
June 11, 2009

Mother Nature is so not my best friend!

3.00pm for me is about time to go on the 'pick-up' school run, and more often than not, this is how the whole experience unfolds...,

3.00pm  sky starts to go grey,

3.05pm  gets darker still, wind picks up,

3.10pm  just as I set foot out the door, the first drops of rain start,

3.20pm  arrive at school, a bit wet,

3.30pm  pick Luke up from pre-school, it starts lashing down,

3.35pm  Lucy's classroom door opens, it starts lashing it down even more,

3.40pm  scooters/bikes collected, begin journey home in the rain,

3.41pm  kids complain they are wet,

3.42pm  kids complain they are wet,

3.45pm  I yell at them to get a move on as we're all getting wet,

3.50pm  kids complain they are wet,

3.55pm  arrive home (thank goodness we have a porch!), WET!,

4.00pm  wet coats, clothes and shoes chucked on floor.

It's 2.30pm now, and oh look, surprise surprise,  the sky is starting to cloud over...,

please tell me it's not just me this happens to?! 


  1. What is it about 3pm and rain?? Every time it rains it's always at 3 o'clock! Strangely today I'm not doing the pick up and guess what? The sun's shining! Hope you all stayed dry :-)

  2. Happens to me too and it always stops when we get back through the door. But it always rains in Burnley though!

  3. this sounds exactly like what happens at home time from work!

    10 to 5, sky clouds over, 5 to 5 the rain starts, 5pm POURING DOWN, 10 past 5 (on train) sky brighens, 20 past 5 (pull in at station) heavens open once more for the walk home!

    Rose XXX

  4. I remember one summer my husband complained that it would be nice all week long but as soon as the weekend came, it rained or it was cool. Think happy thoughts and take a few umbrellas. Mother Nature can be quite beautiful in rain.

  5. We've had rain the last three days and it's expected to rain today and tomorrow. We live in a fairly drier state and this is unusual for JUNE. I am enjoying the temperature although I've not been able to go swimming with the grand kids yet.

  6. Funny you should say that. We had the exact same issue yesterday and today in Holland. I think that the man 'upstairs' has to put the tap on at 3.10 each day at the moment!!!

  7. Yep if its going to rain it will rain at home time. I live in New Zealand and it's exactly the same!

  8. I work in a primary school and we always joke that the rain will hold off all day - and bucket down exactly as the bell rings to go home !

  9. laughing out loud, this is so my life.....

  10. These creations are just lovely! Beautiful blog! :) please drop by mine too! :)

  11. Me too! I always joke about it. I don't drive and it is a 15 minute pickup walk. Always happens.

  12. Well, it's a desert down here just recently but somehow it only ever rains between 3.15 and 4pm!!!

    Only thing worse is when it starts raining just as we're about to go our in the morning!


  13. This always happens to me too. I have noticed something else too. Every single Wednesday when Twiglet is at nursery, I hang my washing out it rains, EVERY single week!!!!
    twiggy x

  14. You're not alone.... yesterday added a little thunder for a bit of variety!

  15. It happens in our corner of the world too! 8.25 at drop off and 2.50 at pick up!

  16. What happened to me this spring was that I'd leave at 3:30 to go pick up my daughter, and by the time I'd get to school at 3:40 it would start raining. Every single day! We were always walking home in the rain. I bought her an umbrella with a duck head handle, so at least she stopped complaining.

  17. nope. with me, 3 pm is PRECISELY when my blood sugar hits an all day low and I feel like slipping into a little nap....which of course is
    IMPOSSIBLE. 3 personal witching hour for my entire 48 years of life. weird....


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