
November 22, 2010

Blog tour interview with 'Scandinavian Stitches' author, Kajsa Wikman...

To celebrate the release of 'Scandinavian Stitches', here is a little Q&A interview with the author,  Kajsa...

Has it sunk in yet that you have written a book?, a whole book?!

"I think I really got it the day my copy of the book arrived in the mail, before that I had a hard time picturing it.  When I had it in my hands I could see that it was really my book, it looked just like me (well maybe a little more rectangular!).  The amount of e-mails I get today proves it even more and makes me feel a bit overwhelmed to be honest!  So if I didn't respond to your e-mail it's not that I didn't read it or do not care, I just have limited time and secretary skills!"

Fabric or felt?

"Fabric!, especially linen. And quilt cottons.  And felt... I love felt and am planning a collection made from Finnish wool felt.  I want to use more local materials in my work so I can't wait for January, which will bring me some longed for creative time!"

You've already been asked which is your favourite project from the book, but which do you think will be popular amongst crafters who buy the book, are there any forerunners appearing amongst the Flickr group?

"The tomte softies!  When I asked my blog readers a couple of years back which projects they would like to see published they were the winners.  The soft house ornaments seem pretty popular too, they are easy to make and vary"

Hand sewing or machine sewing?

"Machine sewing at work and hand sewing when/if I have some spare time"

Any projects you had planned to do, but that didn't make it into the book? (maybe for the next book, right?!)

"Just a couple, it was challenging enough to gather enough projects for one book...!  Now when I made it I do have ideas for the next book"

Buttons or beads?


Are there any projects which you feel kids could tackle on their own or with a little support?

"The bird ornaments, the houses or the tomte, which is also a nice toy and lovely gift for a little sister or brother"

 Wool or polyester stuffing?

"I use polyester, but would much prefer wool, that would make my products quite expensive though and I want them to be available for 'everyone'.  Especially the tomte softies 'eat' a lot! In my quilts I use cotton batting"

How prepared are you for the amazon reviews?

"Eeek!  Can you be prepared for that?  I get so much positive feedback, which I am so grateful for and I find it very strange that whenever I get a negative or just a little critical remark I get totally shaken.  I'm not good at taking negative feedback, never have been.  But I must say that now when I know I have so many people backing me up it is easier to get over it than it was before"

And finally, chocolate or cake?

"Hmmm, Chocolate cake?  Or cheesecake with lime and white chocolate.... Coffee anyone?!"

:: :: :: :: ::

A big thank you to Kajsa for visiting my blog.  And now for the giveaway part, the lovely people at C&T Publishing are offering a free copy of the book, and Kajsa herself is also offering a set of gorgeous holiday cards (see below), just leave a comment on this post answering one of the questions I asked Kajsa, ...buttons or beads?, to be included in this 'two chances to win' prize draw.  The draw will close on Friday 26th November at midnight GMT.

Don't forget to visit the 'Scandinavian Stitches' Facebook page and Flickr group, and keep following Kajsa for the rest of the blog tour...
Tuesday 23rd : Whip Up
Wednesday 24th : Peikon Poika 
Thursday 25th : Patchwork Pottery
and finishing on Friday 26th : Allsorts


  1. Buttons for me.Thanks for hosting a giveaway of such a delicious book.

  2. buttons for me, I love them!
    thanks for the chance!

  3. OOh that's a hard question - I can't choose between beads or buttons, I love them both. Buttons for sewing and card projects, and beads for making jewellery.
    What a fabulous looking book, please enter me into the drawing. Thanks.

  4. Definitely buttons! Thanks so much for giving us the opportunity to win a copy of this book.

  5. Buttons every time! Great interview - thanks for the chance to win the book.

  6. Lovely book, very distinctive style. :-)
    I love beads.

  7. It's been beads for me for some time, but recently I'm loving buttons. My gran left a beautifully diverse and eccentric collection of her favourites, and I used some in my most recent project - the buttons makes me feel very sentimental and close to her.

  8. Buttons for me always. Love the interview format. The book is on my wish list I want to catch those fishes!
    I x

  9. Wow, buttons or beads! One of the gift projects that I am working on now are necklaces for my neices that include both! Okay, if I have to choose it would be beads.

  10. Thank you for the book review and interview, I have visited her blog. It's great to share someone's success. Kajsa's work is lovely.

    And I am definitely a button girl.

  11. i'm a buttons and chocolate cake person...

  12. Buttons, chocolate and coffee while sitting on the couch reading Kajsa’s book! I already ordered a copy but would love to win the book or cards for a dear friend!
    Thanks for a chance to win!

  13. For me it will always be buttons.
    What a beautifully styled book, I'd love to get my hands on a copy.

  14. I am a button girl, kitch, vintage and funky inspire me to stitch and make. If I don't win this book, it is going on my 'wish' list.....
    thanks for the chance of a win and a great review!

  15. Very hard to answer! Think it will have to be beads. Beads always remind me of the beads game I used to play when I was a little girl in the 60s. I still have my tin of beads from that time and it holds huge nostalgia value for me :)
    Thank you for running this give away. The book looks lovely.

  16. buttons! would love to win this beautiful book. thanks for doing the give-away xxx

  17. Always a button lover! thanks for the interview. I lover her work!

  18. I like her answer...buttons! Thanks for the FUN! I can't wait to see this book! What a great review! HUGS! ♥

  19. Button! I just love them. Buttons seem to have more history behind them - both social and personal.

    One of the comments above mentions the bead tin - but imagine a button box that was your grannies and was full of buttons cut of her old clothes, and ones of baby clothes outgrown and any that took her fancy. And then the box is passed to you and you can add to it and share it with your daughter.

    Lovely interview and the book looks gorgeous.

  20. Buttons fo'sure!

    Although it's handy to have some beads on hand for the odd project or two...

    But buttons all the way!

  21. Buttons for me too! Thanks for this giveaway! I love all the projects from this artist! Have a nice week!

  22. Buttons all the way (OK I do use beads as well). I love a good rummage throught a button tin to try and find the perfect ones for a project. The ranges of sizes and shapes is endless.
    Thanks for playing host Amy. SO will you be doing a blog book tour too ;)

  23. Yes, it has to be buttons. They are so much fun and not as fiddly as beads.

  24. Buttons!
    They come in so many different shapes, sizes and colours :)

  25. Buttons for me. Thanks for the giveaaway, the book looks beautiful.

  26. buttons...fingers crossed...thanks

  27. oooh buttons..especially lovely wooden ones :)

    thank you for entering me in your giveaway!

  28. Buttons - all the way. The book looks lovely.

  29. It is so much fun to get to know Kajsa even better through these interviews.

    Buttons, wooden, plastic, glass anything goes.

  30. I don't think the book concept sinks in until at least you review proofs, if not a book in hand. Sending in a pile of photos and projects with a Word document isn't quite the same thing.

  31. oooh, buttons every time, especially lovely old shirt buttons

  32. button or beads? oh, i can't pick, so i'll settle for chocolate!

  33. Oh, buttons, buttons, buttons. One huge jar and two vintage tins full of them, stashed away in my crafting attic, yay! Do come and visit me...

    Laura x

    PS: I would love to win!

  34. Buttons but I do love beads. So hard for me to decide. thank you for the chance to win a copy of this very inspiring book!

  35. I am totally a button person, I'm not into working with beads at all.

  36. Beads for me, because in my country we don't have a good selection of buttons :(

  37. I like them both, but buttons are a little easier on my fingers :D Plus - my local fabric store has a lovely supply of theme buttons that are quite reasonably priced - fun/unusual beads aren't quite as convenient to find :)

    Thank you for the opportunity to win this delicious book!

  38. Beads! Thanks for the chance to win!

  39. Though I love buttons I don't seem to use them as much in my craft projects as beads so I guess I'm more beady than buttony :-)

  40. Definitely buttons, and mostly vintage, used ones. I like them to have a history. Thank you for the great interview and the giveaway!

  41. definitely beads. I love the crystals; the way they sparkle adds so much to an art quilt!

    I'm surprised at how many people said buttons so far--interesting poll!

    And thanks for the giveaway--it's awesome sauce!

  42. I would LOVE to win this book. I adore your work and it would be so fun to have instructions! Thank you for the giveaway!

  43. Chocolate over cake ... though last night i had both ... chocolate covered pomegranate seeds --- TDF

  44. I'm a button girl! Thanks for hosting!
    mistyfuji (at) yahoo (dot) com

  45. Answer one of the questions asked of her?
    I'll answer the tough one, "How prepared are you for the amazon reviews?" LOL I think she can remain nervous but, in my opinion she has NO reason to be from what I have already seen. This book will do wonderfully and she's got nothing to worry about. I know *I* want one as do many others following this blog tour.
    Ok really though ~ Chocolate cake is my answer too. And coffee. YES please. How about Chocolate Peppermint Lattes? Oooh YUM. So good

  46. I like both, but the practical side of me says buttons.

  47. buttons of course!

    thanks for the great give-away,


  48. wow i'm so excited to see this book in the flesh! anyone who knows me will know i'm crazy about buttons but to be honest i have a large bead stash too!


  50. Toughie! I vote buttons, I love the carved ones from the forties and happy colors!
    What a fun giveaway, thanks for offering it!

    xo, amanda (mandykittie at yahoo dot com)

  51. Buttons!! So excited about Kajsa's book!

  52. Buttons - they're much more versatile than beads for the kind of things I like to make.

  53. Buttons or beads it really depends. I prefer buttons usually (vintage please), but right now I'm working on really tiny things (matchbox sized) so beads it is, and I'm loving how they look.

  54. I really do like buttons,
    for embellishment they're great!
    Funky, traditional, wonky, or other,
    they're great to decorate!

  55. It has to be buttons, but the question for me would be the chocolate or cake one, I love my chocolate.

  56. oh! I love buttons! so that's my choice!
    The book is full of so many cute projects, I'd love to win a copy!

  57. BUTTONS!!! And I so agree with Kajsa on this.. LOve them!!! :o))

  58. Beads here, but only cause I have so damned many of them!

  59. Totally buttons! You can use them for functional purposes or embellishment...they rock!

  60. I like buttons
    and I love the work of Kajsa.
    She's so creative and inspiring!

  61. Buttons! Every time!
    Looking forward to getting my paws on a copy of Kajsa'a book. Looks great and I love her blog! :D

  62. Buttons and Beads i use alot of both, love them all!!!!

  63. Buttons are best, love to recycly them from old clothes!

  64. Buttons!!!
    This book looks amazing! thank you!

  65. right now I'm thoroughly addicted to vintage buttons... I don't have many that aren't vintage or thrifted.. I'm not a total addict (yet) but I love the look of older buttons and the work with the little monster dolls and doodled button cards I have been obsessed with making recently.

  66. I do like a few well placed beads. Thank you for hosting this book tour!

  67. Oh, I'm a button girl all the way!

  68. buttons! :)
    Great interview questions :)

  69. What fun questions! I can't choose, I love both buttons and beads. But it's definitely chocolate over cake.

  70. looks like I am in a bit of the majority in my preference for buttons ... they seem so much more sturdy even when they add whimsy.

  71. definetly beads ! You don't want to know how many beads i have here :-)
    And because i prefer to make earrings with them, i think i have enough beads for the rest of my live - and others lives too to be honest ( now i'm becoming all red in my face )

  72. it was always beads for me, but recently it is a process of choosing buttons, so buttons for me :)

    thank you for sharing and for lovely giveaway :)


  73. Buttons, they just feel more, I don't know, me! Fab interview and thanks, I hadn't seen here work before, so its been really interesting!

  74. buttons. I have a bunch of buttons my mother in law gave to me that were her late mother's. We estimate there are buttons there that are 50 years old.

  75. Definitely buttons!! I have a few jars of them around and they really come in handy!

  76. I would say beads - they can make beautiful buttons as well ;)
    I love this book, there are so many projects I would like to do!

  77. Love buttons! Thanks for the chance.

  78. Definitely buttons! Thanks for this great interview!

  79. button! I love finding vintage buttons and using them in different projects.

    thanks for sharing

  80. Buttons, definitely buttons. So excited about this book!

  81. Buttons! I just recently got a hold of a huge stash of vintage buttons and I'm having a blast with them!

  82. Buttons! Thanks for the interview!

  83. buttons! this book looks so awesome, i'd love to win!

  84. Beads, please!
    Lucie (

  85. Great interview. Looks like I need this book in my library.

  86. Buttons. Thanks for hosting the blog book tour and the lovely giveaway of the book and cards. I spotted this book on the ctpub blog and knew that would like to enter to win a copy. Please include me in the drawing. Thanks. alternate email mlwright29 (at) hotmail (dot) com

  87. Buttons-especially pretty vintage ones!
    Thanks for the chance to win.

  88. Buttons! But shhh don't tell my bead stash.
    x CateSunshine

  89. Buttons definitively ! Thanks for the chance to win. Hugs from France.

  90. I'm all for buttons!!! Thanks for such a great giveaway.

  91. Beads, of course. I love finding your blog thru her book. Keep up the good work.

    Oslo, Norway

  92. buttons! even my daughter knows where to find them at the op shop

  93. Buttons for sure! I love riffling through my button jar for the perfect one :)

  94. Buttons!!!!! I love buttons... I have them sorted into colours but struggle to bring myself to use them!

  95. hhmm buttons of beads - hard one, I love the simplicity of buttons but also love the sparkle of beads. I think I would go for buttons for their ease of use :-)

  96. buttons, i guess, i am not a real fan of either. thanks


  97. Well thats an easy blog is coloured I guess I don't even have to answer that for you to know the answer!

  98. Beads. Yes, it's beads.
    Thank you for the give away.

  99. ooh I'd have buttons - shiny, colourful ones made of shell. Love the book - as for Amazon cmments - for each bad comment there will be 100 happy people who do not bother to leave a comment. People like to complain, but say nothing when they are content!

  100. I choose button... what a great book..!

  101. Buttons!!

    I would love to win that book - I can't find any other way of getting my hands on it at the moment.


  102. What fantastic giveaway prizes - I'm keeping my fingers crossed! Buttons for me please. I used to love sorting through my grandma's button box as a child :)

  103. Buttons for me too, love them!
    Thanks for this wonderful giveaway!
    ap_lemos at yahoo dot com

  104. Buttons. My mother gave me a bunch of antique buttons she got at a farm auction, all hand sewed onto large pieces of cardboard.

  105. Oh, so excited for this looks so lovely! Thanks so much!

  106. Buttons! Definitely! So much more versatile and beautiful.

  107. oh, buttons buttons buttons. I love to put buttons on everything. I truly believe you can never have too many jars of buttons.

  108. Love Kajsa's work!
    And I've actually met her last year when I bought her cards in a trade fair =)

  109. Has to be beads, all colors, all sizes, all kinds! LUV them beads!

  110. Buttons...I have lots of beads but have just started collecting buttons. I love this book - thanks for the giveaway.

  111. I say buttons.


  112. Beads for me! Although buttons are very close behind. :)

    urchiken at gmail dot com

  113. I am a button person. I use a lot of thrift wool and always save the buttons from the jackets, love using them in projects.


  114. Buttons, buttons, who's got buttons? So many differnt colors, shapes and sizes to choose from. And they're not too tiny.

  115. Buttons for me. Thanks for the giveaway.

  116. Absolutely buttons! I'm lucky that my grandmother collected a lot of them which I can use now!

    Thanks for giving this chance to win this great book or lovely cards!

  117. Os projetos do livro devem ser todos um sonho! Não vejo a hora de poder ter um livro em mãos!
    Beijos, Luciana.

  118. Buttons now question!

    Thanks for the giveaway! I'd love to get my hands on this book!

  119. I would love to win the book and the cards are just gorgeous!!!!!!

  120. Buttons all the way! They're perfect for finishing off so many of my projects. I have a jar full of them, including everything from novelty frogs to classic brass to basic white buttons.

  121. I always choose buttons! Thanks for the giveaway opportunity!

  122. I love buttons. All shapes and sizes :-)

  123. I like buttons,thanks for this wonderful possibility. The book simply cute!

  124. Buttons!
    Thanks for the chance at this giveaway.

  125. definitely buttons ;-) i love them!
    thanks for this giveaway ;-)

  126. Buttons!

    At the bottom of one of my drawers I recently found a tiny tin-box full of buttons I collected as a child. Happy day! :)

    Thanks for hosting this wonderful giveaway!

  127. Buttons!!

    I would love a copy of this book thank you for the give away!


  128. Buttons for me. I have some antique flower buttons my grandmother gave me long ago. I haven't found the right project in which to use them. Thanks for the chance to win.

  129. fabulous book!

    buttons for sure!

  130. Buttons! I love them.

    Thanks for the chance to win!!

  131. Definitely buttons! I can't wait to get this book.

  132. Beads all the way. I find they're more versatile than buttons: can be vintage, traditional, or modern.


thank you to all those who leave a comment, i try my best to comment in return, when blogger makes this possible, as i enjoy visiting all your blogs and adding to my ever growing blogroll!

if i can't find you, as blogger does not always make it easy to trace people/profiles, i will answer any questions or queries within my blog comments section, so please check back!.