
February 21, 2009

I think I'm having a bad week!

Guess the mistake...!

Answer is below,

(sorry, bad photo alert, this was in the evening, artificial light!)

I've sewn it to my skirt.


  1. Oh no! I've done that before too.

  2. Hi Amy,
    this is so easily done!...sorry you are having a bad week.. and sorry to read of your flickr account... i never knew you weren't allowed to link to your blog and i have found great blogs through looking for a blog link in folk's flickr profiles.
    on a happier note i just wanted to say that i have made two of your tutorials and they are just fab. The mushroom i have made for my sisters birthday to go with a book on cooking with wild mushrooms and the other was the jam jar cover to go with some strawberry jam(which my husband has made) and a book on preserves and chutneys for my elder sister. I must say the tiny strawberries are most darling and the results look great... so thank you for your generosity in sharing... i know my family will love their gifts.

    and wishing you a much much better week next week!!
    with love
    Ginny x

  3. I was once doing some handsewing and hadn't realised I'd put the needle through the top of the finger on the back of the appliqué :-O x

  4. hahaha, i've done it once too!...
    Don't worry, this week will be much better.

  5. Always look for the positive in something...the mistake made for a great post!!! The positive with the flicker problem that you've had is there may be a better place for your pictures that allows you to mention Etsy!!
    Hope you have a better week and remember your glass is always half "full". I just love your blog and all your work!

  6. Yeech! You never know, it may turn out to be a stylish embellishment!

  7. Brilliant !!

    My Grandad back during the war was an airraid patrol person (or whatever they call them) and had a smart uniform. He developed a small hole in one knee and decided to make a patch out of his old pair to repair this newest pair.

    My Nan said he spent ages and ages doing really tiny neat stitches all the way round and the patching looked fantastic - much better than she could have done.

    When he was finally finished he held the pair of trouser front forward towards my Nan....

    "hey Violet, What do you think of that then?"

    "Not a lot" replied my Nan - "you've cut the patch from the other leg !"

    He had mistakenly used the new par for the patch as well !!!

    Thanks for your post as it brought this happy story back to me


  8. Hilarious! So sorry to hear about your Flickr account - shocking! I enjoy reading your blog and LOVED your 'softie shoes' - fantastic :D!

  9. LOL. Good job Amy! ;o) Here's wishing you a better week ahead! ;o) ooxx`jodi

  10. oh bless *hugs and mad grinning*

  11. Woopsy!
    Hope you didn't have to unpick too much!!!

  12. hello, Amy!
    I have just jumped in to visit your blog. Congrats! I like it! And sewing something to your skirt is usual in my life (the only difference is the trousers, I always sew to my trousers :D)
    hugs from Hungary

  13. Been there.....done that (as they say).

  14. I've done this before... hasn't everyone?! Hugs, Laurraine

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Don't worry! I've done that so many times!!!!

    I remember sewing my sampler to my pinafore dress in school, age about 10.
    Now I'm 41 and I still do it.


  17. I've done that before... more than once !

  18. I've heard of other folk losing their Flickr accounts that way - miserable. Sewed a pinafore to my skirt at school once and had to run all the way to P.E. with it still attached 'cos I couldn't get it undone! Still, do this occasionally. It's part of the adventure.


thank you to all those who leave a comment, i try my best to comment in return, when blogger makes this possible, as i enjoy visiting all your blogs and adding to my ever growing blogroll!

if i can't find you, as blogger does not always make it easy to trace people/profiles, i will answer any questions or queries within my blog comments section, so please check back!.