
September 23, 2008

Bit early for snow...!

Thank you for all the wonderful comments on my previous post, I love what French Knots said about 'head spaghetti',  yes, that is so what it has been like, unravelling spaghetti!  The whole exercise has been somewhat cathartic too, and I do feel all the better for having gone through the process, and all for such a very good cause.  I can't say too much at present, but it is all to do with a magazine article I've written, something I'm very excited about and will explain more later in the year.

In amongst all the wordiness that has been going on, a little bit of sewing has managed to sneak through, one snowy owl...

which will be in the post to my giveaway winner as soon as I email her for an address!

He didn't turn out as snowy as I'd have liked, he kind of took on his own direction during creation, which was quite refreshing seeing him evolve that way.  He's larger than my other owls, and also has some fly stitch added to his tummy, another feature that I found seemed to be calling out to be included.

Next on the 'to do' list is another project for issue 2 of Sew Hip magazine, don't forget, issue 1 is due to hit the shops very shortly, you can sign up for a subscription here so you don't miss either of the Lucykate Crafts... patterns.  Now, I just need to decided, do I go and watch the 'Sex & the City' re-run later, or do I make one of these?  I really need to make a girly version for Lucy to use for the tooth fairy, she has wobblers, 4 of them, finally!  Bless her, she's nearly 7 and still not lost any teeth!


  1. Ah, make the hedgehog! I made one for my little girl to use as a tooth holder and it worked perfectly this weekend just gone. I made her one in yellow with pink hearts, and one for her full-toothed little sister in brown with pink spots. They both love them!

  2. oh your little owl is so gorgeous!! I do love blog, your work is sooo inspiring :)

  3. Beautiful snowy owl! I love the fly stitching on his belly.
    I've signed up for my subscription - can't wait for issue 1!!!

  4. go watch the re-run, put your feet up... make the tooth fairy tomorrow!!

    Am I a bad influence?!

  5. Go for the hedgehog, one apple and those teeth will come tumbling out!

  6. I'm really looking forward to Sew Hip arriving, I was looking at the sewing mags in Smiths and they were all really blah!

  7. The stitching on the snowy owl is perfect!

    My No.1 didn't lose any teeth until she was almost 7½! The dentist told me this was 'good' - I'm still not sure why, but it helped No.1 feel ok about it.


  8. He is adorable! Looks like he is just out of his nest.

  9. Wow!!! Beautiful... :-)


  10. I love the fabric you have used on your little owl, very suitable for us seweresses! (This is my new name by some of the kids who stare in my sewing room window)Seweresse, kinda cool don't you think!!!

  11. Beautiful snowy owl, your work is very inspiring :)
    Kiss from Chile,

  12. The owl is soooo cute.

    I also looked at your hubby's work. What a remarkable artist. So much talent in the family.

    A pleasure to browse both sites. Have a great weekend.

  13. The owl is so adorable! Nice to have found you outside of flickr!


  14. Make the little hedgehog for the little wobblers. It stops the little ones being so scared of the teeth falling out bit - distraction. I'm really looking forward to the magazine coming out - can't wait in fact....

  15. ciao, il tuo blog รจ bellissimo e le cose che fai sono fantastiche. ti dedico un post sul mio blog.
    ciao matilda

  16. Thank you, thank you, thank you! I've been away and just came back to your Snowy Owl (Cutie) and the car conversation with your Mr. Thank you for helping me appreciate being married to a "creativity challenged" fellow. Every thing I make amazes him, because he couldn't do it. It used to frustrate me that he didn't understand abstract art. Now we are a perfect fit. Just as YOU are with your Mr! Congratulations on continuing to value and create your lovely little creations. You're quite the gal!

  17. I love the snowy owl! Very cute :) I collect owls b/c my university's mascot is an owl, so I always love to see pictures of other owls.

  18. I just love your owls...and the fabrics you use are just stunning ...

    always eye candy here for me..

    Cheers Susan - Australia


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