
February 2, 2011

It's arrived...!

"...all she can manage is a stuffed toy of some description she has made"

That remark was made this week in reference to a handmade gift I spent days designing and making a couple of christmases ago.  

Some people sadly know the price of everything, but the value of nothing.

I think I'm just about have the last laugh thoughAs a soon to be internationally published author, the value of my work, may just be about to go up!

Hmmm, what could this be?'s an advance copy of my book!

Apologies for the bad photo but my hands are shaking.  A cup of tea and a comfy chair are in order, I'm off for a flick through!


  1. Oh very well done, it is a great feeling, getting your first book - someone compared it to giving birth, (though that's not something I'm qualified to opine on!) It looks lovely; sadly there will always be stupid unmentionables who have no true values. but I am sure that once your book is out there getting bought up by people who DO appreciate your work, that person might somewhat regret their unkind words.

  2. I and many would love a 'stuffed toy' made by you.

    Do not let it worry you, as the other comment above says there are always people like that.

    But there are more and more people who love handmade and love your work.

    So congratulations on the book. It looks wonderful.xx

  3. whoever said that does not derserve your crafted gift.

    How exciting to have it in your hands though!


  4. and will the commenter be getting a copy ?

    That fox......kills me

  5. How completely exciting - a massive congrats to you!!!!

    p.s like BBB said, anyone not made up to recieve a hand made pressie, let alone off you must be a complete muppet!

  6. Huge congrats to you. How exciting....and I can say I know the author :-)
    A x

  7. Some people think gifts have to be bought... I bet if you said you bought your plushies at a design store, instead of made them, they wouldn't find a flaw in it.

    But anyway, congrats on the book! I'm looking forward to it. :)

  8. What? Someone seriously said that? What a twat! Congrats on the book - more proof that you are immensely talented and your creations are better than any that could be bought in a shop.

  9. How exciting!!
    I have mine on order and can't wait!

    You are published!! Wrap yourself in that feeling and forget those comments.

    Well done
    Ali x

  10. Congratulations!! Love that fox. That comment made me laugh - I know/am related to some people like that and they just have no idea.

  11. congrats! it must be a wonderful feeling!
    p.s-i think you have the last laugh (in regards to the comment you mentioned)

  12. I've seen a lot of cute things but that fox is one of the dearest. Congrats!

  13. Love your work! Congrats on your book!

  14. There seem to be some horrid people out there who (perhaps) only have Blogland where they can leave their nasty little comments...

    I love your work! Good luck with the book sales!

  15. BRILLIANT! well done. Your hard work pays off and you so deserve it.

  16. Wow!!
    How much time ww have to wait to order it?

  17. I wonder if the person who made that comment can actually make a stuffed toy themselves.
    Congratulations on your book, I'm sure it will do well :)

  18. I am very happy for you Amy I'm sure it will be a huge success.
    Jo x

  19. Wow! Congratulations on such a wonderful achievement. Rachael Xx

  20. You are awesome! Congrats on the book - no wonder your hands are shaking! Thrilled for you!

  21. I think your "stuffed toys" are magnificent! Congrats x 1000 on the book!

  22. I can't believe somebody would say that! How rude!
    You and your softies clearly rock!

  23. That is awesome. I know it has been quite the journey to get to this point. Well done!!!!

  24. Congrats!!!!
    It looks beautiful book!!!!
    Some people may say something negative about your artwork, maybe because they are jealous of your talent!

  25. yay!
    wow all that hard work made worth while what a great feeling it must be! - congratulations :)

  26. Was that a family member/friend/recipient of said gift who made that comment? If so... I would kick them :)
    I think "a stuffed toy of some description (you have) made" would be an awesome present! - super excited for your book to come out this spring... that fox needs to be recreated and live in my house :)

  27. Published or not, I would love to get a gift from you! Having your name in print has to be so satisfying!! Well done.

  28. Congratulations on your book!! Whoever made that comment is clearly (to be blunt) a bit of an idiot! x

  29. That is so great! I am off to order your book, your work is worth it! I love originality that your designs give!
    well done!

  30. How exciting it must be to hold your own book! This one is on my shopping list for sure, I can't wait to see all your lovely designs.

  31. I still have the magazines my mom was published in! A treasure indeed. I have already ordered my copy!

  32. You go girl! A well deserved sit down and cuppa I would say!

  33. Congratulations! I can't believe someone made such an ignorant comment about your gorgeous creations! Just shows their poor taste. Don't let it put a damper on your joy of this glorious moment. Soak it in and savor every moment!

  34. Congrats Kate!!! That's so exciting and wonderful. Don't you know that commenter will feel foolish when she realizes that she doesn't have a clue about what is art. Obviously the important ones realized your talent. I adore the fox!

    Hugs...Tracy :)

  35. Wow, how rude some people can be! Sorry you had to be subjected to that, when clearly it was a gift worth a lot more than a lousy couple of minutes grabbing something off a store shelf.

    Anyway, forget all that - how exciting that the book has arrived!! :D

  36. I'm new to your blog, but have been admiring your amazing creations - as someone who gives handmade gifts as Christmas presents, I am outraged that someone would say that! I would definitely give that person a copy of your book with a note attached advising that the' value' of their 'rubbish' present will now have risen...congrats on your book :)

  37. I can't believe someone made that comment about you! Incredible! But how totally exciting to have a copy of your book in your very own hands! I'll be buying a copy when it hits the shops that's for sure. Lucy x

  38. That is the downside to handmade loveliness, some people just don't understand.

    How terrifically thrilling about your book. I shall be stalking Amazon come the Spring.

  39. Congratulations on your book!!! This is all very exciting :) don't let anyone ruin this moment for you; they are not worth it!

  40. Congratulations this is amazing : ) xxx

  41. congratulations! must be very exciting xx

  42. Congratulations, how wonderful to hold a book that you created.


  43. I'm glad you didn't let a comment like that stop you! ( one made to me almost 45 years ago still rankles!) Your book is a great achievement! Congratulations... and three cheers!

  44. Congrats.
    We have folks like that in our family. They don't get handmade anymore....and since I only give handmade....oh, gee, did that package get lost in the mail again? So sorry about that.

  45. Congratulations! Well deserved. Keep up the good and beautiful work.

  46. Congratulations, it looks gorgeous!

  47. Well done, Kate. Now where and when can I buy a copy? x

  48. So sorry, I meant to type 'Amy' and it came out 'Kate'. Fab new book by Amy Adams xxx

  49. Congratulations on your new book!!!! Sorry to hear that someone was so rude and insulting about something you had put your love into making. Some people just don't know the value of things. So sad for them. I can't await to see your new book, it looks adorable!

  50. wow congratulations! I think I'd be the same too if I ever make it into print!

  51. OMG - what a stupid remark!!! I can't say how upset people like that make me.

    I know it hurts anyways, but you and all of your readers KNOW that your designs are absolutely adorable. Much, MUCH LOVE!!! ♥♥♥

    Can't wait to get my hands on your book. I love your fox, it's definitely a big must-have for me.

    You are great!!!

  52. How very exciting!

    ...Ignore the pongo comment some people shouldn't speak...

    Looking forward to having a peep myself!


    kisses X

  53. I once showed a friend a patchwork bag I had made and was really pleased with, having worked it all out myself... the comment was 'why didn't you just buy one?'! She was genuinely puzzled. Some people really don't get it, but you have to laugh. My friend is still a good friend. Your book looks wonderful.

  54. @Lace hearts - I have come across this 'puzzlement' many times - including from my husband, who just doesn't understand why I don't buy our cushion covers from a shop, instead of going through the hassle of making them!!


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