
May 16, 2009

Red shoes...,

I've posted before about my love of the colour red.  For a while now, I've been on the look out for a woollen jumper to felt, which is just the right shade of red.  The one I used for this latest softie shoe, is more pink than red...,  

but on Friday, while dragging Luke on a thrifting trip into town, I spotted not one, but two red jumpers.  Now, given that I am getting short of storage space, and also trying to be thrifty in my thrifting, I can't warrant buying both jumpers, the question is, which should I get?

One is a lovely, rich shade of true red, the other is just as nice, but a slightly bluer red, and I just couldn't make my mind up.  They have put them both on one side for me, and I'm going to ask you lot for advice on which colour to go for, which would you get?!

(another softie shoe, it's been a while since I've made these, was fun remembering how!)

(I know what you're all going to say..., get both!)


  1. I'd go for the true red red. Love it.

  2. Get both and use them quicky - then you won't have to store them.

  3. I'd get the true red! Your little shoes are so cute!

  4. yep get them both. You will kick yourself if you don't!!

  5. BOTH! Failing that the true red :)

  6. First of all, your little shoes are sooooo cute!
    Get them both! Then you won't be thinking about the "one that got away"!

  7. Most definately get both, so you don't have any regrets later! As said earlier, hurry to use them.

    The Cottage Girl

  8. I think you will not regret getting both!

  9. it's not a car, or a house you're thinking of, it's a jumper or 2. Buy them both, you daft woman. You know if you don't you'll regret it!!!

  10. both of course!
    you NEED them.
    think of all the strawberries and robins red breasts not to mention toadstools you could make :0)

  11. Get them bothe or you will regret it !
    Do you find the charity shops charging a lot for there things especially clothes .You can buy a new top in some places for the price of a second hand one ,Its nuts .
    I love you little shoes soooooooooooo Cute .
    From sesga xx

  12. I have awarded your blog the "honest scrap award" to view the award and keep this fab award going please visit my blog

  13. If you don't get both, you won't know which gives you the 'look' you want, will you? ;-) x

  14. OMG! This is absolutely gorgeous!! Great job!


  15. you need both these jumpers in your life, and actually when you think about it, you are shrinking them so you will actually have room for both of them.

    Go for it!


  16. Your felt and softie crafts are sooo cute. I love both of the shoes too. Please look at my craft site and let me know what you think, it is still progressing.


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