
April 9, 2009

Right first time...?

errrrrr... no!

It's very rare for any of the softie's that I make when working on a new pattern go right first time.  But I don't have a problem with that, I'm human, I make (lots of) mistakes!.

This is the fox I mentioned in this post

It's not finished, but I've stopped because he's just not quite right.  The design needs tweaking and I'm not convinced with my fabric choices either.

So off he goes, back to the drawing board.  And just to show you how often this kind of thing happens, here's a whole drawer full of 'not quite rights'!

I can't remember where I came across the link to this, but I love this idea.  It's a collaborative blog totally dedicated to handmade mishaps, Craft-Fail.  I think I'm going to have to join, I'd feel right at home there!

So, come on, fess up your handmade disasters!, and have a happy easter.  This is my favorite holiday, it involves chocolate, yum!


  1. I actually really love this fox just the way he is, and I love your choice of fabrics too.
    Happy Easter, Carolyn :o)

  2. Oh yes, I can relate. I definitely have some "craft fails" of mine own!

    Just keep trying,

  3. I think he's crazy-cute! Love his funky eyes. One question -- been wondering about this a bit -- what's a "draw"? Is it a britishism for "drawer"? (Never came across it the 3 years I lived there, but I was living in London, so it could be regional?) Or is it something else?

  4. Aw,he's cute anyway.Glad I'm not alone,I've got a few weeks of crafting mishaps behind me.I'm just about to throw in the towel on the Easter gift ideas.Tomorrow's another day I suppose..~Andrea

  5. I think he is great actually. I love how the two sizes of eyes suggest either side of the head.

  6. dangandblast - draw - it's an embarrassing spelling mistake, that's what it is!! i've corrected it now, serves me right for posting and running, i usually do a quick check first! : )

  7. Well I think he's pretty good for soemthing deemed 'a failure'. I've made so many crubbish monkeys, I couldn't begin to tell you. If I don't like the clothes, they get ripped off and new ones made. If I don't like the monkey, it gets attacked with scissors and the stuffing salvaged for future monkeydom.

    I always make at least one biggish mistake with EVERYTHING I make. Absolutely nothing goes completely 'right'. Once I've made the mistake, I start to relax a little.


  8. Poor Mr Fox, destined to lurk in the drawer with his not quite right friends.

    Part of the fun is messing up, isn't it? It is in this house, and to have Miss G and the husband laugh hysterically at my hideous mishaps. Charming.

  9. Yeah, you should join us at CrafFail!

    I think the foxie is cute, though!

  10. heather, i most definitely will!, i have my classic mishap tail, the owl egg cosy, i photographed it all, in step by step stages for a blog tutorial, only for it to be too small to fit on the egg! oops!

  11. funny. but he is not. he is cute. i don't mind the first try.
    i have a pile of fails too. things that i can't use, but are still stuffed, when they should be deflated and layed to rest--somewhere else.

  12. Awww...I think he's adorable, as is! Tell him he's welcome to come living in my sewing room if the drawer gets too crowded! ;)

    I've definitely had my fair share of craft fails...yesterday, in fact, I realized that I'd cut out the cushions for the chair I'm reupholstering upside down. It probably wouldn't be noticeable to others, but I know it would drive me bonkers every time I looked at it.

  13. Oh, I think the fox is cute and totally 'fox-like'. Don't dump him.

  14. "Aw man!" Actually I think he is really cute. But I understand the frustration of when a project does not look like what was in your minds eye. Looking forward to seeing the project you end up being happy with.

  15. I was looking at Mr.Badger and think that if you used the pattern fabric and other fabric the way you did for the badger that it would be splendid. The badger has just enough of each that it draws your eye to the right places. Anyway, I'm just a beginner but thought I would add my 2cents. Happy Easter.

  16. I love mr Fox too! I'm sure you could find people who love everything in that "not quite right" drawer :)

  17. I just saw your owl egg cosy on Whipup and had to come and see what else you've made. I love your blog! Think I'm going to be busy reading for a while...

    As for Mr Fox, I think he's lovely the way he is, and I really like the fabric choices.

  18. Mr Fox is lovely. My daughter would go nuts over him. He can have a good home at my house. lol. But none the less I am going to watch out for one that you might sell, or sell the pattern for because well I will just have to have this one for my daughter who is crazy about those little guys.

  19. I think your little fox is absolutely adorable. We are always more critical of our own work though.

  20. Isn't that the fun part in crafting -- to fail :) We all need mistakes to learn from.
    I like the way this Fox turned out, honest! I am also most certain some children -or pets, even- would love those "not quite rights" left in that drawer!

  21. jenn - your comment has totally hit the nail on the head, that is my line of thought for it too!

  22. ojala pudieramos comunicarnos por que me encanto tu blog,y las cosas que haces,buen fin de semana

  23. oh my, I think he is just PRECIOUS! He is so NOT a disaster



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