
May 12, 2010

The 'decorate an alice band' tute...,

Next week, we have a wedding to go to, and due to unforeseen circumstances earlier this year which led to a distinct lack of funds, I consciously made the decision that Lucy & Luke's outfits were going to be put together using all my thrifty skills.  Clothing wise, we have struck gold numerous times on Ebay with a white beaded dress, fur shrug and a beige linen suit, and the last thing to sort was something for Lucy's hair, which naturally, is handmade!  This is what I did for a simple wrapped headband decorated with a fabric flower...

You will need  ::  an alice band, ribbon, triangle of fabric measuring 5'' (13cm) across the bottom and 12'' (31cm) in length to the point, pins, needle, sewing thread, fabric glue and a small length of lace or marabou feather trim.

First, spread some glue on the alice band, and beginning at one end, wrap the ribbon round and round to cover the plastic.  Keep going until the whole band is covered with ribbon.  Leave to dry.

Next, fold the fabric triangle in half, lengthways, and beginning at the smallest, tapered end, roll the fabric up.

Continue rolling, and as the flower gets bigger, you may need to make some tucks in the fabric to turn corners.  Just make sure the folded edge creates the outside edge of the flower petals and the unfinished edge is held, centrally underneath so it is hidden.

Once all the fabric is used, tuck under the last unfinished edge and anchor the whole lot in place with a few stitches in some matching coloured thread.

So, there we now have a finished flower!

Decide where abouts onto the headband you want the flower to go, and glue in place.  Use pins to keep it secure until the glue has dried.

Between the band and the flower, also glue in place a small length of lace or marabou feather trim.  This will hide any untidiness and also add a little more glamour to the design (although, if while doing this, the glue gives way and the flower pops off like mine did, you can add a few stitches to secure everything to the ribbon if need be)

And there we go..., one headband befitting of any bridesmaid, flower girl or party guest.  Actually, I might make one for myself in different colours!


  1. Fantastic little tutorial! Lets not limit these to little flower girls :)

  2. Thats so pretty, thanku for such a fab make ;D xxx

  3. Very cute! I'm away to make a few of these for my girlies :)

  4. Very, very nice! Have a wonderful time on weding.

  5. Grazie ..e' davvero bellissimo quanto prima lo faro'!!!
    Un bacio dall' Italia,

  6. very pretty i love that feather trim.

  7. Adorei...muito fofo !!

  8. Brilliant! You make it look so easy! I definitely want to try this one out, thanks!

  9. Very pretty - sounds like you are now all sorted for the wedding so if you fancy giving me a hand with my wardrobe that would be greatly apprieciated!

  10. Thank you!! That's exactly what I want to do with some of my silk fabric to add to the scrummy brooches I have been making. You are a treasure.

  11. Me encanta tu tutorial, espero animarme y enseñarte lo que haga muy pronto.
    Un saludo y feliz semana.

  12. I LOVE this! Thanks for the great tutorial!

  13. Really cute! So simple yet so elegant...


  14. Really cute! So simple yet so elegant...


  15. That is perfect for a wedding! Thanks so much, I'll be linking.

  16. So pretty! I am hosting Flower Week at my blog and would love for you to link up.

  17. Fast and adorable... two of my favorite words :) Love it. I will be linking on Facebook. Thanks.

  18. Wow! Simply elegant... and great workmanship!

  19. Minha querida amiga,seu trabalho é muito lindo!
    Não falamos a mesma língua,mas gostamos e fazemos a mesma coisa,que é artesanato.Meu blog é novo e gostaria da sua opinião,se puder,dá uma passada lá!
    sua opinião é muito importante pra mim!

  20. Super cute. Great instructions. I love the feathers!

  21. Could that possibly be any cuter??

  22. If you have toys and children clothes you don”t need pleas contact me or send them
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  23. That's amazing sweets! I'm getting married soon(ish) and you've given me ideas :D


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