
June 21, 2009

What's a girl to do,

...when all the housework is done, the children are playing happily in the garden (albeit, one small boy in only his underpants!), and your other half is away all week (in Singapore!)?

...make cake of course!,

(anyone fancy a slice or two?!)

...chocolate cake, just need the can of squirty cream and a spoon.

  A new week is starting, let the crafting commence!


  1. that cakes looks very yummy and rich - i'm thinking it would need ice-cream!

  2. Oh gosh I could just lick the chocolate off my computer screen.

    Singapore! That is a mighty long way from your home. (Incidentally, I am born and raised in Singapore.)

  3. Ziet er lekker uit !
    Fijne dag , groetjes van Ingrid.

  4. oh yes, delish chocolate cake is just what I need right now! Hummm...what's in my pantry....

  5. I just had to write and tell you how much I love all your felty crafts. Felt is one of my favorite things, although I don't get to use it very often with my little girls keeping me busy. I lived in England until the age of 12, but am a California girl at heart. We love to have tea every day (more than once!) and I make scones quite often!
    Keep up the great blogging. Your garden is pretty too!

  6. ust wanted to let you know that I have passed on a blog award to you. Check out my blog to see what you have to do to accept it.

  7. I love your blog and all your quirky creations..they so make me smile..I too have a machine that embroiders..I am hooked on it..I am bookmarking you and adding you to my blog list...I love your style..:)

  8. Why do boys like to do that?? My nine year old is 'always' wandering around in just his pants!!

    Love the cake by the way.

    Nina x

  9. Hello Lucykate!
    Your cake looks so inviting!..may I have a slice??? :o)
    Greetings from Italy!

  10. wow, that cake looks amazing!

    yum yum!

    Rose XXX

  11. mmm, if there is any left i will take a slice please....


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