
November 17, 2008

It's f-f-f-freezing... our house during the day.  When I'm the only one in, I simply can't warrant putting on the heating just to warm up the smallest room.  So this evening have just whipped up these...

wrist warmers!

As I have so many felted jumpers lying around, all I did was chop off about 22cms worth of sleeve for each, cut a slit in the seam for my thumb, took it in slightly on the sewing machine (I have skinny wrists!), then blanket stitched round the raw edges (ie, the thumb hole and the bottom edge).  I also added a final bit of decoration, a (chocolate coloured, naturally!) flower.  The cuffs have been turned over to give me a bit more finger room for sewing (and breaking my bar of chocolate into chunks), and can be turned back to warm my hands up again, nifty hey!

Now my hands are toasty, I can get on with writing up the next steps of the softie tutorial and the christmas robin too, oh and a new Sew Hip project, oh and then there's the american magazine, the list goes on, and on, and on...!


  1. when I was cutting some jumpers this evening, I was testing out a pair of wrist warmers too. Great minds clearly think alike! You know, you can even drive with them on too!


  2. These look so cute. My hands were so cold today, but I didn't want to wear mittens in the house. I might have to give these a try.

  3. i made me some last week and i love them too! how handy they are in the drafty rooms. mmmmm toasty.

  4. I wear wrist warmers all day long (and leg warmers), they are super useful!

  5. Very stylish - and so much quicker than knitting a pair (I currently have one and a half wrist warmers!)

  6. They're so pretty! I hear you on the heating issue - I sit here with a fleece blanket wrapped round me, like a sarong. It's not a good look. x

  7. These are great! I have lots of artfully felted (not accidently shrunk in the wash)jumpers and this project looks good!

  8. I love your fingerless mits, I've been busy knitting pairs.

  9. Ooh, they look so cozy! I have some old jumpers around somewhere, might have to try that!

  10. great for the office...I am going to make some for my kids and for mommy too!

  11. Your designs are lovely, keep up the fabulous work. I smiled at your comments about lifting up the cuff for sewing and chocolate eating...we sewers are all the same aren't we?
    Warmly Lenna

  12. Nice mitts!

    I have emailed you re the bracelet.

  13. What a great idea! Love the flower detail. I will definitely try this out, I'm off in search of an old jumper to felt. I'm always cold, especially my hands. Thanks for sharing. xx

  14. I think i may have to make myself a pair as our heating is on the blink again !!
    Sorry i haven't emailed you back yet its a bit hectic here at the moment !!

    Sara x

  15. Ooooh fabulous! What a great use for those left-over sleeves from felting for bags!

    I think I would find the buttons would remind me far too much of chocolate though ;-)

  16. Great idea! Thanks a ltoo for it. My hands are also always cold.

  17. Really lovely wrist warmers although I would call them a pair of fingerless mittens, much easier to make than knit mittens from a scratch and I love that, too. In your previous posts you said you refer to Japanese craft books, didn't you? If you have a problem with instructions in Japanese, though those books have a lot of photos and very self-explanatory, please let me know as I understand Japanese and might be able to help you. Chloe Patricia

  18. What a great idea! I felted a lovely pink charity shop jumper recently - only trouble was it shrank from a size 16 to a 'fits the Minx perfectly' size - it looks great on her too! I'll have to wait a bit longer for my wristwarmers!!



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