
February 8, 2009

Last night was a late one,

...but it was sew worth it!

The softie shoe idea was refusing to be beaten, so I kept going, and version seven thousand and ninety two came out like this...,

it was so satisfying to finally have managed to translate the image in my head into fabric.  There are still a few details to the pattern that need ironing out, but this is pretty close to what I was aiming for.

Of course, Mr LK saw it and laughed, 'What on earth are you going to do with that?!'  
My reply - 'I don't know, I might make some for Etsy, I might make a bigger pair and make you wear them to work!'

(for an idea of scale, the shoe is 12 cm long)

In truth, this became a labour of love, and a trip into a world where softies can be so much more than dolls and animals.  A world I want to visit more and more.

So, come on people, opinions please, I need some feedback, cute or not so cute, what do you think?


  1. Oh Divine! Yes, make some for me - i will wear them!! x

  2. SO cute! I would love one of my own

  3. I love the color combos, the inside fabric and the super cute red button! I think it is absolutely lovely, and I wonder what they would look like without the high heel.

  4. Hi Amy,
    I saw these in the 'made from recycled sweaters' group on flickr and I think they are wonderfull. Especcialy the heel adds so much charm to the design. And I love the soft colours.
    Greetings, Ria

  5. Cute??!?! The cutest!!!!!! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
    Soooooooooooooooo lovely!!!!! =)

  6. since you asked...Very CUTE!! super cute!

  7. Very cute! My first thought was that it would make a fantastic pincushion.

  8. Oh my! you shouldn't need to ask if that is cute. It has cuteness oozing out of every pore. :D

    It is adorable and I WANT ONE!!

    Well done for not giving up; it's very inspirational and beautiful; I bet you are so proud!

  9. These are so cute! Many women I know would rather snuggle a shoe than an animal or doll! Plus anything made from sweaters has my vote!

  10. yes, it is too cute. what do guys know?

  11. They're gorgeous! They make me think of these, but classier ;)

  12. I think the results are well worth your efforts - gorgeous! x

  13. OMG! They are adorable! You should make them into pincushions and use the inside for holding things like a thinble, bobbins, small spools of thread! LOVE IT!

  14. They're FANTASTIC! And I love your response!

  15. I think it is absolutely adorable! Very, very cute!

  16. Yay! You've cracked it! Fabbo end result. I love that chunky little heel. Makes them kind of cartoony. And little red/white polka dots. Oooh... And that red button. Aaahh...

  17. ADORABLE! It's so cute and petite and sassy and I'd like to have a pair! It's nice to know that it takes others sometimes a try or two...or four!;0)

  18. They are adorable, any little toddler would look sweet in them. Your husband though.......not so sweet! (in the shoes I mean!!)

  19. Super cute - especially when you can see the heel! Great job!

  20. Absolutely adorable!!!!!
    You are so inspiringly (is that really a word?) clever!
    Love it!

  21. How very creative and yes...cute! I've been known to wear slippers out to all kinds of places. I love them. An adult size pattern would be wonderful...hint,hint. I think if you were to put some of those beauties in your shop they would sell like crazy. Very, very well done.:)

  22. Definitely cute! Absolutely adorable. You have a very nice blog.

  23. cute, cute, cute... and they look comfortable!

  24. oh that it so cute. It would be a nice gift for someone who is pregnant, but maybe not for when the actually have the baby though - they might try to put them on the baby and whilst this would be cute, perhaps not quite what they were intended for.


  25. I think it is super cute and i can't deny loving it just a little! LOL! So soft and cute! I think they would sell great on Etsy!

  26. that is so funny! i didn't notice the heel until a few photos. that is just fab!!! little girls always have a fetish of shoes..they get it from their moms. i think this fits perfectly to that. plus even littler ones always seem to be chewing on the spungy flip flops--might as well give them what they like. great stuff. worth the long night. success my friend...success.

  27. I love it! So cute.

    A man-sized pair sounds like a fine idea ;-)


  28. Love your shoe - definately very cute. There's something for you on my blog.

  29. Fabulous little shoe. I love it. Look forward to the next one... Eli

  30. off the cute meter! Maybe put a little pin cushion inset in it?

  31. I have just stumbled across your blog and had to leave a note to say that these are almost unbearably gorgeous :-)

  32. This is sooooooo cute. I'd like one. I'd keep my buttons in it, I think :)

  33. "Cute or not so cute?!" SO CUTE!! So adorable. After you make your husband a pair, will you make my husband a pair, too? ;o)

  34. CUTE doesn't even come close! Isn't there a word for cuter than cute?! That shoe is adorable!! In the second picture it looks so Wallace and Gromity! (in a good way)

    Love love LOVE it! And what's with the needing to do something with it? That's what people said about my knitted severed horses heads. Why must there be a reason for things?!


  35. Shoe lovers everywhere would love these as a keychain, or hang two from their rearview mirror, or use on gifts. So adorable, I love it!

  36. very cute! I think without the heal (and if it's the right size) that little stuffed shoe would actually look very cute on a baby. And it might keep them extra toasty warm.

  37. I think you know the answer - really lovely! I quite fancy a full-sized pair as some slippers. Ace!

  38. I absolutely adore these shoes! I want a pair!

  39. Adorable!
    Just couldn't think of another word for it!

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