
February 23, 2009

The good, the bad, and the...,

just plain ugly!

First the good, thank you so much for all the sympathetic comments regarding my skirt mishap, am glad to hear I am in good company with making the odd mistake.  I've been making some more shoes, brogues this time, and all of my squidgy shoes are shortly off to the USA, to be making an appearance in the next issue of 'Stuffed' magazine!

Now, for the bad.  Again, a big thank you for all the Flickr sympathy.  I am still none the wiser as to why, despite my emailing Flickr asking for an explanation, the response has been zero.  I've dug around in their forum and found some thought, that if a photostream consists of entirely work related images, and gives the impression of an online catalogue, that can cause an account to be deleted.  I have to admit, mine was all work, as I'm not comfortable sharing family and home life online.  Anyhow, I have today, tentatively rejoined!, I am a bit nervous having done so, and given I still don't know what I did wrong last time, am very worried about making the same mistake again.  It's going to take a while to get up to speed there again, if I haven't yet made you a contact again, please feel free to give me a nudge!

(oh, and there are a small smidgen of rather boring, personal photo's on flickr, in my new "not commercial in any way" photostream) 

And the ugly?, well, that's me!.  I feel really run down, ulcers in my mouth, coldsores on my lip, spots on my chin.  I'm nearly 40, and I haven't looked this bad since being a teenager!

Am giving up chocolate for a few days (gulp!), to see if that helps!


  1. I hope you feel better soon Amy! I think just thae fact that Flickr would delete my photostream for an unknown reason would run me down! I'm happy to see you have returned though... Welcome back! I missed you :o) Hugs, Laurraine

  2. I am sure that the stress of all of this has not helped in the health department. Hope you are feeling better soon.

    Very cute little shoes!

  3. They are precious! Love the iny little buttons and all the detail! We all feel like we need some sun and fresh air right now! I'm sure that's all it is!

  4. Yep- you cannot direct people to any shops on flicker. You can have a link in your profile only, but not attached to pictures. So sorry that happened to you. I think I corrected all my pics before that happened to me- at least I hope I did. The shoes look great btw...hope your week is going better.

  5. Crikey, if you know what you do wrong you can fix it, but ... ah well better luck this time! Hope you are feeling a bit more chipper soon. love those wee shoes.

  6. Those shoes are just precious! I hope that you feel better very soon too!

  7. I'm sure it has been the stress, rather than the chocolate - a little bit of dark chocolate is good for you.

    Nice shoes.

    Hope Flickr is good to you this time!

  8. the bad skin is probably more to do with stress than anything else.. I know because my skin goes all spotty when I'm stressed out and depressed.. though I have recently gained a eczema patch on my next that is driving me batty... my advice is to have a hot bubble bath with a book or magazine and relax and hopefully your skin will calm down.. for a bit anyway.

  9. Those shoes are stunning. I have just added you as a contact at Flickr. Maybe have some shots of general scenery, landscapes, etc. so your content has some of the 'everyday' stuff in it? I think they treated you very badly, not even emailing you to discuss it :-(

    Hope you feel much better soon. x

  10. First - those shoes are gorgeous, worth all the hair tearing out
    Second - good on you for rejoining flickr - I think it's a great way of date-stamping your designs, I will hunt you down and re-add you as a contact
    Third - As someone who is into their fourth week of suffering from a hideous flu-virus, gargling with soluble aspirin can help with killing off bacteria, just don't swallow it if you're taking other meds.

  11. Does sound like your a bit run down. Flickr are lucky to have you, it is photos on lovely blogs like this that get more people to sign up. I'd forget ditching the choc, just draw a line under the whole nasty flickr thing and enjoy your fabulous crafting again. On the plus side at least we get a peak at your craft room (I'm green with envy!)

  12. I really thought that you were saying those darling shoes are ugly... :o)

    We all know they are cute!

  13. sorry you're not feeling so hot! My (chinese) MIL would say you are "yiht hei". (your hot and cold are out of balance). Get some rest, and eat plenty of veg and fruits, especially citrus, and drink plenty of water. ;-) (you should have seen what she made me eat after I had my baby!!)

    the shoes, by the way, are adorable!!

  14. I am so sorry... Hoping now everything going well. Be carefull with chocolate!

  15. very..., very nice your blog, and yours works!

  16. oh, the shoes are lovely! I'm new to your blog, and I think it's just divine.

  17. I wish they would answer you... I don't understand why they do that. Ok so you did something that made them close your account, you do have the right to know what that was. It's only fair. Behavior like this make me really mad.

  18. Your work is stunning--thank you for sharing your ideas, ups and downs, all inbetween.

    I look forward to sewing/crafting along side you. I don't have a blog, but can be found on facebook.

    Warmly yours,

    Amy Ellen Zimmer
    Sebastopol, California

  19. I adore the little shoes and don't they look cosy. Can't quite work out how long they are....Brilliant!

  20. what's beautiful shoes !!! "complimenti" from italy

  21. Those shoes are the cutest things I swear I ever saw! I took a look at the Elf Hat Tutorial and it is so cute and so clever.

  22. I need a grown up sized pair for my tootsies! so stylish and cosy!

  23. Hang on in there.

    I'm 41 and still get spots, mostly around 'that time' of the month. My doc gave me a lotion for them in the end, with a mild antibiotic in it. It really isn't unusual for women to get spots, you know, cause our hormones are always up to something! So don't worry.

    I've been feeling run down and deflated but when spring kicks in I'm sure I'll be ok. This is my favourite time of year as the longer days are ahead, and so I keep looking at the time th elights come on each evening, and it makes me smile cos it gets later and later :)



thank you to all those who leave a comment, i try my best to comment in return, when blogger makes this possible, as i enjoy visiting all your blogs and adding to my ever growing blogroll!

if i can't find you, as blogger does not always make it easy to trace people/profiles, i will answer any questions or queries within my blog comments section, so please check back!.