
January 12, 2010

I have been dragged,

...kicking and screaming into 2010. I didn't want this year to start. This is the year I turn,

(can I even type it?!)


There, I've done it. I know I'm in good company, there are some other crafty bloggers (who will remain linkless) also due to turn, well, you know what.

In the mean time, there is sewing happening, honest -

a bit of desk debris,

followed by a new (secret) softie,

christmas reading material (by the way, I love Meg's book),

my 15 minutes of fame!, front page of 'Stuffed', volume 3

and inside, on page 113, some softie shoes!

There, I'm off to sulk some more that it's 2010, and I can't stop time.


  1. Trust me - you will love the 40s and 50s. There is a certain calm about them.

  2. No, I didn't want it to be 2010 as well. Nothing great about growing a year older. Nothing glamorous; more wrinkles, more flabby arms, more white hairs. No, not exciting at all. Oh dear, did I scare you?

    Nonetheless, HAPPY NEW YEAR!

    Anyhow, I am kicking and screaming over how nobody seems to want to join the first swap I'm organising. Please do take a look and see if it tickles your fancy!

  3. oh sweetie, you are just a babe! relax and enjoy the ride!!!

  4. I too turn 40 this year and have decided to appear open and up front about it, if not actually happy. That way I have scuppered any plans any friends (?) may have had about producing balloons, badges etc in an attempt to embarrass me.

    Celebrate it - after all, you can't change it!!!

    Or can you....

  5. i turned 45 last October. It seems such a BIG number. My take on it though, is: Better to be 45 than not at all!

  6. I wasted a whole year before I turned 40 worrying about it and now, approaching 43? I feel no different. It's just a number - just go with how you feel - my family took me to Cornwall on my 40th, it was wonderful and they even smuggled a cake in the boot. Relax and enjoy. Thank you for your lovely blog!

  7. as you know i'm 40 this year too and you know what i don't care!
    after all they say that life begins at 40 {though i'm guessing that was more relevant when women had their families earlier and would've got the kids out of their hair!!!}

  8. l love being for me began at 50......40 is good to. Life your life to the art and laugh!!!xxlynda

  9. Oh Sweetie, I am almost two decades older than you, let me share something...THIS MOMENT, this very moment IT IS the best time of your life and it gets better each year that you are gracing us with YOU. Embrace each day as if it were your last, you too will come to realize how wisdom, sophistication, maturity are the rewards to this milestone. Really I would have been euphoric had I known that when I turned 40.
    blessings and happy name sake
    madame samm

  10. Oh 40 was easy, now 50 was harder. I really came into myself at 40, I had so many changes at 40, I embraced everyone of them and enjoyed each and every step.
    40 was a joy!

  11. yes, I too worried and obsessed about turning 40. It was worse before I turned 40 than when I actually did.
    but I will say, 41 was much better. I'm finally at a point in my life (the kids are at a good age for it) where I'm starting to slowly do things for myself. Medical checkups, working out, eating better (although, not so much since Christmas) and making things because I wanna. Yes, the other side of 40 is not so bad... make it a decade for self growth.

  12. even though 40 is coming...for us all too---maybe just not this year.. but all the goodies you have is a great start of the year! it will be a good one.

  13. I'm also facing the big 40 reluctantly. Age has never bothered me before but strangely now it does. I am resolved to make the best of it.
    So I am going to do 40 things over the year to 'celebrate'. Starting with a new blog.
    Enjoy it the best is yet to come apparently...

  14. Aw don't worry Amy, it is only a number. You will still be the same on the inside!

    Looking forward to seeing the new softie :o)

  15. I just bought Hand Stitched Felt online...should be here ANYDAY....can't wait!

  16. i turned 40 last year (2009) and it really wasn't that bad. honestly - just make sure you have a great party - something memorable :)


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