
April 29, 2011

In homage to the Royal Wedding...,

I got up this morning and popped my wedding frock on!

Well, when I say popped, it was more of a wriggling, husband yanking it up, breathing in, sucking the old tummy in and hoping for the best as the zip went up (it has been untouched since 1997!).  And it did indeed zip up, it's fine when I'm stood up, but sitting down is another matter!

I have to admit to not being a royalist, but we will no doubt watch a bit of the wedding, reminisce about watching Charles & Diana back in 1981 and critiscise all the outfits, hats and hairdo's, then end up outside in the street with all the neighbours for an impromptu street party.

Anyone going to join me and fling on their wedding dress?, what was yours like??


  1. Lovely dress, I really wouldn't get into mine! My 6 yr old wants to make a Princess doll

  2. This is really fun! Mine is princess style but with thin straps and a matching white lacey shawl to keep it modest! It is from Italy, made of rayon, but looks like silk. Bought it at a special shop in San Francisco. Thanks for actually putting yours on and making it extra fun! :-)

  3. Wow, looks amazing, can't believe you still fit in it. I got married less than a year ago and I already can't fit into mine! Mine was a fairly meringuey affair made by my sister.

  4. I popped mine back on a few years back and it still fitted (not sure it will at the moment with it being just after Easter lol) . I stupidly told my childs teacher who was getting the kiddies to draw wedding dresses that mine still fitted, before i knew it I was walking down the school corridor with mock bridesmaides - very odd feeling lol.

  5. What a brilliant idea - I just tried mine on since I wore it 11 years ago and it was a little big - though I have always been a little tubby ;)

  6. I made mine into a bassinet skirt, when my son was born. The bottom half was frilled lace, so worked perfect.


  7. The thought of putting on my dress didn't cross my mind. Idid wake up to watch the wedding and found that I really enjoyed it.

  8. Beautiful dress!!! Love the jacket. Ahem, I've been happily unmarried to my man for 14 years now (if i remember correctly) so no dress to try to fit in here :)

    I watched part of the wedding on-line while at work, I hadn't planned to, but when I saw all tweets about hats and outfits I couldn't help myself... I did enjoy the show :)

  9. Well I don't have mine anymore. I got rid of it years ago, it will be 50 years this year in Sept 2nd.
    However I can tell you I'm pretty much the same size as when I got married or darn few pounds from it. The thing is my waist is 29 inches and not 24. Something about having kids and aging must expand the waist as my bust and hips are the same. I love your dress by the way and always keep it even it yellows with age like mine did.

  10. It has been dragged here and there and tried on multiple times... but my girls were too tall to wear it in their weddings. Now 45 years after the fact there is too much of me to wear it again... so it hangs in a closet upstairs waiting to see if a grand daughter can or wants to wear it!!
    By the way it was very simple princess style with a few lace appliques and 60 million buttons on the sleeves... I still can feel my Mother's icy fingers are she buttoned them!

  11. Wow! Well done for being able to fit into your (very pretty) dress! I liked the bit about not being able to sit down in it... suspect I would be the same. Pity I can't try mine on... my dress and I are in different countries!
    Hope you enjoyed the wedding - Royalist or not. I loved it!

  12. your dress is lovely.
    i so enjoyed watching the royal wedding. the fashion. the HATS! the sweetness of new love (i'm an old married woman) and remembering princess di. we don't have anything (except tragedies) that pulls us americans together like this wedding gathered folks all over the world. i loved every minute. :)

    found your book at our local store yesterday and i am so happy to know you!! i can't stop looking through it's pages.

    thank you for sharing your softies with the world!

  13. WOW, the dress is fit for an angel, i wish it were mine.....although it is similar...but I like yours more....luv your blog as well! cheers Nic

  14. The hats... good grief the hats!!! Fun to watch the wedding and Katherine did look absolutely beautiful.
    As for my wedding dress... I kept hold of it for 12 years (longer than my marriage lasted admittedly!) and then realising that there really wasn't anything I could do with it (and my 7 year old son certainly didn't need it!!) I gave it to the drama department at my school. Last summer it was used by one of the girls studying for her GCSE Drama and it was absolutely perfect for the scene she was acting as she was being spurned by her lover. She said that wearing the dress made her character real to her and she cried real tears. And it was a beautiful dress!


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