
July 9, 2009

Embroidery threads,

I've never really been one to pay much attention to brand names, but have to admit to having always favoured Anchor embroidery threads, mainly because I worked for Coats as a Designer for nearly twelve years, and as a result, have quite a supply to hand.

But, a while ago, I was sent some threads by DMC.  Now, from my experience of the UK needlecraft industry, there has always (and probably still is!) a bit of rivalry between Coats and DMC.  In my fledgling days as a designer, myself and a colleague were sent to spy on the DMC stand at a trade fair in Germany, only to be recognised and asked to leave.  I am certain the DMC design team will have been simultaneously spying on the Coats stand too!  

So, I guess, now I work for myself, I am free to choose.  I've not used the DMC pearl cotton before, but today my needle is threaded and I'm giving them a go.

Which do you use?


  1. i don't have the patience to find the end and pull gently..i just pull the skein until it gives me the length i need and cut. this means i lose the wrappers at first use which means as i look in my thread suitcase(!) i don't know which ones are which. i'm guessing dmc would outweigh the anchors because my grandmother used them and i kind of followed her! if i'm buying new the colour will determine which skein...

    Do you keep yours tidy? Wind them on cards?

  2. I'm a DMC gal myself, for the past 30 years, now that I think of it. Cross stitch was my first love and I started when I was 6 or 7. I'm eager to hear what you think after you've given both a try!

  3. I'd have to admit that I use DMC most of the time. I think it is probably because that was what was most available to me. I'll be interested in reading your review.

  4. I have always used DMC, it is what is available.
    I would love to know the difference of the two. I use it for my wool projects alot. I would love to see them come out with more variegated prim colors.


  5. I have always been a DMC girl as it is more readily available in my area. I have them all neatly wound in boxes with the numbers on them. I knit a lot at the moment but I still love my cross stitch.

  6. Hi Lucy,
    Dh's granny gave me all her old Dmc pearl cotton : five big bags !

    As French, I'm used to buy Dmc, not Coats, although I prefer some Coats color like plum

    Otherwise, I love what you do, your animals in felt : you're so creative !

    Congrats for your blog :o)

  7. I have always used DMC. Mainly because I do a lot of cross stitch and I use it for that. Although my supply doesn't compare to my mom's supply of DMC.

  8. I've used all kinds over the years, but seem to have a lot of DMC. But, I'm not too picky, I love all the colors like in your pretty picture of them.

  9. I live in the US and have always thought that DMC was what was available on this side of the pond while Anchor was what you had on your side! I have not seen Anchor for sale over here, but I did buy a cross stitch kit from England which came with Anchor floss. I thought it was a little harder to work with than DMC, more prone to tangling, but that could have been the needle I was using, or the fabric I was stitching on.

    Your story of spying on DMC and being asked to leave made me laugh!

  10. I hope I didn't just post my comment multiple times. Blogger was hiccupping on me, and I hit publish more than once.

  11. I always used DMC until I designed a chart on some software and the colours looked better in Anchor. I used Anchor and realised that I actually prefer it.

  12. hmmm - it's very strange i worked in a craft shop for 16 yrs and we stocked both anchor and dmc - i always preferred dmc maybe because it used to be a few pennies cheaper? But now i really do prefer the anchor stranded threads i couldn't tell you why though!
    to be totally honest i will buy my thread from whichever range has the colour i need.
    and the tanglyness drives me nuts!

  13. I'm a DMC girl, but my Mum prefers anchor- she reckons DMC has brighter colours and she likes muted.

  14. I use DMC and have never seen Anchor in the stores where I shop. (I live in the US.) Most of the cross stitch patterns I find list the threads for both companies though. Of course when it comes to embroidery I use whatever is on hand!

  15. i personally have used DMC all my life. but the local quilt shop is carrying a brand called COSMO by Lecien that is cotton, but feels and works like silk. i've only heard good reviews about this floss and am looking forward to try it on my next project.....ahem....once i choose a next project. :)

  16. I have always used DMC. I've tried Anchor but it seemed to twist and knot up for me more. That was many (MANY) years ago, but I've always just stuck with DMC since then.

  17. Whichever has the colour I need. Sorry, not very scientific but that is just me.

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