
November 20, 2009

Pom poms,

I don't enjoy making pom-poms, it hurts my fingers. But sometimes a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do.


So on that note, I'm off to clean the toilets, both of them!


  1. I think that I would rather do two pom poms than two toilets!!!!

  2. you know Clover do pop-pom makers? revolutionised my pom-pom making universe.

  3. Echoing the Clover Pom-pom maker.., I despise making pom-poms and now it's almost fun. Great thing is... it's easy and I have my kids make them :)

  4. I rather make pom poms than clean the toilets;)


  5. don't forget that when making pompoms from wool yarn to hold them over the whistling tea kettle to fluff them out!

  6. At least when you've made the pompoms that's the end of it, you know you'll be cleaning the toilets again, and again and again.

  7. Oh, dear, this made me giggle, as it sounds like you will be using your pom poms to clean the toilets! But I know you wouldn't do that!

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