
January 26, 2009

Research & reference,

After my years of working within the textile industry, I am very aware of the importance of research and reference as a starting point to any design project...,

missing it out,  would be like making soup without a good stock as a base.

Today has been one of those days, rooting through books, magazines and also online for ideas.  I like these kind days.

Looking for shoe reference, I came across these links, paper shoes (love the maps that have been used),  embroidered shoes (these are just beautiful), and metal shoes (these are great fun).

Mine are going to be softie shoes, (I hope...!)

Question is, am I going to have to make them in pairs or can I get away with just making one?


  1. I like these softies. I have lots of fleece and have had fun making hats, scarves before Christmas. I also wanted to make a pair of slipper type things for my granddaughter who is 6 but never got to it. I already took her footprint for them. Not sure how to complete them. Some of the links you listed are certainly artsy, aren't they? Thanks for sharing. I like your blog. Linda

  2. Hi, first of all thanks for sharing your idears with us.
    I would say, if you shoes are not only for looking as an example you should make them in pairs.


  3. LoL! Well since most of us have two feet better make em pairs! Hope you post a photo of the finished project-good luck with that! Thanks for an inspiring blog!~Smiles~Tam!

  4. oh I wish I had the patience for research... I am sure in the long run it would save me so much time....

  5. Unless you wish to hop everywhere or to use your soon to be completed soft shoe as a wall hanging then I'm afraid you'll probably need to make two. Then you'll probably have to make another because you'll need to incorporate all the things you learned making the first one.....

  6. Hi,
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    Best wishes from Slovenia,


  7. A pair is probably a good idea - unless you find a one legged pirate ;-)

  8. i'm imagining that they are just a decorative shoe so i'd say single is fine! look forward to seeing the finished design.

  9. Ooh I saw Jennifer Collier's paper shoes at Country Living last spring - not only is she very lovely (and very young!) but her shoes are amazing.
    If I were making shoes I'd have to make them in pairs - but that's just me - I'll never be a rule breaker!!
    Your shoe is looking fab so far - can't wait to see how it turns out :-)


  10. Intersting links to some very interesting shoes and what fun to have the freedoom (and materials) to design them. The metal ones are amazing. If I could choose a period of the most beautiful shoes it would be the mid 1700s when they were so lavishly embroidered (male and female). One shoe or two?...Hmm!.. If it was me I'd do one because I hate repetition and once I'd done the first I'd be eager to do something completely different!

  11. If I were making shoes I'd have to make them in pairs - but that's just me - I'll never be a rule breaker!! What a story.Now its time to avail party bus dc for more information.


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