
February 26, 2009

Sewing from the heart...,

This week, I have some pressing projects to be tackled.  I haven't started my mobile yet for Elsie Marley's mobile swap (although I do know what I'm going to make, the design is done), but before that, there are cushion covers to make.

The design for the original flower garden cushion comes from the one I made for my Mum last christmas.  There is a story behind this design, a very personal story, which I didn't share at the time...,

...the three hearts within the appliqued band represent her three children, the seeds she has planted.  The buttons and flowers growing above are for her nine grandchildren, all at different stages in their lives.  The heart button towards the top, is for Lilly.

Lilly was my youngest brother and his partners second daughter.  Sadly, she died 31 weeks into the pregnancy, and was born an angel two days later.  

It is experiences like this, that shape who we are and help us know where place any future unsettling events.  On a scale of one to ten as to what is really important in life, flickr, and other things that have cropped up this week, are a zero.

(Just to lighten the mood, I don't do serious very well, I'm typing this while my son is shooting foam discs at me, I think I'm meant to be Power Ranger 'Pink'!)


  1. What a lovely way to record the family, touching fr you Mum and s personal.
    My son always makes me be the pink Power ranger too, he wont let me be blue even when I tell him it's my favourite colour!

  2. What a beautiful sentiment and a lovely way to preserve memories. I love it!

  3. What a beautiful story to go along with such a lovely project.

  4. how sweet to capture this family history in such a non wordy way...
    I can't imagine loosing a baby at that stage of pregnancy...I look at Hayden and am so grateful to have a healthy little baby boy in my arms every heart goes out.

  5. Amy that's such a lovely gesture.

  6. Can I be Power Ranger Red Polka Dot ???

    Love the cushion - its a beautiful idea


  7. That's a really lovely story, thank you for sharing it and for creating a lovely inspiring blog. I've been feeling ill today and spent the whole time reading blogs. It's made me feel so much better that I had to say thanks!

  8. What a lovely story and a beautiful piece of art to tell it!

  9. Today I discover your blog, all are very pretty and charm, I add your adress to my blog.

  10. I've just come across your blog when searching for an egg cosy tutorial, and i just have to say, you are one of the most creative and talented crafters I have seen! Truly, great work. I feel I have a very busy few days ahead, catching up on all your archives. Keep it up, you are very inspiring!


  11. Thank you for sharing the story that lays behind the cushion. My friend and her partner scattered the ashes of their 14 year son yesterday and they've been given a small wall hanging which has little details to acknolwedge the important steps in his too short life. They've hung it in his room - it's too painful at the moemnt. I'm sure your Mum loves the design and will always treasure the meaning behind it. Ultimately though it does put the downs about Flickr, feeling out of sorts and the niggles that life throws at us completely into perspective.

    Take care x.

  12. Dear Lucy Kate,
    Sounds like your week has just been awful. I don't write bloggers often, but wanted to send you a feel better note. I just said a prayer for you. I get pretty down sometimes too and it's not fun.
    Thank you for sharing your talents. I bought the "Stuffed" magazine just because your darling cat was in it. You bring joy to a lot of people. God bless you!
    Hugs, Lori

  13. Something to treasure forever.
    The Pink and White Ranger in this house!
    Have a good weekend.

  14. Hope you are feeling better since the 2/23 post. The pillow is lovely.

  15. Such a lovely pillow! Thanks for sharing its story.

  16. This pillow is wonderful and very elegant!

  17. I'm pleased I stumbled on your blog and that particular post - how lovely. And the cushion is absolutely beautiful. x

  18. What an original, precious and personal gift. So lovely and vintage-looking. I love the button flowers. Emma x

  19. hi friend.your works very nice.appliques too.yu're mom is very lucky))

  20. This is the loveliest cushion. What a beautiful gift for your mum. I just love it.


  21. I have long admired this gorgeous cushion on your blog and ad in Sew Hip. Now reading the story behind it I feel a crafty soulful connection. What a beautiful idea as a gift to your mum to celebrate your family. Am very close to having one commissioned! I lost my daughter (also a little flower, Daisy) in labour at 42wks, she will forever be cherished and the little momentos are what mean so much when there is often little else we have to hold close and remember. You have captures this beautifully and what skillful hands and fun filled creations, just love your blog and work! Alison :)


thank you to all those who leave a comment, i try my best to comment in return, when blogger makes this possible, as i enjoy visiting all your blogs and adding to my ever growing blogroll!

if i can't find you, as blogger does not always make it easy to trace people/profiles, i will answer any questions or queries within my blog comments section, so please check back!.