
May 26, 2009

épingles & aiguilles,

I loved embroidering this, a custom order for a cotton reel pin cushion, 

pins & needles..., in french!

Hope I've spelt it correctly!

ps, I did get both, you lot are a bad influence!


  1. Yes, it is spelled correctly and very cute too:)

  2. That is lovely - I had to look twice just make sure it wasn't the real thing!

    Nina x

  3. that is so sweet!
    I would never have the patience to make something like that!

    Rose XXX

  4. How unique and precious! Someone is going to be thrilled with this! Very neat!

  5. Wow! Is that free hand machine embroidery? You are amazing!

  6. oui, c'est bien ecrit!
    c'est tres original et tres mignon. bravo!

  7. Il n'y a aucune faute d'ortographe !
    J'aime beaucoup ce que tu fais, c'est vraiment mignon !

  8. Esse negocio da agulha ficou lindo tambêm.
    Assim que der irei fazer um... minhas agulhas ficam todas soltas rs

  9. I love your birds and this is gorgeous too. You're so neat!

  10. C'est parfaitement écrit ! And it's really nice !


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