
April 29, 2009

Kingfisher & Bullrush,

I've had a bad week, anyone who follows me on Twitter will already know I hit myself rather badly on the head with my car door on Friday and ended up in A&E (or the ER if you are American).  That is the closest I've ever been to knocking myself out!.  I think I just have to accept that I am accident prone, coming to that conclusion after sitting down on my sewing needle!

After the head incident, I'd started thinking I must have knocked all the good ideas out too, until a trip to a local charity shop resulted in a couple of illustrated nature books.  That helped get the cogs working again.


such beautifully coloured birds,

and Bullrushes.

Not easy to photograph the two together!


  1. Great kingfisher - so glad you didn't lose the pattern!

  2. such a sweet birdlie. Love the measuring tape and button!

  3. I love it. They both look great!

  4. simply beautiful! I love your work! You are such a inspiration! And so glad you are better!

  5. Oh so sorry:(
    Hope you feel better!!
    I love the little bird:)

  6. Oh Amy, I also have this book!!
    Actually mine is a old one. I love it!!
    Your Kingfisher is sooo beautiful!!
    So much.. that I'm wondering... hoping.. that you might be doing a tutiorial or a pattern for this...please?? *grin*
    Sorry you hit your head badly...a bit scary when we do silly things like this..
    Take it easy and get better soon.
    Oh and thankyou so much for your constant gorgeous inpsiration.
    hugs to you,
    Robyn xx

  7. I love kingfishers, this is gorgeous!!

  8. Ouch! You poor thing. Hope you are getting better (I fell of my bike the other day and can relate to the pain!). Lovely finds in the charity shop. Maybe I should check mines out soon too.

  9. l love the kingfisher you are so talented,l been looking at your other items and they are all as equally stunning.Hope you feel well after you bang.

  10. ouch! Hope your head is better now. The Kingfisher looks great, by the way.

  11. Oh....this is sooo cute! I love your little creatures! Hope your head is better now?

    Gail x

  12. Your kingfisher is fabulous. Hope you've recovered from your bump on the head!

  13. Oh my gosh...your bird is wonderfully made!

    Take care of yourself...and watch out for those dreadful needles.

    Stay Creative, Carrie

  14. So beautiful! The amount of detail in it is stunning.

  15. This is gorgeous - great work - the bump on the head obviously didn't knock out your creativity! :o)

  16. I'm sorry to hear about it!
    Are you feel better now?

    I've received your fantastic Rusty. I was worried it would be missed because of the earthquake there was here, but it arrived safe. I'ts simply perfect! Thank you!
    I've posted it here:

  17. Wow! Your kingfisher is gorgeous! I think it is my favourite of all your little creatures so far! Really fab! Lucy x

  18. P.S.

    Sorry! I meant to say - hope you are feeling better after your head-banging incident!

    Take care!

    Lucy x

  19. i love the kingfisher he is fab! :-)

    hope your head is feeling ok? Im not sure if it helps at all, but I am very accident prone myself, I guess it helps to know you are not the only one X

    Rose XXX

  20. Hi, hope your head is ok! Just popped by to say hi and that I am trying to get the Northern Belles blog up and running again as it has been a bit neglected recently! Would love to hear from you. I also have my own blog Emily Picke Material Addict - all comments welcome! Kate x

  21. ouch! blimey, as if the head wasn't bad enough, but sitting on a needle too! Your kingfisher is lovely.


  22. Your kingfisher is gorgeous, sooooo sweet! 'Ooo', I hope the head is feeling better now. xx

  23. i really love your kingfisher - i really think he is your best softie yet - my grandmother used to live on a house right on the river bank and there were kingfishers there the really are the most beautiful birds.

  24. Hope you head feels better. Love how you can look at a book and make up a cute little bird. That is talent.

  25. Hope you head feels better. Love how you can look at a book and make up a cute little bird. That is talent.

  26. i can relate. not to today...but a few years ago i punctured the backside with a skinny crochet hook. looks like things are getting better though. funny how things turn out.

  27. Ouch, I hope your head is better. The kingfisher is gorgeous

  28. LK - I love the kingfisher - fab colours and design.

    Hope you are feeling ok?

  29. What a great pattern love how you made them both outstanding!!
    hugs ginger

  30. I hope you are feeling better now and that Kingfisher is gorgeous!

  31. Glad you are better and have your groove back. love the little kingfisher, it is very cute and you are very clever. love to see all the things you come up with and read about your adventures in crafting.

  32. Glad you are better. The kingfisher is so cute.

  33. Hope your headache is better soon! Your creative spirit wasn't damaged however as we see from the lovely kingfisher.

  34. I love your kingfisher! And those books look amazing too.

  35. oh, wow, oh wow! I love kingfishers, and bullrushes... both together, and so beautifully made is like some sort of dream...

    Sorry for gushing, but this one really hits the spot for me.


  36. amy - so sorry to hear about your accident - can't believe have been so off radar am only finding out now, in June. Aargh! anyway - hope you all fine now. Got to say these kingfsihers and rushes are I think my favourites of all the things I've ver seen you make. I absolutely love them. Inspired!

  37. he is just lovely :-) where is his little fishie?

  38. Very nice article. I loved your article as you have shared a great idea how to made Kingfisher & Bullrush. Keep it up. Now it's time to avail Hi Vis Sweatshirt for more information.


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