
December 16, 2008



and Rusty,

I had a yearning to make some softies, and this fabric was calling out to me from my stash,

it was a felted woollen skirt,

it's now Marmalade & Rusty!


  1. I think I just fell in love with Rusty! He is just wonderful! What a perfect fabric for these guys!

  2. Oh, aren't they cute? The fabric is just right - they're fabulous. x

  3. Such a great colour - they look full of character! Hope the puking incident wasn't too grim. EMma x

  4. Fantastic fabric! Marmelade and Rusty are just fabulous!

  5. Their names are so perfect for them - you really do make the cutest things!

  6. i have a felted woolen skirt, but it somehow doesn't look as cute.

  7. I invite to my blog for this prize, which I would like to award you. I know that is nothing special, but I hope it brings about a little joy

  8. Very cute! I like how they used to be something else, hee hee!

  9. They are sooooo cute! They really have a personality. You are very talented

  10. Marmalade looks great and so does Rusty. You make them have so much personality!

  11. Dear Amy, just a little note to let you know your little robin landed safely on my doorstep yesterday and is enjoying his new life in vienna. thank you so much for the little gift. i hadn't realised that it was this small and therefore so delicate and beautiful. i will be thinking of your generosity every Xmas from now on. thanks again and have a wonderful Xmas and a happy new year! Erika from

  12. Oh! They are just so lovely. How do you manage to give them such personalities with thread and buttons? The skirt will enjoy a wonderful new life as these two characters. Adorable.

  13. hello! These are really gorgeous, the colours in the fabrics are wonderful. And they look sooo cuddly!
    : )

  14. Rusty is cute!!!

    I love dogs :)))

  15. Very handsome:) It made me smile..

  16. They're just so adorable. I love the fabric and their names to match their characters!

  17. Rusty is my favorite, but I am more of a dog person.

  18. they are great ... I have just caught the softie bug ... uh oh

  19. I'm so glad that 'the others' seem to like Rusty because Marmalade would be my choice. Speaking of which a friend made some divine lemon marmalade as a present for us and it's just so-o-o much better than the stuff you buy [and made with love].

  20. Oh! You are sooo talented! I'm a cat lover and I fell in love with Marmalade the minute I got on your blog!!!

  21. I love very much your funny cats!!! Jo Mason from Italy

  22. Can you tell me where you got the pattern for Marmalade and Rusty?

    I really need to make the kitty!!

    Mary Ellen in Albany, NY - USA

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