
April 25, 2012

The English Monarchy,

It was only after I left high school that my interest in history began to develop.  Doesn't say much for my old history teachers does it?!, and the fact I couldn't remember their names, makes me realise how much uninspiring teachers can affect your schooling.  

We've just had two weeks off school here for the Easter holidays, during which, I went on a trip to Peterborough for the day and ended up in Peterborough Cathedral, stood before the grave of Katherine of Aragon.  A few days later (and a long story!), I was also in the presence of the burial place of Oliver Cromwell's head, and the last surviving person to have seen it.  Within history, it's always been the English monarchy in particular which has fascinated me, so I started to wonder how I could bring this into my design work.

Now, I'd previously started sewing some Softie bodies which were going to become dogs for the next installment of Project 3.  I completed one, and while I was kind of happy with it, there was just a certain something missing.  Cue, the train of thought beginning.  Dogs.  Dogs and English monarchy.  Dogs and English monarchy = King Charles maybe?

King Charles Spaniels?

I think he looks quite regal,

and quite appropriate given it's the Queen's Diamond Jubilee this year.  In homage, here is me at our 1977 street party for the Silver one (I'm in the rather fetching yellow sunglasses!)

ps, and talking of Oliver Cromwell's head, eeeek!


  1. What great insperation for your craft. I like your use of wool and fabric together.
    And those are very Foxy glasses your sporting.

    With All That I Am
    Carrie "The Handmade Homemaker"

  2. OH...he is very very cute. I am partial to King Charles Spaniels... I would love to have one as a pet. Now I have to go Google Cromwell:)

  3. All that you said, regarding history, was my experience, also. For most, I think, it takes a bit of "growing up" to appreciate the subject. That little creation is awesome......definitely a winner!!! So much personality (that crown is beyond it!). Your little critter creations are my absolute faves!!! Hugs, Doreen

  4. I love history now but like you say History lessons at school can be so boring!
    love the doggie...and the sunglasses!

  5. Your dog is simply adorable, so much personality, well done.

  6. This is adorable! I love it! And, sweet sunglasses!

  7. I've always struggled with history, I think its all the dates and having to remember those events! Very cute work!

  8. I love him - very regal! I wish I could capture that sort of personality in my own pieces!

  9. I love your softies, they're always so 'British', I think that comes with the countryside theme :) Im a big fan of your blog, I've posted a link to it on my own ( as your quite a big inspiration to me!


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