
September 27, 2011


Yet another Softie gone wrong...

I am stuck in a rut of not being happy with anything I've made over the last few weeks.

Please tell me it's not just me who goes through periods of nothing you make going right?!


  1. Its definately not just you! I almost threw my machine out the window a week or so ago. Seem to go through spells where I cant seem to do anything right!! Always seem to get my mojo back eventually but its annoying when it goes on holiday!!

  2. it's not just you! walk away....pick up something completely different for a few days then try going back to the project you were working on, if it still doesn't work, chuck it out the window!

  3. It's not just you - I think we all go through this. This creative thing comes in waves - some good, some bad and some not there at all! Try something else creative, take a photo walk/drive, get to the ocean if you can! Try cooking? Take a break from the softies - you may find creativity in a totally new avenue!

  4. I have that happen too, that is when I take a break. I am usually trying too hard and take a few days to do something else and spend time outside or having fun to get the creativity flowing again.


  5. I am relieved that it is not just me and that fabby people like yourself also suffer crisis's of confidence! Although I bet your makes are always perfect in the eyes of others! xxx

  6. Oh yes - Its actually called EITTTS (Everything I touch turns to S@#$) It is a stealthy disease that seems most prevalent amongst crafters.
    I hope it passes quickly.

  7. I definitely have phases like this and then all of a sudden something works on the first go - it doesn't happen often, but it makes up for the rest of the time.

  8. Ha ha - come on over to my house and see all the UFOs stuffed into the back of my fabric cupboard. Funny little half finished dolls, weird little animals with no heads - no your not alone I fear

  9. I'm lucky that the dolls I make are meant to be wonky and weird but even then sometimes you need to put the WIP away and not look at it for a while then you see it in a different way when you drag it out again. Sometimes though the only thing you can do is try your hand at something completely different, something fun and stress free, that gets your brain working again before you tackle what isn't going right.

  10. Go do something completely different. Paint a picture, do some mosaic....

  11. Don't worry, it's definitely not just you, I have those times quite a lot!

  12. Periods of nothign going right? More like my entire crafting life of things not going right!

  13. This too shall pass. I sometimes say appalling things to my sewing machine (and laptop, printer, etc..).

  14. I agree with Apryl... put things away for awhile! I would bet that they will be less displeasing when you pull them out again. personally I have bags of uncompleted bears waiting for a new approach!

  15. Maybe it's not what you wanted it to be, but look at the shape and see what IT wants to be. I see a possible mushroom or maybe a flower person. We all get stuck once in a while. Usually working on something different or thinking outside the box gets me rolling again.

  16. This always seems to happen to me at the most inopportune times. Such as when a big special order comes through. Not the time when I can just put things away for a couple days. I usually switch to a personal project and hope that cures my issues. If not, then I bake a pie or cookies!

  17. I'm with JoJoEbi! When nothing's going right at the sewing machine...I head for the kitchen, and bake a cupcake. ;-)

  18. We all have those days. Don't worry. Enjoy the good ones and get through teh bad ones. If you count tehm up, there are more good than bad. Nehmah62

  19. It's not just you sometimes I have days where I struggle. Sometimes you just have to roll with these creative blocks and keep going until it passes and notch it up to experience. Good luck!

    I'm sure you'll be back on your feet soon enough.

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  21. I think we all go through things like this. Very frustrating but makes it all the sweeter when it finally goes right. I love those epiphany moments, makes it all worthwhile xxx

  22. This always seems to happen to me at the most inopportune times. Such as when a big special order comes through. Not the time when I can just put things away for a couple days.
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