
November 8, 2011

'this took forever to make'

Every year at about this time I post on this subject, as many crafters prepare to while away the hours hand making christmas gifts.  In the past, I've made gifts.  Nowadays, I'm very careful who I will, and will not, get my needle and thread out for and ask that you also do the same.

These labels made me chuckle! 

Ideal for the ignorant and the uneducated.  Who know the price of everything but the value of nothing.  Who dismiss the hours and hours a handmade gift takes by referring to it as "...all she can manage is a stuffed toy of some description she has made"

The labels are from here.


  1. Haha brillint- I know someone who would totally benefit from a little nudge in the appreciative direction. :)

  2. Hee hee! Brilliant labels. I know exactly what you mean. Choose one's recipients carefully!

  3. You are very naughty posting these - I now not only want some, I NEED some LOL xx

  4. Fantastic!!! I think I should put one on everything I make.

  5. It's awful isn't it, when you realise the gift is unappreciated. I spent ages on a gift for my SIL and never heard a thing about it so she's crossed off the list. Of course I haven't been thanked for bought things either, but it amounts to the same thing - I need a bit of feedback and appreciation as a reward it seems! Problem is that this Xmas I know the perfect gift but the only way I'll be able to get it is by making it. What to what to do... My first thought is that *I* will enjoy the process so perhaps that might be sufficient?

  6. This year for me will be a hand made and thrifted christmas. I used to choose the people I gave my lovingly made by my own hand creations to.
    I had a sister in law who who turned her nose up at anything that didn't have a designer label so she got a boring gift voucher while everyone else got a created just for them gift. But this year everyone is getting heart designed/hand made gifts. In fact friends have been dropping huge hints that that is what they want from me.
    My grandaughters have 'ordered' dolls that they hope will be in their christmas stockings.
    Those labels would be perfect for those that just don't 'get' the making and giving of a gift that has been created just for them.
    I made a knitted baby doll years ago for a friends daughters 3rd birthday (who had nothing but designer clothes and presents given) that same doll has now gone off to uni with her. It gives me a warm fuzzy to know that.


  7. Hello, I'm a new follower. Our doll club was just talking about this very same thing. We called it "be-grudgements" as it seems that some of us have experienced this exact same thing where you spend hours & hours or days & days making something special & then finding it on a yard sale table or carelessly destroyed. I love the idea of the to find where to get some made

  8. Love the labels Amy, what a hoot.

    You can always tell a fellow creative type at a market as they are happy to pay the price asked and not complain as they know and appreciate the time effort and creativity. But for those who have no idea these labels would be brilliant............ Sadly, some people still wouldn't get the hint, hehe.......

    Claire :}

  9. Well said and fabulous labels! Nothing more depressing than truly investing time and love in a handmade gift and knowing that it's not been appreciated. My list has shrunk over the years, the bonus being that the people who do appreciate handmade presents now reap the benefit of my having more time and energy :)

    p.s. flyingbeader - can I borrow "be-grudgements" please?!

  10. Fantatic labels, great idea! I'm lucky enough to have some very appreciative family and friends. Some of who create, others don't but all recognise the time and effort I put into their gifts. I can't believe people would slate you for making them something! You should give them a lump of coal!

  11. Neat idea! I dont make many pieces for folks these days, the demands of my customers means I dont really have the time! Made me chuckle : )

  12. I LOVE these - I have some labels that say 'handmade with love' ... but these say so much more! I'm having a giveaway tomorrow - I really hope you will be able to join in.

  13. Love these labels! At my baby shower, I opened a handmade quilt from an older member of our church. I ooh-ed and ahh-ed and hugged her. Our preacher's wife (an apparent non-crafter) loudly said, "She makes them for EVERYBODY," (meaning- it's not that big of a deal) not appreciating the love, time and work that even a small quilt takes.


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