
May 10, 2010

How influenced are you..., the fabrics and colours used in the item photographed with a craft pattern you are working from?

This is a serious question as I think I'm subconsciously more influenced that I thought I was!

Working from your own pattern is an odd experience too, made all the weirder for me as I"m running low on the turquoise felted sweater I'd used for the original Peacock.

There are lots of other blues to choose from in my stash, and I actually do really like this darker version.

I have 3 Peacocks to make, and each one will be different, with not just the felted wool varying but the patterned fabrics too.  So hopefully I can shake off the weirdness and begin enjoying the process a bit more!


  1. I notice when I'm looking at knitting patterns-I tend to like the color/yarn, more than the pattern itself and think I'm actually drawn to them more than the actual pattern...In sewing, slightly less, but I think the photos and the materials do have a lot to do with whether I buy/choose a pattern.
    Your peacock is really cute btw :)

  2. Oh, I am very much influenced bij colours in patterns but then in a different way! I have the tendency to dislike a pattern because it is made in dull colours. For instance, a friend of mine has made an incredible sweet, lovely looking scarf in crochet, but I hated the pattern because in was made in white with beige..Yuk! So, now I try to see through the colours before I discard a pattern..:)

  3. I'm more influenced by colors in a sewing pattern -- I have a very hard time imagining it in anything but the colors on the model!

  4. I like the dark blue one - it looks very regal! My peacock picture which I blogged about last week is now on my hall wall- there is something magical about them don't you think??

  5. I think your dark blue one is just a gorgeous as your other - so cute!

  6. Hi there!
    I can relate to what you're saying... I'm more influenced by the pattern photo that I care to admit! LOL... and yes, making up your own pattern in different fabrics to the original adds a whole new dimension. In summary, I'm attracted to a pattern by the photo, then it's after I've made the purchase that I play around with different colour themes. I hope that helps.

    Have a lovely day!
    Vikki :-)

  7. I usually don't pick a fabric even close to the one pictured when I sew, but if I really don't like the fabric pictured sometimes I can't envision the finished project looking nice so I don't buy the pattern. So I definitely am influenced, just in a different way.

  8. ooh lovely - i like the darker blue too.

  9. sometimes it is difficult to go beyond what we like. it brings pleasant surprises when we do though. :)

  10. I find myself drawn to blues and I love to make with most shades. Your dark blue peacock is lovely and I can't wait to see it when it is finished!

  11. Although I am certainly influenced by the photos for a project, I find that I very seldom actually make it as I see it. Whether it is because I can't get the same materials or choose not to, I usually change things up at least somewhat. I cook like that too. Do you?

  12. I trust you can do it. Both of them are lovable. You did a good job. Good luck on the third one. Have a great day!
    Eco builders

  13. I'm more influenced by colors in a sewing pattern!!
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  14. Olá!
    Estava procurando modelos de pássaros em tecido e encontrei seu blog.
    Gostei muito e achei tudo feito com muito capricho.
    Se puder, dê uma olhada no meu blog também.
    Até mais.


  15. I'm hugely influenced by colour when I design. I love the way they influence each other and now I'm getting ever older, how certain shades bring back memories...e.g. mustard...such a 70's colour!

    I also find my preference for colours change with the seasons and my moods. It might not be a good day if I'm working in bright red :)


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