
January 20, 2010


You must know what I mean when I talk about favorites, it's that favorite piece of fabric languishing in your stash that you love so much, you almost don't want to use it.  I mean, what if you can't get anymore?  In this case, it's a button, my favorite button.  Let me describe it for you.  It's cream, slightly shiny, only about 1cm in size, scratched because it's old, came in a mixed bag from a charity shop and has tiny little flecks of grey in it.

As buttons go, it's pretty plain.  But I thought it was beautiful.

The dilemma is, shall I keep it, or shall I use it?

At the moment it's here, and I'd say I'm 50% happy about using it.  A little nervous that it's not safely tucked away in my button box.

There's still time to unpick!

How brave are you with that favorite item in your stash, are you a keeper or a user?


  1. Oh my! You are brave! My favorite button is safely tucked away in my stash. As are my favorite handspun yarn, my favorite piece of fabric, etc. I consider them available for inspiration.

  2. Oh I know what you mean, its almost as if you don't know if you will do it justice when you use it, that project has to be absolutely perfect for it, what if it isn't?!
    The button looks cute :)

  3. I'm definitely a keeper. I love to go into my studio and touch all my favorite things. I melt glass and I have a bunch of favorite glass buttons and beads that I refuse to make things with. The only problem is that my favorites are starting to take over. I'm emotionally attached to alot of my stuff and it's really hard to let go. Sorry I can't help you. I'm pathetic! :)

  4. Sorry, but I am a keeper. I know that no one will appreciate it like I will. Sounds selfish, doesn't it?

  5. I'm also a keeper and know exactly how you feel however if you do use it as least you have an excuse to go and find a new favourite - oh the thrill of the hunt !! x

  6. I'm a keeper! Big one... crazy one... but it is time to start using my beloved fabric/trims/buttons... I'm nervous as you at the beginning, but then I like it oh so much. And before I use something special I think, think think about it so long, that in the end I know that my decision is the right one. And I use it, my beloved item and choose an new one... crazy I know

  7. Im a keeper. I know its wrong. I give my self pep talks about it. I keep saying to myself in the big scheme of things its just not that important. And the more you hang on to it the more value yo give it. But that reluctance is so strong. What happens to the button now? Does someone else get what it's attached to? Do you get to see the button again? The thought of it is giving me palpitations! Good on you though. Somehow it feels like a 12 step programme!!! ;0)

  8. Thats a cute button indeed! Maybe you could keep it in your purse for a good luck charm, then it feels like you're using it for something but you don't have to part with it. :)

  9. I know! but I'm a user! But I used my favorite items (the old buttons of my grandmother) for something for my home so it's only a change of location! :)

  10. If I use it, I keep the item! That way if I ever want to I can re-use/unpick, and I get to see or use it all the time.

  11. I'm building a little toadstool, thanks to your tutorial!!!

    TAG- you're it... I enjoy keeping up with your blog and I've named you to pick 10 things that make you quite happy! You can get the Happy 101 image from my blog! Have fun!!!

    Can't wait to see what you post!

  12. oooh I'm a keeper - an absoluter hoarder! I agree with Anja though, one I've used a favourite, I'm normally even happier with it as it has a purpose...and it means i can find another favourite to obsess over :)
    I do this an awful lot with piles of old cards and buttons and fabric...I have little mood boards all over the place!

  13. A little of both. I save things, because they are special or my favorite, but then I make something that it would be perfect in, so I have to use it, and it becomes a new special thing.


  14. I'm a keeper too, although if I am keeping the item it's been sewn on to (or the scrummy papers I've been saving are for a scrapbook page) then I'm happy to use it, as I can still admire it whenever, and it somehow makes that project even more special!


  15. I'm a keeper! But I always feel good when I've used something I love and have given it away so someone else can enjoy it too! :0)

  16. Mmmm I am not a hoarder lol, I don't mind using up my fav pieces and sharing them with others...our mind can only hold so many memories, and I opt for new ones to come in and refresh my thoughts so I can be even more creative...
    Sew my say, use it, allow for new ideas to embrace you..
    blessings madame samm

  17. I would say I am a keeper, but I am trying to "let go of things more than I used to!

  18. You are very brave I'm scared of using my favoourites incase my project isn't good enough for them. My favourite button is a grey pearlescent button with black flowers on it. I recently used it on my graduation dress, but when I got home I unpicked it and put it safely back in my button box. Lucy (Munyip Makes) x

  19. I'm a definite keeper it's hard to part with little treasures. Perhaps you could use it on something for yourself then you can keep it.

    But take heart sooner or later another gem will be discovered.

    Button blessings

  20. I'm a keeper...but I did use some beautiful vintage cream rick rack on my friend's apron. I had just enough to go across the hemline with it. It almost KILLED me to use it!

  21. oh god i'm definately a keeper! some of the buttons/fabrics in my stash i've probably had *whispers* a quarter of a decade! {and i probably begged them from my mother and grandma!}
    the haberdashery i actually sell has to be stuff i've bought TO sell - so i have no emotional attachment to it!

  22. These little belonging ness of the heart for little buttons make it life that we live.Don't part with it...some treasured things aught to stay with you...after all the person it is going to may not realize the value.


  23. I'm a keeper - I get a sense of security knowing I have a little tin filed with mismatched/forgotten buttons, loose cuts of ribbons and old tape measurers in the bottom of my wardrobe...brings back memories as a child of rummaging through my nan's sewing box discovering the many haberdashery gems that had been lost to time....


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