
January 8, 2011

The year of the book,

I hope everyone has all had a good christmas.  We've had a busy time, lots of traveling and visiting, and also lots of snow.

2011 is a big year for me as in April my craft pattern book comes out. I think, business wise, that has to be the most exciting and yet nerve wracking venture I've undertaken so far.

Swan pattern from the book

When I submitted the proposal for my initial book idea, I was so pleased when it was as well received as it was.  Given the passion I have for designing and making Softies, it's easy to assume everyone else will feel the same way, which left me quite anxious when putting together the ideas for a full book of Softie patterns designed from animals of the British countryside to an American publisher!

The whole process has been a very valuable experience, one which I'm sure I will be blogging about often.  Out of all the chapters in the book, it was the 'how to' part which became the most difficult to break down.  I was reminded of this the other day, by Abby Glassenberg, who also has a book out, and is posting on her blog a fascinating series all about the mechanics of creating a Softie.  The issue I had with the instructions was whether to have a section at the beginning which covered all the construction techniques, or to keep this information within each individual pattern.  I chose to have a section at the front, to avoid unnecessary repetition.  This does mean that if you were to make anything from the book, there is a little cross referencing to do, but as many of the processes are used over and over, once you've sewn one Softie, it all starts to make sense.

Writing a craft pattern book is all about making choices.  I chose the write my book in a certain way, whether or not my choices suit everyone, well I guess only time will tell once it comes out and begins to get reviewed.

Happy New Year!


  1. I will certainly look forward to your book, can't wait to see it.

  2. I wish you success with your book - Your swan is really lovely.

  3. I love that swan! In fact I've loved everything I have seen from your book so far! I'm sure it will be a success!


  4. And I cannot wait it is available to be purchased!

  5. Well Done & Congratulations!! I love that the projects can be hand or machine sewn!
    If you ever want to do a guest promo or pattern / book giveaway then I would be very happy to offer my blog!

  6. Just love the swan, it's beautiful...
    All the best with your book, I'm sure it will be a success no need to stress......

  7. Congratulations for your book, and a very happy new year :)

  8. oohh how exciting and scary all at the same time. Your work is lovely so I am sure people will rush to buy the book :-)

  9. I am sure your book will be a huge success. Softies are so much fun to make, and your patterns are adorable. How can anyone resist? I am already planning where I'll display my swan once I get your book and can make one!

  10. Hi there!
    I'm new to your blog and just wanted to stop by and tell you how much I enjoy it! I cannot wait until your book comes out!

  11. I am looking forward to it coming out. For Christmas I got the book "little birds" and I made you peacock. I think he turned out very well and is a birthday present for a friend of mine you loves peacocks. It was a fun to make. I am thinking of taking the tail pattern directly from the book and adding a small little head and making it into a pin for her as well.

  12. All I can say is WOW - I have ordered the book and cannot wait to get my hands on it. Such beautifully cute animals. You have a great talent and thanks for sharing! Here's to hoping mine turn out half as cute as yours!

  13. Gorgeous, how the swan is turning its head to get a better look!!!

  14. Splendid job, Amy! Also, the feeling of having butterflies in your stomach is pretty normal since it's one of your biggest ventures ever! I hope people are still buying the book until now.


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