
February 2, 2009


Lately, I have been inspired by nature and in particular, ways of stitching leaves,

(which is your favorite?, from left to right there's darning stitch, open satin stitch, and fly stitch, I love the woven darning stitch)

the embroidery, which I just had to try out, came from this book

Then there's always old faithful, leaves involving a bit of felt applique,

and next, it's time to add some leaves to this rose.

The snow has now inspired me to put the heating on constant,
I'm freezing here, I may even get under the duvet and do a bit of sewing till it's time for the school run!

And talking of nature, I think (fingers crossed) I managed to purchase one of these on Friday.  Oh the excitement, how on earth am I going to be able to part with it for valentines day?!!


  1. I like all the leaf variations. I think I prefer the darning stitch because of textured appearance.

    Love the rose in the vase!

  2. Thank you, for you blog and art!
    I like the first one from left the best:)
    How hard is to make this leaf?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. primsista - it's very easy, easier than it looks. do the vertical stitches first, each one is just one large straight stitch, then do the horizontal ones just by weaving in and out of the verticals!

  5. All your embroidery examples are beautiful. The darning stitch is most unusual and I think it would be striking in a finished project. Thank you for explaining how to do it! Twyla

  6. I think I like the one on the right the best. The left one is nice, but I like the smoothness of the other.

  7. Well I know I'm no help, but I like all three leaves, and the contrast between them. I think they look really good there together like that! x

  8. They are all very pretty but I prefer the darning stitch since it reminds me of the veining in a leaf. Your work is beautiful!

  9. I like the woven darning stitch best. That is one of my favourite books too - so beautiful and inspiring!

  10. I really like the darning stitch, but then I like the others too. They are all lovely in their own way. Very nice.

  11. I love the darned leaf and your rose in the vase is gorgeous!

    Off to add that book to my Amazon wishlist now :-)


  12. Oh that little vase and flower combo is just darling. Such pretty colours - very uplifting.

  13. ohh, the cold and trying to create! If you can work under piles of blankets do so!

    Like your leaf designs, classy!

    Suzanne Urban

  14. from the second picture which is a bit farther away..the one on the far right looks visually the best to me. i love the first one on the left though...maybe if it had just a bit of an outline to give it more definition. is that too bossy?

  15. I like them all but my favourite is the old faithful felt applique!!!
    Hugs, Laurraine

  16. I like them all but my favourite is the old faithful felt applique!!!
    Hugs, Laurraine

  17. Great blog Amy! I like all the different stitches but I have to say my favorite is the Fly stitch.

  18. I really like the satin stitched leaf ;)
    Gutted though - that book was on my Christmas list but I never got it! :( Any good? Think I might have to treat myself.

  19. I bought that book about 5 years ago in france, I don't speak any french but so loved the pitures that I had to have it!

  20. Love the leaves - the contrast in the textures really is really striking. I've bookmarked the book for when my embroidery gets a little better than it is now.

  21. I like the third one LK, but it also looks like a feather. Agree with whoever said that the left-hand one could have a border.

    All lovely though!

  22. Hi ,
    I love your flower and vase. Is it your own design? Do you have a pattern that I can buy?
    Please email me.

  23. Amy, thank you so much for your explanation, how to make that leaf:)
    I love ALL your work!

  24. Open satin stitch, my favourite :)
    Beautiful rose!! =)

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