
December 23, 2008

Merry 'crafting' Christmas!

Well, it's almost here, and this year I have never been so relieved that I only had two presents to hand make.  I have been ill, and after three days in bed, am finally just beginning to come back to life.  If it wasn't flu, it was a pretty close second.  Both Lucy and Luke have had it as well, and are also luckily now on the mend, good job too as tomorrow is not only Christmas Eve.  Oh no, far more important than that..., 

it is Mr LK's birthday! (He'd like to point out he's not yet 40, just 39!)

Terrible day for a birthday, but still we manage to squeeze in a party, it is open house tomorrow afternoon for mince pies and mulled wine.

You are welcome to join us,

Merry Christmas from Lucykate Crafts...!


  1. Glad you're feeling better honey. Would love to come round for mince pies and especially mulled wine, but we are similarly afflicted. Evie is 30 years behind Mr LK but it's her birthday tomorrow too. Eeek!!
    Hope it goes well for you and yours.

  2. Glad you're feeling better honey. Would love to come round for mince pies and especially mulled wine, but we are similarly afflicted. Evie is 30 years behind Mr LK but it's her birthday tomorrow too. Eeek!!
    Hope it goes well for you and yours.

  3. Oh boy- confirmation that a Christmas (eve) birthday sticks! I am due on New Years Day- doesn't mean he won't be early i.e. tomorrow or Christmas! Yikes! My worst fear! I have begged him to come before but since that didn't happen I am now pleading with him to stay in until at least Dec. 29th! I have decided that as long as it isn't Chrsitmas I can live with a New Years Baby!
    Happy Birthday and Holidays to you all!

  4. did i say 29th? typo- i meant to say 26th...oh well you get the point!

  5. we've been ill here too, glad you are on the mend in time for the important celebrations, and Christmas too of course!
    Have a lovely Christmas.x

  6. i love the flower with the loose wool in the center. sooo cute. hoping you keep feeling better. merry christmas

  7. Happy Birthday Mr. LK

    and Merry Chirstmas to you all!

  8. Merry Christmas! I hope you get better soon!

  9. I just love your crafts! I hope you and your family had a wonderful Christmas! We sure did-lol! Happy New Year Blogging Buddy!~Smiles~Tam!

  10. Hope that you are feeling better now:) And Happy New Year to you and your family.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

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