
November 4, 2009

It's far too early for the 'C' word...,

...isn't it! But having been handed a (rather long) Christmas list by Lucy, an idea began floating around in my head. We've just started watching season 4 of The Wire on DVD, so I was after a bit of light hand sewing to do in front of the TV. There are quite a few patterns available on the internet for stuffed trees, but I decided in the end to adapt my own by altering the vase I make for the flower stems.

And, here they are,

also, inspired by the tree print fabric picked up at the Festival of Quilts this year.

I do need to come up with a christmasy tutorial for this year, are the tree's too obvious?

I can tell others are thinking of Christmas already too from my blog stats, the Elf hat tutorial is getting quite a few hits, as it does every year. That was the first tutorial I ever did and quite basic compared to how I would do one now.

Still, I bet there are a fair few kids wearing Elf hats made out of leggings on their heads for the school christmas play!


  1. I know it seems early to think of Christmas, but if you make things there are only so many hours in the day!

  2. It must be the day for thinking about Christmas trees - I've just posted some today that I have made!

  3. oh I love those, they look fantastic. A friend of mine sent me an email yesterday and all it said was 51 days too Christmas. The email I sent back was not very impressed LOL, but yes I too need to get cracking and get all my Christmas projects made.

  4. yes, yes. tutorial required urgently!

  5. Neat trees! Tutorial would go down a treat. By the time I get organised it will be Easter!

  6. Those are too, too cute. I don't think it is ever to early to think about Christmas!

  7. So cute... Lovely!

    Ks from Brazil

  8. I have been working on presents, never too early.
    I usually make paper trees with parchment paper, but I may do some stuffed ones this year, more cat proof;)


  9. I would *heart* a tree tutorial. I love that tree fabric that you used. Do you know what it's called? I love your little felt blanket-stitched stars on top. Great touch and really makes the trees stand-out and look special.

  10. ciao they are really nice!

  11. If I didn't start thinking of Christmas now I would be "snowed" under by the 25th! Ha ha. Thanks for inspiring me to get out my red and green now.

  12. It's what my son wore on his head for their Father Christmas workshop last year at school!
    Cute trees!

  13. Never to ealry for teh C word! these trees are just heavenly!

  14. They look amazing! You've got me all inspired for the 'c' word now!!!

  15. so cute and elfish...they make me want to squeeze one!

  16. oooh i really like the trees!
    & enjoy season 4 of the wire. absolutely the best show ever on television.


  17. Iis a big question...but if you could share the template of theese beautiful trees, I (and I think many of us) would be very very happy! Only if it not a problem. Thank you in advance!

  18. I adore the whimsy in these trees! Adorable!

  19. These trees are great. Loving the stars on top too.


  20. This is great. Very Christmassy. Lucy x


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