
September 16, 2008


We went to visit my mum at the weekend, and on the drive home, while the kids were both asleep, we actually managed to have a conversation (remember those?!).  Now, my husband is a difficult person to stand next to professionally, he is very talented, dedicated and hard working, (for those who don't already know, this is what he does!), all of which makes him a very tough task master.  

(portrait painted by Mr LK, Me & Lucy, 2002)

Just recently, I have had to look at my own current work on a deeper level in an attempt to further identify my style and niche.  When I was at college, I didn't engage with my full potential in the slightest, preferring to be in the pub rather than the studio (don't all students though?!), and since leaving, I worked for a large company, where you couldn't pick and choose the projects, you just worked on whatever brief you were given.  It wasn't until I was given a rag doll project that I really found, after all these years, what I was looking for.  

Now I know what I like, I also need to understand why I like it, hence the conversation, which went something like this...

Mr LK : So, where do your ideas come from?

me : From my head,

Mr LK : Snot comes from your head, doesn't mean it's a good idea, where do your ideas come from?

me : errr, I don't know, they just (head spinning at this point), come down my arms, through the needle as I'm sewing.  I like working small,

Mr LK : Why do you like working small?

me : errr, I don't know, I just do, I like finer detail,

Mr LK : Right, now we are getting somewhere, why do you like finer detail?

me : errr, errr, errr, (help!)

This went on for about 30 minutes, he was like a dog with a bone, not giving up until he got some answers!  In the end, between us, we did come up with some very thought provoking ideas (which I'll go into fully another time), but good grief, I feel sorry for his students when he's lecturing!  It was, however, an interesting exercise in unravelling my work.  I came home and after finishing off some urgent sewing, had a root through all my old stuff, some of which I'm so embarrassed by, but there was the odd thing that made me giggle... these!, an idea I had for 3D christmas cards.  There are more than just these two,

I also did a Father Christmas one, and a Rudolf one.  They are a bit bashed about, having been in a portfolio for the last three years, and I'm sure if I re-made them now, I'd do a much neater job.  I think one will most definitely become a christmas tutorial here on the blog, which one though?, which one would you like instructions to make?


  1. these are ace
    I would like a rudolph one

  2. love that portrait and the conversation!

  3. definitely the robin... i love the robin, such character!

    Your husbands portraits are wonderful. How interesting to be a portait painter.

  4. *snort* ha ha ha 'snot comes from your head' ha ha ha!!! Fantastic!!!
    Had a similar convo with my OH not too long ago. Realised that I do like working in 3D, but don't like making batches of things. More than that...???? Not a clue. Maybe I need a chat with yours :o)
    I love the pud.

  5. I think they are BOTH adorable! I can see people buying these just the way they are.

    Tutorials would great though as well. Why not do both?

  6. I could do with someone to unravel the spagetti in my head!
    Love the Christmas pud!

  7. Love the conversation! It's good to examine what we do sometimes... but I still like the little cards!

  8. Find definition for ourselves or our work is always hard. But it's also good to think about it because it help us to find a new direction, right?
    If you will do a tutorial, why not the Rudolph one you mentioned? I think it would be lovely.

  9. Find definition for ourselves or our work is always hard. But it's also good to think about it because it help us to find a new direction, right?
    If you will do a tutorial, why not the Rudolph one you mentioned? I think it would be lovely.

  10. My hubby is good at extracting all kinds of stuff (not snot, though he probably could) from me! A good exercise to have sometimes but exhausting, isn't it?

  11. Sounds like a cool conversation to me - we have all this stuff inside us and it's interesting to dig around a bit.

    I love all your tutorials (in fact I think you do the bestest tutorials ever) so would love to see any of them. (That doesn't help much, does it?)


  12. Hello again ... sorry, I just had to come back and say 'wow'. I've just been to look round your husband's website. Gosh - what talent - I thought his work brilliant.


  13. Love the Christmas pud! Really like your blog too - just found it today...

  14. How can you choose when it comes to christmas stuff?!
    They are both lovely.

    But if pushed, I would go for the pudding.

  15. I love these, very cute, and would love to see a tutorial for the little robin!

  16. Why do you like to work small? Wow, I have asked myself that a good number of times, as I like to make scale miniatures. I think it is the challenge and the chance to really focus on the the smallest of details to a point my little obsessive compulsive mind is happy.

    If I put that much detail into large projects, they would take a lifetime!

    Your Christmas cards are wonderful!

  17. I'd like 30 mins with your husband to help me sort of my mish-mash of things I make.....

  18. And those little things made you laugh?!?!? Good grief if I had made those I would be so so so proud of myself. They are great. I love the pudding (I could probably manage a snowman - that sounds quite easy in my head anyway!!)

  19. hhhhm. I'm going to be greedy and say all of them....One a week in December :-)

  20. The Robin? Or any of them really all sound good. Love your dh's painting style - so much detail.

  21. Love the Robin and the Pud! In fact I Love your blog so I have nominated you for an award over at my blog. If you want to accept then you will find details on my blog of how to do this!

  22. Can we have the robin please?

    Please, please, please!?

  23. Can we have tutorials for all of them?

  24. how bout i leave it up to you now that your head is in order;) off to check out your link to mr lk xxrosey

  25. Our husbands should get together - It'd be fun watching tie each other into conversational knots. Just kidding! Those exchanges leave me feeling exhausted! Love the robin - gorgeous little fat, red fellow.

  26. I am finding what you have written, wanting to identify your style and niche as rather interesting.
    I can kind of understand why you might want to do this but I fear that even if you come to a conclusion it will only be a label that others will judge you by. Does that make sense?
    However there are aspects of your work that are easier to define – the colour palette you use is very ‘you’
    It took me almost 3 years to acuminate the right colours and materials before I could start making anything as I just couldn’t bring myself to make something in colours I didn’t like…

  27. the painting is wonderful! I love the cards too! Either one as a tutorial would be great!

  28. That Christmas pudding thingie is so lovely, it makes me want to eat Christmas pudding, though I hate the taste! The painting in wonderful. I like making small things because there is enough rubbish in the world already. I just fell in love with mini canvases.

  29. Ooh dear - I'd have had no chance answering any of those questions! It must really focus the mind to look at what you and why. Maybe I should try it!

    I love those little Christmas pictures - especially the little robin :)


  30. Hello, my name is Elizabeth (creative breathing). My heart stopped when I saw your husband's work. My mother was also a professional artist friends with the likes of Wyatt and Timberlake. I know how intimidating it is to create on a scale that can't even compare; but how blessed to be inpired by such people.Your work always leaves me happy and has inspired my own work. Elizabeth

  31. All would be good, but I love the christmas pud! :0)


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