October 20, 2008

Fluffy stuff...

I'm really starting to feel a need to get back to designing some new softies.  I have been making the odd one, but nothing to a new pattern for a while now.  But due to not being 100% happy with the polyester stuffing I have been using, I didn't want to start anything new without addressing this.  So, inspired by this post by Mimi Kirchner all about stuffings, I went on an internet mission last week to track down a UK supplier of some more suitable fibres.

I like my softies and any of my soft fabric sculptures to have a bit of weight to them, it is part of what separates them from being classed as a toy and more as a piece of art.  The stuffing I had been using is very light and foamy, and whilst it is very easily acquired, and easy to work with, was somewhat lacking in guts when it came to the finished article.  I also have a yearning for some natural wool stuffing, so here is what I came up with...

this is carded white lambswool,

and as I was buying unseen, I also played it safe and went for some of this, white polyester staple.  They both have a really nice texture to them, and pull apart easily into small chunks, and came from this supplier.  The main problem I had was with the quantity.  It is sold on weight, and I just could not get my head round visualising exactly how much stuffing 4kg was going to be.  The quantity I bought was based on economy more than anything, I wanted a reasonable amount that would last a while and save on any repeat postage should I run out too soon and need to re-order.  Turns out 4kg is quite a lot of stuffing...

there's loads of it! 



Becky J. said...

so many options....i might have to try this myself. looks nice. come on over to cupcake week on my blog! every one is invited.

ittybittyandpretty said...

interesting subject.... being new to this crafting game i have only stuffed a few things. the first was a babushka doll (one red robin design) and a soft rattle toy (MY DESIGN very excited about that) both had different stuffing. the doll had thick weighty stuffing and the toy light fluffy stuffing. so i do understand what you mean and i will be in a pickle next time i make another doll. thanks for your advice. xx rosey
p.s. visit my halloween post if you dare!!

Kitty said...

I buy 4kg at a time for the monkeys. I can't 'house' any 'bigger' than that, so I can relate to how much you have there! x

море нежности said...

you can make that balls :


monda-loves said...

you'll have to keep us posted as to how you get on with the lambswool - I rather fancy trying this, I'd feel much more 'green' if I used natural stuffings in my softies. Is it much more expensive that the polyester stuffing?


Anonymous said...

I've bought and tried lambswool -but it's a bit 'whiffy' don't you find?

Unknown said...

That is really funny - 4lbs of stuffing will take you a long long way ;-) You'll just have to make lots and lots of new softies!

pasiakowa said...

Haha.. I know what you can have there :)
I did the same with some polyester stuffing - it was sold by meters and I'm glad I bought only 1m ;)

Well... now you have to make a lots of plushies we will be admiring :D

All the best to you!

caro said...

stunning creatures, colurs & happy things. I also have that moda fabric, bought with irresistable impulse....
I hope it's okay that I have linked you?

Things Hand Made said...

You will be able to make loads then!

Mrs Moog said...

At least you won't run out for a while!

Reminds me of my Mum's story of herself as a newlywed going into a shop and asking for half a pound of bay leaves. The pile was huge but she was too embarrassed to ask for less. We had bay leaves for about 20 years!!


Laura Marie said...

Aww i hope you have fun using all that! i just needed to tell you that since my sister tagged me for the "6 unique things" game...i needed to tag 6 people to play for themselves...hope you dont mind that your one of them...youll need to check out my blog to get the details...


picciolo said...

I've just found your blog and wanted to say hi, I hope you aren't buried under all that stuffing!
: )

Pixiedust said...

I just found you via Sew Hip Magazine. What a fantastic blog and lovely ideas. I feel really inspired now. xxx Pixie xxx

Talie said...

I like my crafts to be as eco-friendly as poss so I have to say Wool stuffing is the best! I love it and it's sheepy smell! Actually I think it depends on where you get it from as to how much it smells or wether it smells at all! My next fave stuffing is Polyester stuffing reclaimed from from old cushions and pillows (washed of course). I find our pillows go too lumpy to use again if we put them in the washer so I open them up and use them for stuffing instead!
Happy stuffing!

Karin said...

that carded wool looks yummy!

Luciana F. Damiano said...

Eu gostei muito do seu blog, principalmente da corujinha, é linda!
Assim que der eu vou fazer uma pra mim, só de feltro.

Anonymous said...

I really like the idea of using wool in my softies too, fells more natural.