
October 16, 2008

Catching up...

I've spent this week catching up with myself on all the unfinished sewing projects.  There are a small range of items to go to a real, bricks and mortar local craft shop which I'm about half way through, in addition to a few bits and pieces to make a mini Etsy update of 'red' inspired designs.

(by the way, this is the flower pincushion I created in pattern form, for the subscription gift pack for 'Sew Hip' magazine)

Our half term holiday from school starts on Monday, and at this time of year we have 2 weeks off, so crafting time will be limited to the evenings, if I can keep my eyes open by then, hence, the catching up.

One thing I did do, is join Twitter!, I've never been able to get my head round MySpace and Facebook, but Twitter seems like fun if you fancy joining.  Oh, and please take part in the poll for the christmas tutorial (see the blog sidebar), I'm aiming to post the whole 'how to' for it, in November and will make a start on the instructions once we have a winner!

Another announcement is that since I now have so many patterns and tutorials available, with the kitten also being out there and available in Sew Hip magazine, I've created a Flickr group for anyone who has made something from my patterns to show off their creations, whether it be an eye patch, the jam pot topper or an owl egg cosy...,

Please do join, I'd love to see what has been made!


  1. I don't 'get' Facebook. I know there must be something to it, because lots of lovely, intelligent people I know use it all the time. I think I need a tutorial on it!

    Would the stumpwork card kit I won in your giveaway and made a card from, qualify for your Flickr group? If so, I'm happy to send it over.


  2. Hi! I've followed you here from crafteroo. I got my copy of sew hip this morning and thought I'd have a go at the mini kitten, its really nice:) If I don't mess it up I'll pop a pic of it in your new flickr group:)

  3. Vert very nice. Two weeks ago I thought to sew in a girls room florets, then I look at your blog and you are already sewed, it is much more beautiful than my idea. Very beautifully

  4. My daughter can't wait to get started on the kitten in SEW HIP. We're making it together(!). Like the idea of the Flickr group.

  5. Oh, I am going to have to gets some patterns..I can't wait for a book to come out. Move over Amy Butler her comes Lucy Kate. Kara

  6. these are all so beautiful.
    i will love to get to do some of these.

  7. your projects are really beautiful!!
    i listed you in my fav crafts blog!


thank you to all those who leave a comment, i try my best to comment in return, when blogger makes this possible, as i enjoy visiting all your blogs and adding to my ever growing blogroll!

if i can't find you, as blogger does not always make it easy to trace people/profiles, i will answer any questions or queries within my blog comments section, so please check back!.