
May 5, 2009

My Husband...,

is a very talented man!  He has spent the last three weeks or so, up till all hours of the evening, and late into the night painting a very important portrait, for the 'Changing Faces' debate being held at the Mall Gallery in London towards the end of this month.

I don't have an image of the actual portrait to show you, the one in the advert (above) is a preliminary sketch.  Changing Faces is a charity who work to support people who have a disfigurement.  The reason my husband, whom I usually refer to as Mr LK, but he does have a name in his own right, Alastair, is involved with this is because, not only is he a much commissioned portrait painter, but he is also the President of the 
Royal Society of Portrait Painters.  He is their youngest ever President, and as this is his first year of appointment, it is also his first time of officially opening the annual open exhibition, tomorrow at the Mall Gallery.  He will be giving a speech in front of a lot of important people too.  I have no doubt he'll be fantastic, but it's going to be difficult for him.  He's doing all this, away from home, with the knowledge that this morning, his much loved stepfather sadly passed away.

To Alastair, be strong, all our love, Amy, Lucy & Luke.


  1. Sending you all hugs - so sorry to hear your sad news :(
    Hope the speech goes well for Alastair

  2. Hope it all goes well! A very worthy cause and my condolences for your loss!

  3. Hi Amy, there is a little something for you on my blog! :-)

    Gail x

  4. Wow, your husband sounds like a very accomplished man! Hope it goes well.

    I was very sorry to hear about your loss, sending our thoughts your way x

  5. I hope it goes well for him. Sorry to hear of his loss.

  6. Luv to you all . . especially Alastair. My thoughts are with you both.
    . . and good luck with the speechifying :o)

  7. It is sad but true that so often a big 'plus' coincides with a big 'minus'. I'm sorry to hear of your loss, but hope tomorrow goes very, very well for your husband. He is a talented man. x

  8. I hope that the speech goes really well, such a fantastic cause.

    So very sorry for your loss.

  9. So sorry to hear about your sad news!! I do hope everything goes well for Alastair!! Gx

  10. i was really sorry to hear of your loss x

    good luck to mr.LK for his big speech tomorrow.

  11. What a bitter-sweet day for him.
    Hope it goes well.

  12. Go mrLK GO!!! am sure it will go really well...

    sorry to hear about the sad loss though...poor him

  13. Thanks for sharing this. Thoughts and prayers to Alastair on his stepfather and on his important work. :)

  14. I think that in this busy world it is important to take a moment to glory in the accomplishments of our loved ones. And perhaps this important and all absorbing event will help ease and distract from the pain.


  15. I am so sorry to read about this loss. Your husband is very talented.
    Emily xx

  16. That is sad news, and an amazing accomplishment. Indeed that seems to be the way life goes. xxx

  17. You must be so proud of him. Thoughts going your way at such a sad time too.

  18. Your husband sounds like a wonderful man. What a fantastic cause to support. Sorry to hear of your loss. Big hugs to all. xx

  19. how sad to have something like that happen, especially when he should be so pleased of his achievements.

    best wishes to you all

    Rose XXX

  20. That's an achievement to be very proud off. I'm really sorry to hear about your/his sad loss of his deeply loved stepfather. It's never easy to lose someone dear. Hugs to all of you.

  21. That's an achievement to be very proud off. I'm really sorry to hear about your/his sad loss of his deeply loved stepfather. It's never easy to lose someone dear. Hugs to all of you.

  22. What a lovely man your husband is, and my deepest condolenses to your family. Amy - I do have an award on my blog for you - your blog is amoung my favourites and always makes me smile. x Amanda


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