
September 30, 2009

Applique, applique...,

I have completely forgotten to blog about this.  It is a magazine editorial for the appliqued cushion, that was featured in Issue Number 91 of 'Classic Stitches'. 
'Classic Stitches' is a rather lovely UK based embroidery biased crafts magazine.  When I worked for Coats Crafts UK, I had designs featured frequently, but it was always credited to 'CCUK'.  It's nice to finally have a project under my own name...,

"Amy Adams for Lucykate Crafts"

This issue came out in April, but you can purchase back issues online here.  They have done a lovely job on the page layout for this project, and as always, their photography is beautiful.  Mine just doesn't do it justice!

ps, thank you for all the christening gift suggestions.  I think I have almost decided what to make now!

pps, I am trial running a different blog banner this week, not sure yet if it will stay, what do you reckon?


  1. i really like the blog banner and well done on the feature in your own name!

  2. I think the new banner is great - love how the red stitches echo the 'stitches' on the rest of the blog. The red and blue are fabulous together! :) The writing on the Lucykate label is slightly blurry-looking on my monitor though, makes it blend with the background somewhat.

  3. Muito bonito seu blog,seus trabalhos são maravolhosos,parabéns
    Obrigada pela visita
    Volte sempre
    Edil Pontes

  4. how great to finally have your work listed under your own name!

  5. Congrats!

    I am not keen on the new banner - if that is any help!

  6. Hi Amy, I'm so glad to discover your lovely blog when I doing some research on "DMC vs Anchor". I prefer Anchor and I always use Anchor. :)

  7. :) I do use DMC's craft accessory. But always use Anchor floss.

  8. Love the new banner...also the blog...very inspiring!

  9. If you visit my blog you'll see that I've been trying to make changes to it [and failing miserably] - this new header is great and I have envy!


thank you to all those who leave a comment, i try my best to comment in return, when blogger makes this possible, as i enjoy visiting all your blogs and adding to my ever growing blogroll!

if i can't find you, as blogger does not always make it easy to trace people/profiles, i will answer any questions or queries within my blog comments section, so please check back!.