
September 2, 2009


I should have done this on Monday, but here in the UK, it was a bank holiday so we've been making the most of the final few days of the school holidays.  

Anyway, better late than never, here are the winners of the giveaway,

1st, and winner of the calendar, is comment 61, which is ::

2nd is comment 59, which is :: Julia and 3rd is comment 118 :: Lyndyloo!

So, Julia and Lyndyloo, I will email you and find out whether you would like the pattern and fabrics for the kitten or the hedgehog (although, Lyndyloo, I can't access your blogger profile so have no way of contacting you, so if you could email me instead please)



Well, Lucy was back in school today, and tomorrow, my youngest is starting, his first day at big school.  Will I be a sobbing mum or a running round the playground cheering mum, I wonder!


  1. Obrigada pela visita
    Andei pelo blog inteirinho amei tudo
    Volte sempre
    Edil Pontes

  2. Woo-Hooo! I missed that there was a 2nd & 3rd!! Licky me!! Thanks so much!! The kitten & hedgehog are both so CUTE!! Hmmm...(I'll choose soon!)oh, hmmmm...

  3. possibly sobbing whilst waving arms wildely around the playground?

  4. Congrats to the winners. Buhu....I really wanted the cat :)

  5. Well done to the winners :-)

    I hope the first day of school goes ok! my little one has her first day soon, but they don't start til 14th sept here - despite all the other kids going back today!

    Rose XXX

  6. Argh, I missed your giveaway!! All the best for the little ones at school, I hope they enjoy themselves (and you enjoy your time without them!)


thank you to all those who leave a comment, i try my best to comment in return, when blogger makes this possible, as i enjoy visiting all your blogs and adding to my ever growing blogroll!

if i can't find you, as blogger does not always make it easy to trace people/profiles, i will answer any questions or queries within my blog comments section, so please check back!.