ready. I often taken breaks (I am doing this weekend!) because otherwise I might not enjoy my work anymore.

  13. I blogastinate....

    I tend to get re-excited about my projects once I've looked at the beautiful creations others make.

  14. awww, poor you!

    I think we all get a bit like that from time to time...

    I have to go for a walk, or do something completely different for a while... read a book, bake something, then I find that i get a bit more inspiration.

    Rose XXX

  15. my messes ALWAYS get bigger before they get better...i think it is a natural part of the means you are halfway there :)

  16. how about a little play along? that might get the juices going? Clear that clutter!


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